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Thursday, April 29, 2010

When Will the Gathering Happen?

Today’s Topic: The Revelation of the Gathering: When Will the Gathering Happen?
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 2:1; 1 Corinthians 15:51-53; Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:6,7

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now if you stick around people who say they do not know when the gathering will happen then you will always be unprepared and living in fear, never knowing. God does not prescribe to that lifestyle and He wants to know because you are His child. So today and maybe the next day we will look at when will the gathering happen? Seems like a tall order but it is in the scripture. Now what we always have heard is the scripture pertaining to being changed in a twinkling of an eye (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) but that is pertaining to those who are alive, what about the ones that are dead in Christ? Let’s start at 1 Thessalonians 4:13 and work from there:

1 Thessalonians 4:13
Paul starts off by telling the brethren of Thessaloniki that he does not want them to be ignorant of those who are asleep. Those who are asleep are the ones who have died. Now Paul comforts them by telling them not to sorrow like those who have no hope. Those who have no hope are the unbelievers. So Paul lays the foundation to explain about those who have died in Christ. Now before we go to verse 14, the question needs to be answered what happens when someone dies in Christ? The being called “man” is composed of three components, flesh, soul and spirit. So now what happens to these components for those who died in Christ? The flesh returns to the dust of the earth. The soul and the spirit go to God in Heaven. Now some may ask, if that happens why would God want to raise the dead, if they are living in Heaven with Him? What was the original format for the children of God in Genesis? It was a man, living on Earth with the Holy Spirit abiding in Him and administering (King) God’s Kingdom on the Earth. That is the original plan for man, but man messed that up. Did God mess it up? No. So His divine plan will still go forth. Now this seems like a lot, but let’s continue and get some clarity on what was just said.

1 Thessalonians 4:14
Paul is speaking to believers! “If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” Do you see this! Now I know we have read this at funerals a thousand times but look at what Paul is saying about those who died in Christ. God WILL BRING WITH HIM THOSE WHO DIED IN CHRIST. Now this is good so let’s back up. Remember the soul and the spirit, as I stated, go back to God in Heaven, if the person died in Christ and the flesh returned to the dust of the Earth. So who is God bringing WITH HIM? God is bringing the souls and spirits of the saints that have died in Christ. Now the picture should be coming clearer. If not let’s sum it up with the next verse.

1 Thessalonians 4:15
Paul now brings it home: “For we say, by the word of the Lord (now that is a guarantee), that we which are alive and remain (on Earth) unto the coming of the Lord, SHALL NOT PREVENT (PRECEDE) THEM WHICH ARE ASLEEP.” Do you see this! So now we have at least answered half of the question of when the gathering will happen. We know that the dead in Christ shall rise first. Paul now leaves no stone unturned let’s look at the next verse

1 Thessalonians 4:16
“For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven.” So the Lord is coming out of Heaven (Please keep this in mind). “For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.” Now you know why God raises the dead because He will rejoin the spirit and soul of man back to this new fleshly body. This body is immortal and incorruptible (1 Corinthians 15:53,54).

1 Thessalonians 4:17
Now those who are alive and remain on Earth shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Now did it say that we will meet the Lord in Heaven? No, it says we will meet Him in the air. Do not go by what you hear, God by what you read and what God confirms for you. Does that make sense? Yes because verse 16 clearly states that the LORD DESCENDED FROM HEAVEN. Let me further show you that we will not meet him in Heaven. Acts 1:9-11 tells us after Jesus ascended to the Father the disciples were looking up and two angels of the Lord told them that the same manner Jesus was taken up is the same way He will return.

So now we know the answer to when the gathering will happen.
1. It will not happen before the Lord returns.
2. The dead in Christ must rise first.

Now what brings about the gathering, or the rapture? The return of the Lord brings these things about. In the next message we will look at the actual return of the Lord because there are some things we passed in the scriptures that need to be brought out because there are still myths about even His return and what happens.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Will We Escape Before the Tribulation?

Today’s Topic: The Revelation of the Rapture: Will We Escape Before the Tribulation?

Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 2:1; 1 Corinthians 15:51,53; Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:6,7

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now for the past 2 messages I have used the word rapture but I want to define it first: Rapture is the catching away or taking up of the saints. Now does the word rapture appear in the scriptures? No. But the word that Paul uses for rapture is gathering (1 Thessalonians 2:1). So if I use the word gathering we are talking about the rapture so that we do not lose anybody. The question we are examining is will we escape or be gathered out before the tribulation hits the Earth? Quite simply the answer is no. Now I could stop there but I know we want some proof because we are a people of evidence. What we try to do in the natural when it comes to this subject is take things that are true and try to work to a conclusion that is true, but the reality is the conclusion is false. For example

1. God never punishes the righteous with the wicked. True

2. God’s wrath represents the punishment of God upon the Beast. True

If those two are true then the next question should be true?

