Today’s Topic: Satan’s Kingdom: The Global Kingdom - Introduction
Scripture: Daniel 7; Revelation Chapters 12, 13 and 17; Matthew 6:33
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now for the next few days I want to discuss and dissect this Global Kingdom because this is how Satan will make war with the saints (Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:7). And as we have studied over the past few messages we see a direct correlation to the visions God gave Daniel and the revelation God showed Apostle John. So we will throughout the next few messages will flip between the two books and show you how even though there was about a 700-800 year gap between Daniel and John, the same God showed both of them the same vision and the interpretations were the same. Now let’s deal with these beasts and then come to The Beast – The Global Kingdom of Satan.
The Lion, Bear and Leopard (Daniel 7:4-6)
One thing we can automatically see here is these are predatory animals. In the interpretation given to Daniel in Daniel 7:17 these beasts represent four kings or kingdoms that will arise on the Earth. Now these four kingdoms will be predatory from the standpoint that they will slowly prey on the needs of people and get them to conform to their ways. They will slowly destroy and decay man and his relationship with God. Now as we know from the interpretation that these four kingdoms from where Daniel is standing have not yet risen up yet. But when we track to Revelation 13 we will see these come together. These four great kingdoms will try to circumvent the program of God by preying on mankind and getting mankind to slowly turn from God and rely on their own capabilities for getting provision and protection. This goes completely against our Lord’s words in Matthew 6:33 when He said “But seek ye first, the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you.” As we have discussed before, Satan has always tried to circumvent the program of God by trying to kill the bloodline leading up to Christ: Noah, Moses, Jesus (at birth) Himself. But I would like to show you another way he is circumventing the Kingdom of God and the work that God is doing in the Earth. Satan uses kingdoms as a way to circumvent God. For example the kingdoms of Egypt, Sodom and Babylon were all kingdoms that Satan tried to us to destroy the work of the Kingdom in the Earth. So this is not new to Satan! He has been doing it for over 6,000 years. But look at the result of those kingdoms after the living God passed judgment on them? I just heard the Lord say “In each of those situations those who represented Him in the Earth were all spared from the wrath that came upon those kingdoms.” This will also happen with the Global Kingdom and we will show this later. So these four beast represent four kingdoms and kings that will rise on the Earth and these will lead to what we are about to lay a foundation for is this Global Kingdom of Satan.
The Beast (Revelation 13) – The Global Kingdom
Here in Revelation 13 John sees a beast with seven heads and 10 horns and upon the 10 horns were ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Now we concluded in various messages that this is the same beast from Daniel 7. The slight difference and really it isn’t a difference is the reference to the 7 heads. But we explained why this was the case because if you look at Revelation 13:2 we see the description of the beast and we see the three other beasts with the one beast. This shows us that there were 7 heads (1 Lion, 1 Bear, 4 Leopard and 1 Beast). Now I want us to read this and say this because this is the reality. Look at what this Global Kingdom will do in Daniel 7:23: “The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon the Earth, which shall be diverse (different) from all kingdoms, and SHALL DEVOUR THE WHOLE EARTH, AND SHALL TREAD IT DOWN, AND BREAK IT INTO PIECES. Do we see that?? This Global Kingdom will devour or rule on the entire Earth and destroy it. Now every kingdom has a king or source of power. Revelation 13:2 speaks of the dragon giving him his power, and his seat and great authority. Now here is a mystery and we will answer it fully in a subsequent message.
Who is the dragon? Well from Revelation 12:9 it is Satan. Ok, if satan is the dragon then who in Revelation 13:2 will he (Satan) give his power, seat and authority to because it does say he gave HIM?
As you can see, there will be nothing like what we will see at that time but slowly we are starting to see the beast arising from the waters. In the next message we will look at how this beast is arising out of the water already and how we are progressing to this devastating kingdom.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun