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Monday, December 20, 2010

Understanding the Concept of God in the Form of Man

House of God
Today’s Topic: Understanding the Concept of God in the Form of Man
Scripture: Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:1-4

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Now when God came in the form of a man, God took on the test, Himself, whether or not this creature could be like God. How do we know this? God was subject to all the temptations and conditions man would find himself in. In this state, God deprived Himself of all the qualities of God except the character (ability to love) and the nature of God which is being Spirit. These are the only two qualities He possessed to show and reintroduce man to the very thing God created man to be.

Lord Jesus Christ (God in man) came into the earth to show us what man was designed to be. So Jesus was the end of the matter because when He came into the world, He came in a form in which man would end up. Now Jesus was subject to everything that man would be subject to and that includes temptation and encounters with the enemy, Satan. Let’s look at an example in Matthew 4. Now in Matthew 4:2-4, Jesus has been fasting for forty days and forty nights and now Satan comes to tempt Jesus. Well it is obvious what would be the first temptation because of the fasting. Satan tempts Jesus to turn stone to bread. Now after 40 days and nights and no food or water, you better believe in the flesh I would have some loaves right now. But Jesus uses the Word of God to fight back because in verse 4 Jesus says “It is written…” Jesus was quoting Deuteronomy 8:3. Now that may look simple but there is so much more to this and the other temptations but I want to show you the concept in general and this can be applied to the others. When confronted with the enemy, you have a choice to follow the soul or the Spirit of God. Now if you follow the soul then your primary concern is saving your life through making sure you have provision and protection. However, if you follow the Spirit of God then you give up total control of your life by permitting God to be in control. Now if Jesus would have turned the stones to bread, the program of salvation would be finished and we could not be reconciled back to the Father and restored to rulership in the Earth. So in quoting the Word of God Jesus clearly followed the Spirit of God and of course He does it three more times in this same passage.

Jesus came to reconcile and restore us from the fall of Adam. Adam made the wrong choice and was lost to the purpose of the Father and to the father in general. The House of God for over 4,000 years was fallen and mankind declines in his connection to God and his purpose of representing the Father.

In the next message we will look at the unchangeable oath and the choice for man.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.