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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Representational Rule: Different Viewpoints of Life

House of God

Today’s Topic: Representational Rule: Different Viewpoints of Life

Scripture: Romans 8:16; Genesis 3:6-11; John 1:14;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:

In our various cultures and societies, how we perceive things determine how we react and make judgments about those things. However we know from our previous series, Culture of the Kingdom, because the church has not adopted nor understood the culture of the Kingdom some tend to allow the natural and worldly societies to influence the direction of the church in order to stay viable in a area. They try to impose worldly culture on the Kingdom of God and we know that is incorrect but the Kingdom of God should be the culture of the Earth because it is the culture of Kingdom that creation responds to. When Adam was created before the fall Adam had one viewpoint in life, God’s. Adam had Holy Spirit within him and based on what God told him, Adam obeyed and did what God instructed him to do. Now with this said we know that there are two viewpoints to life: God and man’s. Now these viewpoints are interpreted from two of the three components of man: The soul and the spirit. Now we already understand that God speaks to us Spirit to spirit (Romans 8:16) and the soul is the center of our reasoning and emotions. The physical body responds to what we ultimately decide on what we believe and perceive. Now back to Adam, the reason Adam could do everything that God required of Him because He was led by the Spirit of God and He consistently made the decision to follow God because for one, He was all Adam knew. So what we have is Adam’s spirit led by Holy Spirit and His soul was BLINDLY following the spirit and the Will of God being done in the Earth. But what happened at the fall?

Genesis 3:6,7: “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”

Now the scripture speaks of both (Adam and Eve) of their eyes being opened. Let’s look at this. After the fall were their physical eyes open? Yes because they could see the physical earth and the creation within it. Were their spirit eyes open? No longer because Holy Spirit is now recalled and they now cannot see or receive the truth as it is because it is only revealed Spirit to spirit. So that leaves the eyes of the soul to be opened. This is the eyes that the Scripture speaks of because now man has a different viewpoint about life. Can we prove it. Look at Genesis 3:7. It says they KNEW THEY WERE NAKED. Adam and Eve did not know they were naked until after the fall and God asked Adam in Genesis 3:11, “Who told him he was naked?” So Adam and Eve now has received some type of alternative knowledge than the original knowledge they received from God. This knowledge or bread they ate of brings about death. Man’s perception of life from that point on was changed until God sends His Son, full of grace and truth (John 1:14) to restore us back into rulership and reconcile us back into the House of God. Now man’s perception of life is still declining in the sense of sin maturing in the Earth. More and more do we understand less of the spiritual because of our carnal viewpoint of the world.

Now before the fall God spoke to man plainly and revealed the truths about the secrets of the earth to Adam. After mankind fell no longer can He reveal those same truths because the connection Holy Spirit-to-spirit man is now severed and there is a separation from God. Because of this God spoke to man in types and shadows and not the reality. God understood that man could no longer see the truth in a plain way in which He intended because a veil had arisen between God and man and it was the veil of the soul.

The veil of the soul now presents a different viewpoint of life to mankind. In the next message we will look at an example of how it does that so that we come to realize the difference between the type or shadow and the reality. Adam could only rule by what God told Him and showed Him.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.