3. Therefore the church will be gathered out to avoid the wrath of God upon the beast. False

Now what people have done is tried to make the conclusion which is statement 3 true and it is not. Now let me give you an example and then we are coming back and I will give you scriptures to prove this.

When the Children of Israel were in slavery under the Egyptian rule, where were they located? They were located in a part of Egypt called Goshen. Now before God sent His wrath, God warned Pharaoh to let His people go and informed the children of Israel to prepare to leave Egypt under the hand of God. Now after the warning and Pharaoh not responding, God told the Israelites to put the blood of a Lamb over the door post to avoid the wrath of the death angel that would come through the land. Once again God preparing His people! Now here is the revelation! When God was pouring out His wrath on Egypt and Pharaoh for their disobedience and oppression, where were the children of Israel? They were still in Egypt! They were not in the Promised Land. But God prepared them to avoid the wrath that was coming. But the point is, God did not take the children of Israel out of Egypt in order to pour out His wrath because God knows how to protect His people. His people were obedient to His instructions in preparation and were protected.

Now this whole story of Egypt and Israel is a shadow of things to come in these last days. The exact same. God will pour out His wrath on the beast (The Global Kingdom) and the leader (The Antichrist and Satan) and destroy them but He will not need to take the church out of the Earth because if they prepare like He instructs them to, they will not feel the wrath but will be protected. Does that make sense now? Now if you are still skeptical let’s confirm it for you.

Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:1 states that we are now discussing about the “Coming of the Lord AND BY OUR GATHERING TOGETHER WITH HIM (RAPTURE). Now if you read verse 3 it will bring you home.


Now verses 4 through 12 tells you what Antichrist and Satan will do. Now all of this HAPPENS FIRST, BEFORE THE RETURN OF THE LORD AND THE GATHERING. Now when the Antichrist is sitting in the Temple spreading abominations and desolations what is happening to the saints? Well if we have been reading this series, Daniel 7:25 and Revelation 13:6,7 tells you that the Antichrist is making war with the saints and overcoming them.

Now we have read Daniel, 2 Thessalonians and Revelation and all of them have stated and shown you that the saints will be here during this terrible time on the Earth. The Gathering will not happen until the Antichrist and Satan is revealed for who they are and the wrath of God is poured out on the Global Kingdom, the Antichrist and Satan.

So now we can conclusively prove that no, we will not escape or be gathered out before the tribulation hits the Earth. But we who are the saints know that when God pour out His wrath on the beast, we as the church will be protected, because just as He did for the children of Israel in Egypt, He will do for His children, the church.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Revelation of the Rapture: Importance of Preparation

Today’s Topic: The Revelation of the Rapture: Importance of Preparation

Scripture: Matthew 3:1-7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51,53

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now if you are prescribing to the fact that the church will be raptured before tribulation then your mindset is that you do not need to get prepared. Like I have stated before the church will be here during the tribulation. Now if you are turning from your religious ways and deciding to give God a chance to show you the truth about the rapture then you must understand that preparation is vitally important. Do you know that if God did not prepare His people for what He was going to do then their hearts would faint or they would not be able to comprehend the thing that God was doing or even recognize it was God doing that very thing? Let me give you some powerful examples to why we need to be prepared.

Children of Israel post Exodus from Egypt – Exodus 19:10-11

Now in this scripture we see God telling Moses to go prepare the people for two days and He gave instructions on what to do. On the third day, God would come down in the sight of the people on Mt. Sinai. Now God tells them what to do to prepare for His coming. Now here is a early hint. This is a type and shadow to foretell the Return of the Lord. Now let’s remember there was a voice then after Egypt that God spoke through to warn the people and His name was Moses. So there is a voice that comes and gives instruction to prepare the people for whatever the Lord is going to do, even in His return.

Old Testament Prophets up to John the Baptist

What do you think God was saying through the prophets? He was trying to prepare the world for the coming of the Messiah and even the return of the Messiah. Now this message was not just to Israel but to the world to show that the Messiah would come to save mankind. The Jews were not exclusive in this redemptive work. Let’s prove it. One prophet in particular I was studying was Jonah and for anybody who knows the story of Jonah, Jonah was a Israelite and he was called to take a message to Nineveh. Of course, the Ninevites were Gentiles and the Jews had no dealings with the Ninevites and the Assyrians of the region. But the message God sent through Jonah was for the city of Ninevah to repent or be overthrown and of course the city did but Jonah was upset that God did not overthrow them so he could see it. Just like God had mercy on the children of Israel he will have mercy on the Gentiles and in the fullness of time Jesus will come and change the landscape of the world so that no longer is there Jew or Gentile but one church under Christ. This is just a small example and we can site many for the prophecy of Jesus coming and His return.

