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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fallen Angels and the Demonic Kingdom Part 2

Today’s Topic: Signs in the Heavens: Fallen Angels and the Demonic Kingdom Part 2

Scripture: Deuteronomy 18:10,11; Psalm 12:8; 2 Chronicles 7:14;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

I know we talked extensively of how the fallen angels receive authority to rule over populations by the leaders of that population yielding their authority to these fallen angels through decision making and worship. Now we talked also about how these civilizations and nations would appease the gods through blood sacrifices and worship. Now I want to add to this because before we solve the problem we need to identify all problems. The sacrificing of children does not only include blood sacrifice and in Deuteronomy 18:10,11 God tells us other ways we allow or make our children pass through the fire. Those who practice divination, observer of times (zodiac signs), an enchanter, witch, charmer, consulter with familiar spirits, a wizard or a necromancer. In certain African nations, witch doctors are telling people who have AIDS, which is devastating the landscape, to have intercourse with virgin and they would be healed. Now as backward as that may seem that is the culture and when it is allowed to go uncheck and without Kingdom influence then this cycle continues under the authority of the demonic spirits. In addition when we condone and allow our children to watch and listen to these movies, t.v. programs, entertainers (music or television) we permit the fallen spirits to rule. Let me show you this, Psalms 12:8: “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted”. When we lift people up who are sinners and do not care about the true and living God as evident in their lives then we allow the wicked (fallen spirits) to walk freely. So when we put someone in office, regardless of race or color, who yields themselves to promoting or accepting homosexuality or condoning abortion then we have yielded our nation through the leader to the authority of the demonic. Do you know that God will actually allow and even appoint the lowest of men to show a nation its sins? Let’s look at Daniel 4:17:


The basest of men is the low of the low and it is to let the nation know through a mirror (the leader) the sins they are committing against the Most High. Now sin is disobedience or rebellion and this is what the fallen angels tried to do in Heaven and is what got them exiled out of the Highest Heaven. Now after all of that, what is the solution? How do we heal this problem? Very simple!

2 Chronicles 6:14: “If my people who are called by my name (sons of God), shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.

Unless we as a nation and a people really get back to God not just in prayer but in actions and allow God to appoint us a Kingdom-lead person in office then the nation will always be under demonic rule. So if you want the nation to be under the firm rule of the Most High then the nation needs to turn to God and allow Him to appoint His leader. A great example was when the children of Israel was being led by God and noticed that these other nations had a visible King that ruled over them, they pleaded with God to give them a King they could see. Now God said I will be your king and you will be my people and the people said they wanted a king they can see like everyone else. Kingdom citizens, never settle for less than what God wants to give you. So God let them select a king and they chose Saul. Now Saul had a little problem and it was false god worship and Samuel had to inform Saul that he has sinned against the Most High. Later on Saul would fall and God will appoint David. Now David had his own problems but David loved God and chased after the heart of God. Under David, Israel prospered and grew. Even though David would fall due to disobedience, it does not go without saying the difference between Saul, the people appointed king and David, God’s appointed King. Furthermore it would be the King David throne that Jesus would sit on and not the King Saul throne. We as Kingdom citizens are called-out to be the voices of the Lord in a world full of sin. We are called–out to be light for all to see. Not a light as ourselves but allow the light of Christ to shine in a world ruled by darkness and allow those in darkness to see the light which is Christ and be drawn to Him. The demonic fallen angels hate this and there is no wonder why the demonic is fighting Christ on every side from trying to ban prayer and suppression of the celebration of Christ, His birth and His resurrection. No matter how much darkness there is in a room, when a little light shines, no matter how little it is, the darkness cannot consume it nor contain it. The fallen angels will never consume nor contain the Word of God, no matter how they may try. They may have the saints killed and persecuted but God will continue to have children preaching and displaying the Kingdom of God unto the end of the Age. Are you willing and able to stand up to the demonic. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. If you keep that and know that, then there is no need to fear them.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.