Today’s Topic: The Antichrist and the Temple of God – Part 1
Scripture: Isaiah 14:12-15; Daniel 9:24:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Matthew 24:15-16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
We left off with summarizing that the Antichrist will sit in the temple of God and declare himself as God. Now some try to spiritualize this particular issue and think that he will be amongst the believers because their bodies are the temple for the Holy Spirit and our bodies are a temple for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). But this is not the proper interpretation of this scripture. But to understand the temple the scripture is talking about then we need to go back to where this all started and why the Antichrist would want to do such a thing. Let’s look at Isaiah 14:12-15
Every Kingdom citizen should read Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28 because these two chapters discuss Satan and his fall from the Highest Heaven. But to centralize this let’s look at Isaiah 14. In the 12th verse of Isaiah 14 God tells us that Lucifer has been cut down to the ground and weakened the nations. Who are the nations? The nations are mankind. Now God is going to tell you why he was kicked out of Heaven. In verse 13 God says that “Lucifer said in his heart that he will ascend into heaven and exalt his throne above the stars of God; and will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north (Highest Point).” Now that is paraphrased to show you what Satan was thinking. But he is not done because God continues in verse 14 with Satan saying; “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I (Satan) will be like the Most High”. Now look at that again, it says he wants to sit upon the mount of the congregation. He wanted to be worshipped and sit above everyone. This is why the homosexual spirit is so flamboyant and obvious in the church. They want positions that can be seen such as the Pastor and the Choir. It does not mean that he will not be an usher or a deacon, but the pulpit and the choir stand is his target, because if you can control either one of those, you can control or set the atmosphere. Satan was the angel of light and if you read Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 you will see that he was no ugly red devil with 2 horns but the complete opposite. But to stick to the point, Satan wanted to exalt himself so high that he would be worshipped by the angels in Heaven like God was worshipped. Of course God was not having it and Satan and one-third of Heavens original angels that rebelled with Satan were cast out. Now every move of these fallen angels, including Satan, is to be worshipped and be glorified liked they were in their former estate. So Satan has set up this plan and it is like this: If he could not get the worship up there, he will get it from down here but even with a diabolical twist, Satan will get the worship from the children of God.
Satan today is getting worship from the children today. When the children rebel and go against the Most High. Through cultural movements such as music (i.e. hip-hop, heavy metal, rock-n-roll), entertainment (horror and sci-fi movies), organizations (fraternities, sororities and secret societies), political issues (abortion and the homosexual movement), Satan is getting glory through distractions and on some levels out-right worship and praise. Think about it! When we choose to listen to ungodly music that promotes fornication, self-exaltation and watch movies full of murder, witchcraft and black magick and join organizations that say they promote Christ but they give reverence to the gods of Egypt and Rome or when we choose to be silent and compromise of issues that God is against such as abortion (murder) and homosexuality (abomination) then Satan gets the praise. The prophets and the saints of the early church were killed for speaking out against the evil but because we are scared because we do not want to offend nor be seen as unpopular, we sacrifice our beliefs in who we cannot see, even though he is the one that sustains our very existence, for those who we can see for fear of persecution. Here is a little bit of information. All saints at some point in their lives will be persecuted because Christ was persecuted but this is exactly the plan of the enemy, which is to get you to become watered down, worried about other people and your own self survival and protect your own life. This movement of the enemy is what will bring us to the Global Kingdom and the beast being worshipped.
This compromise of the truth will allow the Antichrist to sit in the Temple of God and declare to be God and be worshipped like God by the inhabiters of the Earth. So what is the Temple of God? We already concluded that it is not the body of believers. We will look at this answer in the next message and I promise you it will shock you what the Temple of God is.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.