John the Baptist – Matthew 3

Here in Matthew 3 we see John the Baptist, the voice crying in the wilderness preaching the Kingdom of God is as hand and he is also saying “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” Now of course around Matthew 3:7,8 we see John criticizing the Pharisees and Sadducees and warning them of the wrath to come and bring forth fruits worthy of repentance. Now John is the voice and the messenger that warns the people that the Lord is near and they need to get their lives in order through repentance and preparation for His arrival. So even before they see Jesus, there is a messenger that goes forth to prepare the people.

So using these examples we see that this generation needs to be preparing the next for the return of the Lord. Because there will be an announcement before His return. But it is our responsibility to inform and prepare the generations for the return of the Lord. Preparation is essential because it seems like we are moving to a time where less people are coming to Christ and the information being given about Christ from those who are prominent in the media are mostly about the acts of Jesus and not His message of the Kingdom of God present on Earth now and Eternal to come. Hosea 4:6 states it best that God’s people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because they have rejected knowledge and if they reject knowledge, they reject God. We are progressing to this great falling away. When it pertains to the rapture, there will be signs and we will know when the rapture will happen, but we must be prepared. The way we prepare ourselves is just like John told us to do the first time. Get our lives in order through repentance and bring forth fruits that are worthy. What happen back in Exodus 19 and Matthew 3 is no different with what will happen with the rapture and the return of the Lord.

So it is time for the church to take all the hooping, dancing and singing and put it behind the Word of God through sound biblical teaching. Notice Jesus did not sing to the multitudes in the scripture. He is the great Master teacher and it is the gift of the teachers that really need to be brought out in this time because it is that gift that instructs and gives direction to the things of God. We are so worried about being Apostle, Pastor, Prophet and Evangelist because they look like the prominent roles but God said you need all 5 in unity. In all of our clamming for power we do not get instruction and we lead people down the wrong path with our doctrines and our beliefs instead of what the Word says. Preparation is needed now and our leadership has been charged to give such instruction about these last days and if we fail to do so, the blood of those people will be on the leadership’s and the delegated Kingdom citizens’ hands.

In the next message we will dive into our foundational scriptures and answer those myths about the rapture.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Reveation of the Rapture: Myths in the Church

Today’s Topic: The Revelation of the Rapture: Myths in the Church
Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51,53

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now I have to lay out this foundation about this because what you have heard in the past from past teachers and pastors can interfere with what God says is the truth. So, like I always say, please pray before you read and allow the scriptures to tell you the meaning and show you the truth instead of what you have heard. Now if the scriptures confirm that what you heard is the truth, then great! But for those who have questions and are unsure then these next few messages will shed some light on the darkness.

Growing up in the church, I have heard many things about “the rapture”. I have heard 1 Corinthians 15:51,52 about how we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. I have also heard that God will gather the saints out before the tribulation hits the Earth. Now as I was hearing these things I felt confident based on what I heard that “hey, we as the church will be out of here before the tribulation hits”. But since I have started my study on this vital issue in the church, the scriptures tell another story and one that must be told and must be taught. It is one thing to be confident, it is another thing to be unprepared and neglect preparing people as leadership. So in the next set of messages we will look at myths and the truth about the rapture and I know someone will read the scriptures for themselves and allow God to confirm what is about to be said.

In the church, there are some, including past and present day teachers, pastors, bishops, prophets, apostles and evangelist are going around saying that we will not have to worry about the tribulation period because the church will be raptured before this tribulation hits. And some even say the tribulation is only for the Jews. Now if you have been studying with us in this series then after seeing what tribulation lies ahead, I would not blame you, I would want to be out also. The fear of reading and seeing these terrible things spoken of in the book of Revelation has prescribed and developed a doctrine about the rapture that says we will be out of here before the tribulation. Now what this also leads us to is believing that we do not have to prepare for this because it really does not matter, we will be gathered out anyway. I want to say this and I pray that you heed this warning because I have said it before and shown you throughout the scriptures in this series:
“We will be here during the tribulation times”
So one of the questions we will answer in these next few messages is: Will we escape before the tribulation?

Some people, and I have seen it in various movies, will prescribe to the notion of separating themselves from society. So they become recluse and almost subterranean, separating themselves from society. Now this also would be a good notion looking at the tribulation coming and thinking to ourselves that if I separate myself and move to some distant area of the world that I will survive during this perilous time. Once again that would work if Satan’s Kingdom, The Global Kingdom, the Beast was a kingdom that ruled by geographical territory. The problem is, that kingdom is ruled systematically, or on the order of controlling various systems of life that man depends on for life. So unless you plan on not breathing or needing anything then this notion of becoming separated from society will not work.

Another myth in the church and of course movies have been made about this myth is that at one moment in time all of the Christians will be raptured out. This will result in planes in midair without pilots, cars driving along and eventually without drivers and so on because the Christians will be taken up in a twinkling of an eye. After that, the world will just continue on and millions of people upon the Earth will be just left wondering what happened to all the people, they just disappeared. The reality is this is fundamentally and scripturally wrong and I have to leave it at that because I will show you this in scripture.

In order to quail all of this and simplify this because every answer to these following questions can and will be answered in the scriptures. We will see how crazy myths can become after this series. Here are the questions that will be answered in this mini-series on the rapture:

1. Will We Escape Before the Tribulation Hits the Earth?
2. When Will the Rapture Happen?

I have talked to various people who want to know what happens after death and the answers to these two vital questions. I am excited because the truth sets you free from stress, worry and deception. Please continue to study with us, the Revelation of the Rapture.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Antichrist and the Temple: Part 3

Today’s Topic: Antichrist and the Temple: Part 3
Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In this final message on the Antichrist and the Temple, I want to bring this full circle back to Paul and show you how this is not only a sign to the Jews but also to the believers of Jesus Christ. Now as we have stated that Paul at the beginning of this chapter deals with the believers at Thessaloniki because there is obvious confusion about the return of the Lord. Now some say that that day had past and some say it is at hand but Paul gives the church the huge sign that will let them know that the Return of the Lord and our gathering with Christ is soon. Now in verse 3 Paul drives this certain point and reference home to them: “For that day (Return of the Lord and the Gathering) SHALL NOT COME, EXCEPT THERE COME A FALLING AWAY FIRST, AND THAT THE MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, THE SON OF PERDITION. Now if they had any problem understanding that, Paul continues to give more clarity to who he is and what he does.

In verse 4 Paul says that this person opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. So Paul explains to them that this man will sit in the rebuilt temple at Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. Now we know through our study that this man is the Antichrist. The shewing of himself is the things that he does and the power he uses to deceive. Now if you want to further confirm this let’s move to verses 8-12.

Then shall that Wicked (Satan) be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Satan and the Antichrist at the appointed time will be revealed for who they are by the brightness of the coming of the Lord. In verse 9 Paul continues: Even him (Antichrist) whose coming IS AFTER THE WORK OF SATAN (Revelation 13:2) with all power and signs and lying wonders. Look at that closely! The Antichrist will use signs, power, which gives him the abilities and deceptive wonders to deceive the nations to worship Satan freely. Now for those who still choose not to come to the truth to be saved, Paul in verse 10 says they will perish. God permits this unimaginable evil on Earth for those who love a lie to be so deceived that they would believe the lie. Now Paul comes again to warn those who choose not to love the truth in verse 12: That they (unbelievers) all might be damned who believed not in the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. Even in this late hour, Jesus is still saving. But what I want us to really see is that even in this dark time we have people who choose to be blinded by Satan to the things that they do as being “ok” with God. When these ministries that God has anointed to preach sound doctrine and the truth come out against cultural sins and spiritual sins, why do we as people and children of the truth fight our own brothers and sisters who have taken the boldness of faith to declare what God has said is a sin. See when the fire comes our way, we try to justify what we do as being “ok” with God and the reality is, it is either right or wrong with God. Anything that you put in front of God is an idol. It does not matter whether it is objects such as cars and homes or groups of people and their activities. God holds us all accountable for our own actions but know this without a doubt. Before God brings judgment upon you, He always warns you. From Sodom, to Egypt, to Babylon and to Rome, all of these nations were warned before God brought judgment. There are many others.

But when we see the Antichrist rebuilding the temple of God in Jerusalem and sitting in the temple as if he was God, then we know the end is soon. Now I want to bring out this point because it leads me to our next message. Many theologians believe the church will be raptured, or gathered before all of this so there is no need to worry? I love the thought of it because if you know what is coming then you bet you want to be out of here. But is it scriptural? Will we be gathered out of here before this tribulation hits the Earth? Join us in the next few messages because I know you will enjoy this when we discuss the Doctrine of the Rapture. Many have their opinions, but what does the Word say?

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Antichrist and the Temple of God - Part 2

Today’s Topic: The Antichrist and the Temple of God – Part 2
Scripture: Isaiah 14:12-15; Daniel 9:24:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Matthew 24:15-16

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In the last message we left off with the question, what is the Temple of God that the Antichrist will sit in and commit these abominations and desolations. The Temple of God that the scripture is referring to is the Temple in Jerusalem. Now you may say but the Temple is destroyed just like Jesus said in Matthew 24:1,2 and this is true. But to find out how this will happen, let’s look at the scriptures for confirmation. The temple in Jerusalem is called the Temple of God because in a wing of the temple was a place called the Holy of Holies. Only the Levitical priests could go behind the veil in the Temple. To the Jews, the Temple at Jerusalem was where God resided. The Temple housed the Holy of Holies. This is why Jesus was so upset when He entered the Temple and saw all of the ungodly things going on and said that they have turned His Father’s house into a house of thieves.

Now just as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:1,2 that the Temple would be destroyed to a point of one stone upon another. It happened in 70 A.D. when the Romans toppled the Temple and when they found gold between the mortar o the building, they took every stone off of the other thinking that the Jews used gold as mortar to build the Temple. But actually when the Romans set the Temple on fire the heat melted the Gold at the top of the Temple and it ran down in between the stones of the building and that is what lead the Romans to think that the Jews used gold to construct the Temple. Now up to this day the temple is still in ruin. But let’s look at the words of Jesus because if we read it carefully something profound is going to happen. Matthew 24:15: “When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoke by Daniel the prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE…” These are the words of our Lord Jesus. Where is the Holy Place on Earth that Jesus could be referring to? He was referring to the Temple at Jerusalem. Well if this is a sign of the end of the age and the Temple has been destroyed then how can this be a sign? Well first we must know that the one Antichrist has not come, nor has the Global Kingdom yet. Paul is clear in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 that the Antichrist will sit in the Temple of God like God and declare himself to be God.

Now what this means is, the Temple at Jerusalem will be rebuilt. Now you may say well would it not be obvious that he is not God. To someone that is not spiritually discerned absolutely. This devious and blasphemous deed is intended for Satan to get worship. This is why Jesus continues in Matthew 24:16 for the children of Israel to flee to the mountains and leave all that they have and run away from this sign because there will be great tribulation like never before in the world. Now God gives a specific reference to the Jews in particular in what is recorded to be the 70 sevens of Daniel in Daniel 9 and I want to cover this so that we know that the Jews have also been warned of the abomination that is coming.

In Daniel 9 starting at verse 24 we see what is called the “70 sevens of Daniel”. Now the word “week” here in the Hebrew is used to describe a period of time. It can be used to describe a unit of 7 days or 7 years. So for this set of scriptures we are dealing with 70 periods of 7 years. Now this time was ordained by God to finish the transgression of Israel and make reconciliation for iniquity and we know the person who came to do that, Jesus! Now, verse 25 begins to explain this specific time period for the Jews. This period starts when the commandment was given to rebuild Jerusalem which includes the wall and streets. Now many theologians have pondered when this command was given. In my study I have found that this is referring to the command in Nehemiah 2:1 when Nehemiah petitioned king Artaxerxes to go and rebuild Jerusalem. King Artaxerxes reign began in 465 BC and this command was given in the 20th year of His reign so the starting point is 445 BC. Now in Daniel 9:25 it says that it will take 7 weeks (7x7=49 years) to build the temple. Then 62 (434 years) consecutive weeks will go on until the Messiah is cut off. Now when we see the term cut off, this is talking about when Jesus is crucified. Now what that tells me is that 483 years will run consecutive until the Messiah is cut off. Jesus was crucified around 32 A.D. Now you may say then where is the other 7 years to make up the total 490 years (70x7). Well there is a gap in time and this pause will continue until the Antichrist hits the Earth. Now back in Daniel 9:26 we see the prophecy of the destruction of the Temple that eventually happens in 70 AD by the Romans. Now when the Antichrist hits the scene in Daniel 9:27 the time period resumes, so we only have 7 years left. He makes a covenant with Israel, which is ultimately a deception to get them to worship him in the Temple. Now the scriptures go on to say that in the midst of the week (3 and ½ years) he will break this covenant, stop the sacrifices and offerings and setup in the Temple of God horrific idolatry. This is the abominations that Daniel speaks of in verse 27. Before the last week (7 years) is up the result will be everlasting righteousness.

This set of scriptures is referring strictly to the Jews and it is their warning and sign that they may know that the Messiah has come and the false Messiah will sit in the most Holy place (The Temple) and cause horrific idolatry to exist. Now this all happens under the permission of God because the Antichrist in time will be revealed and the scriptures prophesy this. But let us who are not of that fold be warned that when this happens this is also a sign to us.

We will pick up this in the next message.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Antichrist and the Temple of God

Today’s Topic: The Antichrist and the Temple of God – Part 1

Scripture: Isaiah 14:12-15; Daniel 9:24:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Matthew 24:15-16

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

We left off with summarizing that the Antichrist will sit in the temple of God and declare himself as God. Now some try to spiritualize this particular issue and think that he will be amongst the believers because their bodies are the temple for the Holy Spirit and our bodies are a temple for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). But this is not the proper interpretation of this scripture. But to understand the temple the scripture is talking about then we need to go back to where this all started and why the Antichrist would want to do such a thing. Let’s look at Isaiah 14:12-15

Every Kingdom citizen should read Isaiah 14:12-15 and Ezekiel 28 because these two chapters discuss Satan and his fall from the Highest Heaven. But to centralize this let’s look at Isaiah 14. In the 12th verse of Isaiah 14 God tells us that Lucifer has been cut down to the ground and weakened the nations. Who are the nations? The nations are mankind. Now God is going to tell you why he was kicked out of Heaven. In verse 13 God says that “Lucifer said in his heart that he will ascend into heaven and exalt his throne above the stars of God; and will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north (Highest Point).” Now that is paraphrased to show you what Satan was thinking. But he is not done because God continues in verse 14 with Satan saying; “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I (Satan) will be like the Most High”. Now look at that again, it says he wants to sit upon the mount of the congregation. He wanted to be worshipped and sit above everyone. This is why the homosexual spirit is so flamboyant and obvious in the church. They want positions that can be seen such as the Pastor and the Choir. It does not mean that he will not be an usher or a deacon, but the pulpit and the choir stand is his target, because if you can control either one of those, you can control or set the atmosphere. Satan was the angel of light and if you read Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 you will see that he was no ugly red devil with 2 horns but the complete opposite. But to stick to the point, Satan wanted to exalt himself so high that he would be worshipped by the angels in Heaven like God was worshipped. Of course God was not having it and Satan and one-third of Heavens original angels that rebelled with Satan were cast out. Now every move of these fallen angels, including Satan, is to be worshipped and be glorified liked they were in their former estate. So Satan has set up this plan and it is like this: If he could not get the worship up there, he will get it from down here but even with a diabolical twist, Satan will get the worship from the children of God.

Satan today is getting worship from the children today. When the children rebel and go against the Most High. Through cultural movements such as music (i.e. hip-hop, heavy metal, rock-n-roll), entertainment (horror and sci-fi movies), organizations (fraternities, sororities and secret societies), political issues (abortion and the homosexual movement), Satan is getting glory through distractions and on some levels out-right worship and praise. Think about it! When we choose to listen to ungodly music that promotes fornication, self-exaltation and watch movies full of murder, witchcraft and black magick and join organizations that say they promote Christ but they give reverence to the gods of Egypt and Rome or when we choose to be silent and compromise of issues that God is against such as abortion (murder) and homosexuality (abomination) then Satan gets the praise. The prophets and the saints of the early church were killed for speaking out against the evil but because we are scared because we do not want to offend nor be seen as unpopular, we sacrifice our beliefs in who we cannot see, even though he is the one that sustains our very existence, for those who we can see for fear of persecution. Here is a little bit of information. All saints at some point in their lives will be persecuted because Christ was persecuted but this is exactly the plan of the enemy, which is to get you to become watered down, worried about other people and your own self survival and protect your own life. This movement of the enemy is what will bring us to the Global Kingdom and the beast being worshipped.

This compromise of the truth will allow the Antichrist to sit in the Temple of God and declare to be God and be worshipped like God by the inhabiters of the Earth. So what is the Temple of God? We already concluded that it is not the body of believers. We will look at this answer in the next message and I promise you it will shock you what the Temple of God is.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Antichrist: Abominations and Desolation

Today’s Topic: The Antichrist: Abominations and Desolation

Scripture: Daniel 9:24:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Matthew 24:15-16

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now to understand how bad this will get we need to define these words, Abomination and Desolation. Abomination is defined as extreme disgust and hatred. Desolation is to lay waste and to deprive of inhabitants.

So we are not talking about anything good when we discuss the Antichrist and the abomination and desolation he will bring to the world. But there is one particular abomination that he will do that will utterly blaspheme God and we will discuss this. But, isn’t it amazing that when you read the scriptures for yourself, there becomes clarity to many of the myths that are floating in the church about the return of the Lord and in particular the rapture, or gathering. Now up unto this point we have not mentioned anything about a gathering or the rapture because, it has not happened yet. But we will discuss the doctrine of rapture in due time. But as we know there are frightening things coming out of the church about the return of the Lord and people have been in panic once in 1999 and now coupled with the fact that people do not read the Bible now there is a large cloud of uncertainty in the church pertaining to this issue. However, God did not intend for there to be uncertainty and He is giving us signs to show us that we are progressing to the end. But, Paul ran into this problem over 2,000 years ago in Thessalonica and the Holy Spirit through Paul deals with this panic that is going on about the return of the Lord. See this panic we see is an old panic but it is progressively getting worse. Let’s look at 2 Thessalonians 2.

