Today’s Topic: Signs in The Heavens: The Concept of Shaking
Scripture: Matthew 24:29; Hebrews 12:25-28; Numbers 24:17; 2 Corinthians 12:1,2; Ephesians 6:12; Revelation 12:7-10
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
What was Jesus talking about when He said in Matthew 24:29 that the powers of the heavens will be shaken? Why would God shake anything? Well let’s look at this simple picture. When you shake something, you displace it or move it from where it is currently located. For example when we look at certain medicines, the bottle will say shake well before taking. Why? Because the medicine when sitting for a prolonged period of time will tend to separate and settle at the bottom and then you will see two distinct layers within the bottle. When you shake that bottle, you displace the medicine from the bottom to throughout the entire bottle. So the first concept of shaking is that God wants to move something.
When God wants to move us from a complacent life or advance us in the Kingdom, He will shake up our lives and this will cause us to move from the current state and move into another. One of the events in my life that I can recall when God shook me was when God was trying to get me to move to the job He had for me and not the job I wanted because of the money. My life began to be uncomfortable and unfulfilled from the standpoint of not finding a wife and feeling true happiness. But God needed me to move because where I was, I was not growing spiritually. But God knowing I would make some unwise decisions was ready to set me up to be where He wanted me to be. All I could see at the time was the loss of money but He saw prosperity. When I moved, I found true happiness and joy in the Holy Spirit. I began to learn more about the Kingdom. God removed all those people that called themselves friends and made it so that the only person in my life was Jesus. When I gave my life over to Him, the money did not matter, and I received when I was not looking my best friend and other half of me, my lovely wife Bianca. But it took God shaking me and making life uncomfortable for me to come closer to Him. Now as we know God shakes up our lives to move us from season to season but in the scripture, Matthew 24:29, Jesus said the powers of Heaven will be shaken.
The second concept to shaking is knowing what can be moved. So it is vital for us to understand what will be moved. Now, we already understand from the same scripture that the sun, moon and stars in our visible heaven will be moved, so what in heaven will be moved? Jesus said the powers in the heavens shall be shaken. To get the full answer we need to go to Ephesians 6:12. Here in this scripture is describes the demonic forces and there location but what I want you to key in on is in this scripture it says we wrestle against the POWERS and spiritual wickedness in high places. So what will be shaken is the demonic realm of the second heaven. Now the things that will be moved are anything that was created. Angels are created beings, are they not? Now the difference between us and them is that we are creatures born in time but when we are born again and become Kingdom citizens, we now become an eternal creation in time. Do not be confused. The demonic are eternal creatures for now. They enjoy the advantage of invisibility but when the heavens are shaken, that advantage will be taken away because they will, including Satan, will be cast out of the second heaven into the Earth.
So this stays consistent with the concept of shaking and the purpose which is to move something from its current position and place it in another. I would like to continue with this understanding of shaking because we need to understand God shook the Earth and we need to look back at this in a wonderful set of scriptures. We will continue of study of the Return of Lord and the concept of shaking.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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