Today’s Topic: The Beginning of Sorrows: The Wars
Scripture: Matthew 24:6,7
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
As we look through this framework of the beginning of sorrows and the signs associated with it. Jesus states in these scriptures that there will be wars and rumors of wars and kingdoms will fight against kingdoms and nations against nations. Now before I go further in this message, I am not taking sides but using examples of what Jesus mean, so please do not be offended. Now in this present day we hear about wars and rumors of wars. For example, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is an actual war taking place. An example of a rumor of war is that of the United States and Iran or North Korea over nuclear proliferation. Now I am only speaking from the perspective of the United States but there are clear evidences of other wars that have happened or are rumored to be on the horizon or a possibility. But Jesus comforts us and tells not to be troubled because these things MUST come to pass. But Jesus does not stop there, He goes on and describe the kinds of wars we will see. He said there will be kingdoms against kingdoms and nations against nations. Now for some of us that may sound redundant but it is not. Let’s look at the nations against nations first.
The word nation in the Greek is translated as ethnos or ethnic (race). So we will see ethnic or race wars in this period of time. Have we seen them? Absolutely and let’s name a few:
1. Nazi Germany against the Jews
2. Balkin War (Serbs against Croats)
3. Segregation Era of the United States (Blacks against Whites)
4. The Tutsis and Hutus
Now the reason this is a sign is because the spirit of murder and racism will reign in these cases and in the lives of these people. Just because of the color of their skin they will murder another human being. We saw Hitler and Nazi Germany murder millions of Jews. The Tutsis and Hutus have also killed millions between each other. In the Balkin War between the Serbs and Croats hundreds of thousands of people were murdered because of the ethnicity of one group over another. Now Jesus also says Kingdom against Kingdom.
Now when we look at kingdom versus kingdoms we need to deal with the one that matters most and it is the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of God. This war has raged ever since the fall of the sinful angels from glory to the 2nd Heaven where they abide today until the appointed time to where they will be kicked out of Heaven on Earth. The reason this war is so important is because it is an eternal war and depending on the side that you choose to be on, that determines where you will spend eternity. We as the children of God are in the middle of this war and because you are born again, Satan cannot take you out of the Kingdom but he can defile you through setting traps and atmospheres so that you will sin against God. Now there are earthly wars of kingdoms against kingdoms and let me bring this out so that we have a firm understanding of what is really going on. When Middle Eastern Countries (some not all) view the west, they are typically talking about the United States and the United Kingdom and as we know the United States is a ally of Israel. Now some of these Middle East countries do not recognize the country of Israel and its right to exist so there are constant attacks and wars and rumors of wars between Israel and those nations. Now, after September 11 in the United States, the military of the United States and other countries invaded the country of Iraq to fight terror. Now some say it was political reasons, to fight terror, overthrow Saddam Hussein and even oil (economic reasons). Now I can tell you I have no clue what the exact reason is but the way we view it in the west is not the way they view it from these Middle eastern Muslim Countries. When these countries see the United States and other western countries in their land, they are not thinking political they are thinking religion. They see Christians invading Muslim lands and trying to enforce their ideals and beliefs on the people. Now here is the kicker. When you are dealing with a person who believes that what they are doing will get them in Heaven and sacrifice is viewed as a great thing, then death is not a fear-factor for them because they are willing to die for what they believe in. There is a Muslim fighting group called the Mujahidin fighters and they declared a holy war against those Christian nations in their countries. So they see it religiously where for the most part we see it as fighting terrorism. So Jesus has told us do not fret or worry because these things must come to past.
But I want all of you to really understand the fight is not flesh and blood but with the principalities and the rulers of darkness.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.