Now to prove that this is an old panic from the times of Paul, look at the first address to the Thessalonians in chapter 2. He beseeches them or begs them to pay attention about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him. Now Paul tries to calm them down in verse 2 telling them not to be troubled by a spirit, nor by a word, nor by a letter as if it was from us, professing that the day of Christ is at hand. See God gives Paul revelation to this matter to calm the confusion and I pray that these messages calm the confusion within the church. Paul starts off in verse 3: “Let no man deceive you by any means”. Now where have we heard that from? When the disciples asked what would be the sign of the return of the Lord in Matthew 24:3 and Jesus responded first, “Take heed that no man deceive you”. So Paul says the exact same thing but now he is going to present the evidence of how you will know the timing of the Lord’s return. What signs will there be? Paul continues in verse 3 with this powerful sign: “..for that day (return of the Lord) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” This is in your Bible! Do we see this? The Lord will not return until there is the great falling away and the Antichrist is revealed for who he really is. Now the question we should be asking is what causes this great falling away and what is this falling away? Remember when the Global Kingdom hits the Earth and the Antichrist comes and rules it, in order to participate and receive benefits from the Global Kingdom, you have to take the mark of the beast. Taking the mark of the beast is your personal sacrifice of yourself to Satan. Now let’s see what the Antichrist will do to make this great falling away happen. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 tells us this.

“Who (the Antichrist) opposes and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped; so that he is as (just like) God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God”

Now there is a lot here that we need to dissect and we will have to continue this into the next message because of the wealth of information. But the Antichrist in a nutshell will sit in the temple of God just like God would and declare that he is God. This is the highest form of blasphemy that will be done. But this is not new to God because it has been attempted before. Please continue to study with me as we look further at the Antichrist and the abominations and desolations he will cause on the Earth.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Antichrist

Today’s Topic: Composition of the Beast: The Antichrist

Scripture: Revelation 12 and 13; John 14:6

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Who is the Antichrist? Well we know he is the false Messiah who comes and administrates Satan’s Global Kingdom (Revelation 13:2). But remember in our past messages he comes up and over throws the three of the four kings of the Religious system. He, with the False Prophet will rule over this new religion of the Antichrist which will be the religion of the Brotherhood of Man. The driving force behind this religion and how it will get pulled off is tolerance. When you have religious tolerance than you discredit the statement of Jesus in John 14:6 where Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the life; NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Jesus is the only way to the Father. But the Antichrist will mask and deceive the world by who he is. Now you may wonder how can he fool the Muslim, Jews, Christians, Buddhist and Hindus? With the world progression to global systems, especially protection and provision wise, mankind will be willing to forsake their beliefs for their survival. But let me show you this scripture to show you how he will pull this amazing thing off. Remember the demonic have power. Revelation 13:3 says that one of the heads look as if it were wounded to death and it was healed. But look at the last sentence here: “And the world wondered after the beast (Kingdom) and the worshipped the dragon (Satan) and the beast (Kingdom). So these demonic beings will have power on Earth. But what the Antichrist does is he uses this power to deceive the nations and the religions.

He deceives the Muslims into believing he is the Mahdi who has come. To the Buddhist and Hindus he will convince them that he is the Incarnated One, the Ascended Master who has returned. To the Jews he will convince them that he is the Messiah for whom they have longed for. And to the Christians he convince them that he is the Lord Jesus returned. See what it comes down to is are you convicted in truth about Jesus and what He is saying about the last days. But look at this in Revelation 13:13,14 about the Antichrist:

“He doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And decieveth them that dwell on the Earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which was wounded by a sword.”

So the Antichrist will use power to deceive those nations and religions in being who they think he is. The hardest group he will have convincing is the Christians because for those who are grounded in truth, they will not fall for this trap. So with these true saints being the opposition in the Global Kingdom. Let me show you the result in Revelation 13:15:

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast; that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause THAT AS MANY AS WOULD NOT WORSHIP THE IMAGE OF THE BEAST SHOULD BE KILLED.”

This is a perilous time for believers because they will be greatly persecuted and killed for believing in the name of Jesus and Jesus being the Son of God and the Antichrist being the false Messiah. Now let me express to you that taking the mark of the beast is optional. It is not forced, you freely have to take it. But if you do not take it and oppose the Global Kingdom and the Antichrist then you will be persecuted. But let me show you this in scripture. During this perilous time in scripture, look what the scripture says about these saints which are the mature sons of God upon the Earth in Revelation 12:11:

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death”

Much like our Lord and Savior, all the way unto death, they will speak the truth. Can you imagine this, in the Global Kingdom the true saints who do not take the mark of the beast will not be able to participate and use any system of the world at that time. And I want to emphasize this here and now because if we do not get it right now, many upcoming generations may not even come into understanding and knowing the real truth because the gospel has been watered down so much. If the saints cannot use the world’s systems of getting needs met then how will they survive? Here is the key and do not miss this:

Matthew 6:33: But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you.

