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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Composition of the Beast: Mark of the Beast

Today’s Topic: Composition of the Beast – The Systematic Kingdom: Mark of the Beast

Scripture: Revelation 13:16-18

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now I pray that everyone pays attention to this. Anyone at this time during the rule of the Global Kingdom, will have to opt into the system to receive any type of benefits or even to participate in the Global Kingdom. Remember this is a systematic kingdom. Now let me give you a great example of how this will work because it is already being done in certain areas of our society.

For about 99% of hotels, unless you have a credit card you will not be able to do business with that hotel. These hotels do not take cash nor check. They will only take credit but look what they can do with that information if they chose to. They could find you from the standpoint of calling the credit card company and getting vital information about you and reach you if they need to. The Global Kingdom will work exactly like this. Let’s prove it in scripture:

Revelation 13:16

Here it says he (Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. Now I want to pause and show you this. The scripture says he causes all. Causes mean that you will freely take the mark. This is exactly how you will opt into the Global Kingdom and its provisions. This is why God and the ministry discourages tattoos because it desensitizes you to marking your body and if you have been “all tatted-up” then getting a little mark in your hand or forehead would then be no big deal. Now we are clearly informed that this mark will be in our right hand or in the forehead. Let me take a second to tell you the difference between a mark and a seal. A seal is an imprint from a ring signifying authority and the right to act on behalf of the one giving the authority. A mark signifies that someone owns you. Just like they brand cattle with a mark to show that a particular person owned that cattle. So anyone who takes a mark shows that they are owned by the beast. This is why once again those people who participate in these fraternities and sororities who brand one another like a owner brands cattle. Now forever on the temple of the Holy Spirit, if you are born again, will be a brand of ownership by some organization.

Revelation 13:17,18

Now here is the revelation to the beast being systematic and not geographic. No man will be able to buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the names of the beast or the number of his name. So the only way that you will be able to buy or sell is that you take the mark of the beast. You will not be forced against your free will to take the mark of the beast, but if you want to use any of the world’s systems then you will have to take the mark of the beast. So you will freely opt into the system and once you opt in, it is over for you. This is why the gospel of prosperity is such a farce because it centers your life around money and material things and these things will be controlled by Satan and if you believe in this gospel then you will take the mark of the beast because you believe in name-it, claim-it. Now in verse 18 we see that John is warning us that this is wisdom and the ones that have understanding know that the number of the beast is six hundred and sixty-six.

Now we understand that in order to participate in any of these world systems, you will have to opt-in freely by taking the mark of the beast. This is a terrible time in our society at this time and I hope that you begin to see this and understand that we need to know these things and God did not intend for this to be a mystery. In the next message we will look at Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet as the leadership of the Global Kingdom.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.