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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Global Kingdom - Cultural Progression

Today’s Topic: Satan’s Kingdom: The Global Kingdom – Cultural Progression

Scripture: Revelation 13:1-5; Daniel 7:8,24,25

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

In the last message we showed how through kingdoms, Satan has tried to frustrate the interests of God in the Earth. But not just through kingdoms have we seen this progression to the Global Kingdom, but also in our very cultures. Let me share a couple of examples.

The largest parts of our culture that we have seen go from central to global is the entertainment culture. Certain types of music used to be located within a certain culture in a certain country, now these artists are global. Two very prominent American artists that are world renown were Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson. Now of course Elvis did various types of music but his music transcended past just American culture but now, and even then, Elvis could have gone to Japan and sung a song in English and draw the same types of crowds if not larger. Michael Jackson is another cultural icon whose music for decades has become popular around the world. Before His death wherever Michael Jackson went, everyone knew him. For many people, they look at these people as idols and we know God never wants us to worship people. The sub-culture Hip-Hop, as revealed by our brother Elder G. Craige Lewis, is recognized actually as a religion. They also have a book of scriptures called the “The Gospel of Hip-Hop.” In addition they actually have Hip-Hop temples in the United States. Hip-Hop used to be predominately an African-American brand of music but now it has become a world-recognized brand of music that is not just limited per say to African Americans. Another part of the American entertainment culture that has really gone global is the movie industry. Movies such as Titanic, Star Wars and the James Bond Series are a few. Now this is not just limited to the American culture. The Martial Arts of the Asian cultures has transcended that region to be a global art form. Yoga which is a meditative practice of Buddhism and Hinduism has now become part of exercise programs globally, but its roots are still in Buddhism and Hinduism. In other words, no Kingdom citizen, son of God, believer in Jesus Christ should be practicing yoga regardless if it is an exercise. The heart and creation of it is in a false god religion.

So just looking at one aspect of our culture we can see a progression of cultural ideals from being local to being global. Now Satan is well aware of this progression and with culture, kingdoms and systems that will ultimately lead up to this beast (Global Kingdom) with 7 Heads and 10 Horns.

Let’s start right here with a small introduction to the make-up of Satan’s Global Kingdom. Now it says in Revelation 13 that this Beast or Kingdom has 7 heads and 10 horns. Now that should raise some questions to us. First how can you have 7 heads and 10 horns? Let me explain. So what you have is 6 heads with 1 horn and 1 head with 4 horns. Now in Daniel 7:8 it speaks of a little horn coming up and plucked up three of the existing horns. Now if we examine this what does it mean? Well the first thing you must understand is that a horn cannot be raised up on a head and displace 3 other horns on 3 different other heads. So where did this horn arise? It arose on the head that had 4 horns already on it. Now this is the head that will be examined and probably the most important of all the other heads. How do I know? If you continue reading Daniel 7:8 it says this horn had eyes like a man and speaking great things. Now the great things this horn was speaking was not anything good in the sense. How do we know? Daniel 7:24,25 says the great things that this horn will speak great words AGAINST the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and think to change the times and the laws. Now what do we know then about this horn? We know it is a man and he will come to change the laws and time. But we also know that this man will be the leader of this Global Kingdom. Let’s confirm it. Revelation 13:2 says that the dragon (Satan) gave him (?) his power, and his seat and great authority. Now I do not want to tell you exactly who this person is because we will reveal this in a subsequent message.

So up to this point we know that we have Satan’s Global Kingdom on Earth being lead by this little horn and he will wage war with the saints and overcome them. Ominous isn’t it. It is in your Bible. In the next message we will look at the composition of this beast.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.