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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Representational Rule: The Soul

House of God

Today’s Topic: Representational Rule: The Soul

Scripture: Matthew 26:38,42

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:

The soul is where we reason, make choices and feel emotions. It is not, where we receive revelation from God. This is very important to understand. The soul is the person’s free will center. Hence this is why you can make choices and the reason you are not a robot. Now let me show you at least one scripture where Jesus refers to His soul and it being tied to an emotion.

Matthew 26:38: …My soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death: tarry ye here and watch with me.”

Jesus is speaking to Peter and the two sons of Zebedee at Gethsemane and speaks of His soul being sorrowful but in verse 41 of the same chapter Jesus says but the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Now it is evident that we have opposing forces going on. On one hand we have the soul sad unto to death and the spirit willing to do exactly what the Father commands. In the midst of this possible turmoil Jesus prays to Father and His prayer settles the issue when in Matthew 26:42: …Thy Will be done.

Now with that said the soul can act independent of God. It is the center of your free will. Now for the Creator, the Father, God to give us free will is a huge thing to me because it shows how deep His love is for us. Knowing we would sin and our sins would in the natural sense break the heart and in some cases kill us as parents. He still loves us so deeply that despite all of that He would still have The Way come, named Jesus, His Son to redeem us and reconcile us back to the Father.

Now that we have the foundation for the spirit, soul and body in the next message we will look at The Various Points-of-View of mankind.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.