Today’s Topic: The Great War: The Revelation of the Enemy
Scripture: Daniel 7
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now we are at this powerful point in this series so let’s get right to it.
Daniel 7:17
Now the four beasts are four kings that will come out of the Earth. Now every king has a kingdom. So we can say and I will also show you that these four beasts also represent four kingdoms of the Earth
Daniel 7:18
Here in this scripture we see that the saints of the Most High will possess the Kingdom and possess the kingdom for ever even forever and ever. Now who are these saints? Remember back in Revelation 12 where the virgin gave birth to the man child or the mature Sons of God. This is who this scripture is referring to.
Daniel 7:19-21
Now in the first message about the great plan I told you that in the description of the beasts that the fourth beast was the most intriguing and here it is. Verse 19 describes this beast again and in verse 20 we see the little horn that will come up and cause the other three to fall and the horn had eyes and a mouth that spoke things whose look was more stout than the others. Now in verse 21 this same horn that comes up on this beast WILL MAKE WAR WITH THE SAINTS AND PREVAIL OVER THEM. This is in your Bible. This horn, the person will make war with the saints and prevail over them. Look back at Revelation 12:17. Who made war with the saints here? Satan! Are we seeing a picture yet? But we already established that the beast is a king and a kingdom. So if satan is the head or the horn that is the king then what kingdom is he bringing? The Demonic Kingdom to Earth. Now that was a mouth full but let’s keep going.
Daniel 7:22
Now it is not until the Ancient of Days come and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the Kingdom. Now this is not contradictory to verse 18 this is still referring to the Mature Sons of God.
Daniel 7:23-28
Now this fourth beast is revealed. First it is a kingdom upon the Earth which is different from all the kingdoms of the Earth. Now that is powerful. Out of every kingdom that has ever been on earth this one will be different. This kingdom will devour the entire Earth. In other words, it will rule and control the entire Earth. Next the 10 horns are revealed to be 10 kings and when the one king that rises up he will subdue three of the kings. This new king will speak great words against the Most High and shall WEAR OUT THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH and think to change times and laws: And they (the saints) shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time (3 and ½ years). Now the revelation! What God is showing Daniel is that the fourth beast a kingdom on Earth, but it is not just any kingdom but a Global Kingdom and it will be ruled by a global leader.
This Global Kingdom is the Kingdom of Satan and will be administered by Satan with the Antichrist and the False Prophet
Now the good news after all of that, in verse 26 the judgment against satan and the beast shall stand and their power will be taken away and will be cast into the lake of fire. This is how Satan will wage war against the saints. It will be through his Global Kingdom with the Antichrist as His spokesperson. Now there are already signs of this global kingdom forming but we will deal with this in a subsequent message.
Daniel then ends this stating that it bothered him so much that he kept it in his heart. Listen, God had to show Daniel this in a dream. In Babylon, these people did not even know really about a globe or let alone the rest of the world. So how could you explain to Daniel a Global Kingdom when the concept and the mindset of the people were limited to that area of the Middle East? Times are changing please continue to study and read with us.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.