Today’s Topic: Composition of the Beast: Leadership
Scripture: Revelation 13
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When we talk about the leadership we are discussing the three prominent figures that will drive and administer the Global Kingdom. The three leaders are Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Now let me show you this and how it works and their roles. Revelation 13:2 says that Satan (the dragon) gave him (The Antichrist) his power and his seat and great authority. Now this Antichrist as we have discussed before is this little horn that will displace three kings and in the past message we discussed that the three horns that are displaced are on the Religious System. With the displacement of those three kings it leaves the global leader of the Christian sect and the Antichrist that will form a global religion. But let’s step back to ask the question, how will this even be possible because the Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus, and Christians all have different beliefs. Now we can actually see the progression of this system since September 11, 2001 with the terrorist attacks in the United States. Now I know many of you, because these messages go out throughout the world, have seen or maybe experienced terrorism in one way or another. For this message I will use September 11. After September 11 with so much tension in the atmosphere, for the first time we see the various heads of religions coming together to search for peace. Now if all of them are looking for peace then this would be a global peace. Now, not only through religion are they looking for global peace but even global security from terrorism. Terrorism is a spirit, just like racism. It is a murderous spirit that kills indiscriminately. Now through this murderous spirit, we see the world religions coming together in the essence of having peace with each other, regardless of the truth.
Now from these global religions coming together this sets the atmosphere for the Global religion called the Brotherhood of Man. But remember that the Antichrist and the leader of the Christian sect will lead this new global religion. Now what should bother you is that you have a Christian and the Antichrist working together. This is because the leader of the Christian sect is called the False Prophet. Now he will be a Christian and considered the leader of the Christian religion. Now why, would the Christians be the sect that the false prophet comes from? Because they will be the hardest to convince that the Antichrist is the Lord Jesus Christ returned. Now we know this is false but the False Prophet that will assist the Antichrist with trying to trap the Christians because rightfully they will be skeptical but this leader of the Christian religion will call for the Christians to cast in their lot with the beast. Is there no wonder why these secret societies, that are actually religions, target Christians for membership? Those outside of the Kingdom are of no concern to Satan because he got them. He wants to destroy the saints and the scripture says that the Antichrist, the leader of Global Kingdom will make war with the saints (Revelation 13:7) and overcome them.
The False Prophet is the Christian leader that will assist the Antichrist in trying to get the Christians to believe that the Antichrist is the Lord Jesus Christ returned. Now I want to say this with caution and discretion. Because we know this will happen, that means we need to allow the spirit of discernment to show us the truth behind many of these famous people professing Jesus Christ. So many people follow people because they have a large platform and are famous. Jesus did not care about being famous nor having a large platform. He knew that He would be a controversial person because He is the great divider because he separates holiness from ungodliness and the saints from the sinners but He also unites, through His family of brothers and sisters to accomplish the will of the Father. So, we need to be very careful because the spirit of antichrist is in the church and even on some of the so-called evangelicals, charismatic and prosperity preachers in the church because they preach a message that is not the Gospel. They do not teach nor preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, the central message of Jesus and the Gospel of the King, Jesus Christ. No they preach about the acts of Jesus and not about His message. See if all you know is the acts of Jesus, when the Antichrist comes and he is doing the same thing, you will be deceived because you never came into the knowledge of the truth and everything you know is based on an action and not a concept.
In the next message we will look extensively at the Antichrist and his role and how he will deceive the nations.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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