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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fallen Angels: From Eternity to Time

Today’s Topic: The Fallen Angels: From Eternity to Time

Scripture: Revelation 9:1-11; Joel 2:30,31; Matthew 24:29; Acts 2:17-19

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

I know we have discussed some out-of-this world information in the past few messages and we have because it is J. Now for many people this is either incomprehensible or to a Kingdom Citizen who is spiritually discerned it is revelation and food for the soul. What is sad is for many believers the Bible is a mythological book instead of a Book of Truth inspired by God for His children. You will either believe that what will be will be and when the demonic hit the Earth you will live in terror or you will hear from God, believe Him and have knowledge of what is coming. Now we have laid a large foundation on the demonic but after reading all of that someone who is hungry for the word will ask one question: “How will these fallen spirits come into our world”? Now what we will discuss if you are not spiritually minded will disturb your soul. Let’s look at Revelation 9:1

Revelation 9:1,2

Now here we have the fifth angel sounding the fifth of the seven horns and it says in scripture that a star fell from heaven unto the Earth. Now before we go any further in this message I stated before that depending on the context of the word star it can also mean angel. Now if there was a star falling to the Earth it could be called an Asteroid and this is where we get the word in Greek, Asterios. But this word also means angel. Now if we continue to read this verse alone then we will see that this is no mere star. The verse continues: “and to him…”. Now there is no doubt that we are talking about a being and not a falling star. He keeps confirming even further in the verse: “And to him was given the key to the bottomless pit” Now another name for the bottomless pit is Abyss and we will refer to it as such throughout the messages. Now this angel opens this pit and smoke comes out of the pit and the sun is darkened. Now the question should be to us? Where is this bottomless pit? For the answer, go back to the earlier portion on verse 1. The angel fell from where to where? He fell from heaven to earth. So if he fell from heaven to earth then the bottomless pit is located in the earth in our realm. It is not complicated to understand but if you allow your beliefs to creep in, you will be deceived. Now this angel opens the Abyss and smoke comes out, so much that it darkens the sun. Can we really fathom that? Now many preachers will try to say that this is from nuclear explosions or exchange and it has thrown debris into the sky and it has darkened the sun. Now for the sake of time I am going to show you this and then we will continue this in the next message because it is so much information. How is it not nuclear explosion? One thing I have learned is God confirms and destroys these myths in His Word. Let’s go to Matthew 24:29. Jesus tells us after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens be shaken. This is consistent with Revelation 9:1-11. Now let’s take a step further back to the Old Testament, Joel 2:30-31:


Now if God is prophesying this through Joel then you can rest assured that it will happen. Even after the resurrection of Jesus, the disciple Peter preached in Jerusalem in Acts 2:19-20 the prophecy of Joel to the people in Jerusalem. Why would God consistently say the same thing multiple times through different people? He is trying to warn us and prepare us so that we are aware of the things to come. Now in Revelation 9:1 John is privileged to see how the sun will be darkened. Clearly in the scripture it will be darkened by the pillars of smoke coming from the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:2). No nuclear explosion or massive volcano eruption but an angel who unlocks the bottomless pit.

In the next message we are going to look at the bottomless pit, what is in there and what does it mean for the Earth.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.