Today’s Topic: Antichrist and the Temple: Part 3
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this final message on the Antichrist and the Temple, I want to bring this full circle back to Paul and show you how this is not only a sign to the Jews but also to the believers of Jesus Christ. Now as we have stated that Paul at the beginning of this chapter deals with the believers at Thessaloniki because there is obvious confusion about the return of the Lord. Now some say that that day had past and some say it is at hand but Paul gives the church the huge sign that will let them know that the Return of the Lord and our gathering with Christ is soon. Now in verse 3 Paul drives this certain point and reference home to them: “For that day (Return of the Lord and the Gathering) SHALL NOT COME, EXCEPT THERE COME A FALLING AWAY FIRST, AND THAT THE MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, THE SON OF PERDITION. Now if they had any problem understanding that, Paul continues to give more clarity to who he is and what he does.
In verse 4 Paul says that this person opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. So Paul explains to them that this man will sit in the rebuilt temple at Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. Now we know through our study that this man is the Antichrist. The shewing of himself is the things that he does and the power he uses to deceive. Now if you want to further confirm this let’s move to verses 8-12.
Then shall that Wicked (Satan) be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Satan and the Antichrist at the appointed time will be revealed for who they are by the brightness of the coming of the Lord. In verse 9 Paul continues: Even him (Antichrist) whose coming IS AFTER THE WORK OF SATAN (Revelation 13:2) with all power and signs and lying wonders. Look at that closely! The Antichrist will use signs, power, which gives him the abilities and deceptive wonders to deceive the nations to worship Satan freely. Now for those who still choose not to come to the truth to be saved, Paul in verse 10 says they will perish. God permits this unimaginable evil on Earth for those who love a lie to be so deceived that they would believe the lie. Now Paul comes again to warn those who choose not to love the truth in verse 12: That they (unbelievers) all might be damned who believed not in the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Even in this late hour, Jesus is still saving. But what I want us to really see is that even in this dark time we have people who choose to be blinded by Satan to the things that they do as being “ok” with God. When these ministries that God has anointed to preach sound doctrine and the truth come out against cultural sins and spiritual sins, why do we as people and children of the truth fight our own brothers and sisters who have taken the boldness of faith to declare what God has said is a sin. See when the fire comes our way, we try to justify what we do as being “ok” with God and the reality is, it is either right or wrong with God. Anything that you put in front of God is an idol. It does not matter whether it is objects such as cars and homes or groups of people and their activities. God holds us all accountable for our own actions but know this without a doubt. Before God brings judgment upon you, He always warns you. From Sodom, to Egypt, to Babylon and to Rome, all of these nations were warned before God brought judgment. There are many others.
But when we see the Antichrist rebuilding the temple of God in Jerusalem and sitting in the temple as if he was God, then we know the end is soon. Now I want to bring out this point because it leads me to our next message. Many theologians believe the church will be raptured, or gathered before all of this so there is no need to worry? I love the thought of it because if you know what is coming then you bet you want to be out of here. But is it scriptural? Will we be gathered out of here before this tribulation hits the Earth? Join us in the next few messages because I know you will enjoy this when we discuss the Doctrine of the Rapture. Many have their opinions, but what does the Word say?
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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