Today’s Topic: The Fallen Angels: The Abyss (The Bottomless Pit)
Scripture: Revelation 9:1-11
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now in the past message we stopped at Revelation 9:2. Today we are going to look at the Abyss and what it is, who is there and how will this pit impact the Earth. Now I want to go back to verse 1 and look at this angel because this angel has a name and it is mentioned in this very chapter. This angel is the ruler over the bottomless pit. His name is Abadon, in Hebrew and Apollyon, in Greek translated as The Destroyer. Now let’s start at Revelation 9:3 to continue at this powerful and revealing set of scriptures. Now we already know that the pit is now open and pillars of smoke are coming out of this pit and the smoke darkens the sun. But what is in the pit and what is going to come out of it?
Revelation 9:3-6
In this scripture it states that locusts came upon the Earth and power was given to them like scorpions. Now it is easy to see and be mislead if you stop here about these “locusts” because we would think these are insects but let’s see who God says they are. In verse 4 and 5 we see what these “locusts” are coming to do. They are called to torment all of the men of the Earth who do not have the seal of God in their foreheads. These “locusts” are not commanded to kill these people but torment them for five months. The torment will be so bad that in verse 6 it states that men will seek death. What a thought! We are afraid of death but the torment will be so bad that men will seek, actively for death but the scripture goes on to say that they shall not find death. Do you realize that God is in control of Death, the spirit! He is still under our Lord’s command. Is there no wonder why these people who choose not to follow Lord Jesus, the Christ are feeling the wrath of disobedience and rebellion? Now in these 4 verses we see these “locusts” on the Earth and their mission and assignment is also given. Now the revelation!
Revelation 9:7-10
Now John describes these locusts in detail and you tell me are these really locusts:
1. Shaped like horses prepared for battle (pretty large locust?)
2. Wearing crowns like gold
3. Faces of Men, Hair Like Women and Teeth Like Lions
4. Breastplates of Iron
5. Wings
6. Tails like Scorpions
Now it is obvious from this description that these are not locusts. These are the fallen spirits of the demonic. The crowns they wore as if they were gold tells me of their fallen state because true gold does not tarnish. They had faces of men, hair like women and teeth like lions. Obviously it is not an insect. They had wings. Now we have already concluded that these are the fallen angels of the demonic and their assignment is also given.
Revelation 9:11
These fallen angels had a king over them and his name was Apollyon (Greek) or Abadon (Hebrew). His name is translated as The Destroyer. So we have these forces of darkness and they have a king over them. Does not this describe a kingdom?
Now I want to point to this very urgent point. Now we know that in our stars in our heavens, a third of them will be flung to the Earth and this is symbolic or the demonic coming into the Earth. So how do they get into our dimension from the dimension of the eternal? Well if you read Revelation 9:3 you will see they come from the Abyss. So we now can conclude that the Abyss, or bottomless pit is the connection between our world of time and space and the demonic in the eternal. Now this Abyss is not a good place for these fallen angels and I want to show you. Remember back in Mark 5:1-19 where Jesus came in contact with the man possessed with the many devils in the tombs of the Gaderenes? Now when Jesus approached the man in verse 7 we see the spirits talking through the man to Jesus and said these words in Mark 5:7: “…What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.” Now is Jesus going to torment them per say? No! But he had the authority to cast them into the Abyss where they would be tormented. This is why the spirits made the request in verse 12 to go into the swine because they did not want to go into the Abyss. Now if the demons are scared of the Abyss, how terrifying could this Abyss really be? But I really want to conclude that this Abyss is the connection between our world and the demonic. Now when this Abyss is opened, the demonic will freely come into our world and into time and look like they were described as Revelation 9:7-10.
This is not some sci-fi picture nor is it some movie. These are not aliens and all of these mythical things we can think of. These are the words of our Lord and God through the angels and through the Apostle John. This is very simple and as you can see it is in your Bible in black and white and in some translations, in red also. We either will believe and have peace or not believe and live in terror. Currently at this time when we hear about devastating earthquakes and tsunamis and our hearts just nearly faint at the sight of these things. If you are not prepared, how do you think mankind react to the fallen spirits of the Abyss on Earth, face-to-face?
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.