Today’s Topic: Satan’s Kingdom – The Global Kingdom - Progression
Scripture: Genesis 3, Genesis 15:13; Exodus 23:23; Romans 1:21-28; Daniel 7, Revelation 13
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The beginning of this progression to the Global Kingdom started in the Garden of Eden. When Adam and Even chose to rebel against God, much like Satan chose to rebel against God in Heaven then subsequently they were kicked out from dwelling with God. Satan was kicked out of the Highest Heaven and mankind was kicked out of the Kingdom of God. Now with the fall in the garden, the eyes of man’s soul was open (Genesis 3:7). How do we know? Their physical eyes were already open at that time. Their spiritual eyes were also open at that time because they fellowship with God freely. But before the fall the eyes of their soul were closed so in essence before the fall mankind’s soul blindly followed the spirit and the flesh responded to the spirit. This is exactly what God wants us to do today, get our flesh in check, submit to His Will and follow His Spirit in faith. Now when the fall happened mankind also lost fellowship with the source and provider of their protection, so this lead mankind to seek their own protection and provision for themselves (Genesis 3:7). This right here is the beginning of how Satan will develop his kingdom on the Earth. If we continue to look in time and progress through the Bible we see the growth of evil, self-preservation, self-protection and pride.
The evil in the Earth was so bad at one time; mankind came from within one family of being utterly destroyed and Satan destroying the program of God. We are speaking about Noah and the flood (Genesis 6). Next we see the birth of the kingdom of Sodom, rich in sexual immorality and perversion which God destroys. Then we have the kingdom of Egypt with its 900 various false gods and its supreme ruler (Pharaoh). Of course Pharaoh began to kill all of the young men that were born to suppress the growth of the children of Israel. Of course God sends His appointed messenger and representative, one of their very own Israeli brothers, sounds familiar, and through Him, God saves His people from the wrath and rule of Pharaoh. Sounds like Jesus, Huh? Then after Egypt we see the various kingdoms such as the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites and Canaanites, Hivites and Jebusites (Exodus 23:23) that God warns the children of Israel not to be like. This is a great example of how a Father tries to protect his children from the evil in the world. Then of course we see the rise of Babylon and in this city we see the fallen angels through Satan continue the growth of false god worship (Nebuchadnezzar and the Golden Image for example). Now remember, God tried to protect His children in Exodus 23:23 but He told them that they had to be obedient and if they were not then they would suffer consequences and those consequences in many times was that they were conquered and put under the rule of these evil leaders and nations. For example, the evil plot of the 10 sons of Jacob against their brother Joseph eventually landed them in Egypt. Now of course this was prophesied to Abraham years before in Genesis 15:13. So we know when God prophesizes something it will come to past. We then have the kingdom of Babylon then the Roman Empire. Jesus, when He came to Earth, was born under Roman Empire’s time of rulership. Now the Roman Empire structure-wise had the same concepts that God wanted to explain the Kingdom of God but there were various things in the empire that did not please God. The Romans worshipped the goddess Vesper (false god), they saw the Caesars and Emperors of Rome as divine and of course there was the spirit of homosexuality. Paul deals with this in His letter to the Romans in Romans 1:21-28. Now these are a few of the examples of how Satan tried to undermine the work of God in the Earth. In the next message we will see how the Global Kingdom is arising in our very culture.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.