If you believe that scripture then you understand how their needs get met, but this scripture is not a reality for many believers today. This is why they rely currently in the world’s way, or system of getting needs met. The more you rely on the world, the more dependent you become and this pushes you closer and closer to the Antichrist and the Global Kingdom. I urge you and pray that you really evaluate how you get your needs met and if it is not by the Kingdom of God then I pray that you take the time to fast and pray about your life and who you truly depend on.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Composition of the Beast: Leadership

Today’s Topic: Composition of the Beast: Leadership
Scripture: Revelation 13

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When we talk about the leadership we are discussing the three prominent figures that will drive and administer the Global Kingdom. The three leaders are Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Now let me show you this and how it works and their roles. Revelation 13:2 says that Satan (the dragon) gave him (The Antichrist) his power and his seat and great authority. Now this Antichrist as we have discussed before is this little horn that will displace three kings and in the past message we discussed that the three horns that are displaced are on the Religious System. With the displacement of those three kings it leaves the global leader of the Christian sect and the Antichrist that will form a global religion. But let’s step back to ask the question, how will this even be possible because the Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus, and Christians all have different beliefs. Now we can actually see the progression of this system since September 11, 2001 with the terrorist attacks in the United States. Now I know many of you, because these messages go out throughout the world, have seen or maybe experienced terrorism in one way or another. For this message I will use September 11. After September 11 with so much tension in the atmosphere, for the first time we see the various heads of religions coming together to search for peace. Now if all of them are looking for peace then this would be a global peace. Now, not only through religion are they looking for global peace but even global security from terrorism. Terrorism is a spirit, just like racism. It is a murderous spirit that kills indiscriminately. Now through this murderous spirit, we see the world religions coming together in the essence of having peace with each other, regardless of the truth.

Now from these global religions coming together this sets the atmosphere for the Global religion called the Brotherhood of Man. But remember that the Antichrist and the leader of the Christian sect will lead this new global religion. Now what should bother you is that you have a Christian and the Antichrist working together. This is because the leader of the Christian sect is called the False Prophet. Now he will be a Christian and considered the leader of the Christian religion. Now why, would the Christians be the sect that the false prophet comes from? Because they will be the hardest to convince that the Antichrist is the Lord Jesus Christ returned. Now we know this is false but the False Prophet that will assist the Antichrist with trying to trap the Christians because rightfully they will be skeptical but this leader of the Christian religion will call for the Christians to cast in their lot with the beast. Is there no wonder why these secret societies, that are actually religions, target Christians for membership? Those outside of the Kingdom are of no concern to Satan because he got them. He wants to destroy the saints and the scripture says that the Antichrist, the leader of Global Kingdom will make war with the saints (Revelation 13:7) and overcome them.

The False Prophet is the Christian leader that will assist the Antichrist in trying to get the Christians to believe that the Antichrist is the Lord Jesus Christ returned. Now I want to say this with caution and discretion. Because we know this will happen, that means we need to allow the spirit of discernment to show us the truth behind many of these famous people professing Jesus Christ. So many people follow people because they have a large platform and are famous. Jesus did not care about being famous nor having a large platform. He knew that He would be a controversial person because He is the great divider because he separates holiness from ungodliness and the saints from the sinners but He also unites, through His family of brothers and sisters to accomplish the will of the Father. So, we need to be very careful because the spirit of antichrist is in the church and even on some of the so-called evangelicals, charismatic and prosperity preachers in the church because they preach a message that is not the Gospel. They do not teach nor preach the Gospel of the Kingdom, the central message of Jesus and the Gospel of the King, Jesus Christ. No they preach about the acts of Jesus and not about His message. See if all you know is the acts of Jesus, when the Antichrist comes and he is doing the same thing, you will be deceived because you never came into the knowledge of the truth and everything you know is based on an action and not a concept.

In the next message we will look extensively at the Antichrist and his role and how he will deceive the nations.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Composition of the Beast: Mark of the Beast

Today’s Topic: Composition of the Beast – The Systematic Kingdom: Mark of the Beast

Scripture: Revelation 13:16-18

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now I pray that everyone pays attention to this. Anyone at this time during the rule of the Global Kingdom, will have to opt into the system to receive any type of benefits or even to participate in the Global Kingdom. Remember this is a systematic kingdom. Now let me give you a great example of how this will work because it is already being done in certain areas of our society.

For about 99% of hotels, unless you have a credit card you will not be able to do business with that hotel. These hotels do not take cash nor check. They will only take credit but look what they can do with that information if they chose to. They could find you from the standpoint of calling the credit card company and getting vital information about you and reach you if they need to. The Global Kingdom will work exactly like this. Let’s prove it in scripture:

Revelation 13:16

Here it says he (Antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. Now I want to pause and show you this. The scripture says he causes all. Causes mean that you will freely take the mark. This is exactly how you will opt into the Global Kingdom and its provisions. This is why God and the ministry discourages tattoos because it desensitizes you to marking your body and if you have been “all tatted-up” then getting a little mark in your hand or forehead would then be no big deal. Now we are clearly informed that this mark will be in our right hand or in the forehead. Let me take a second to tell you the difference between a mark and a seal. A seal is an imprint from a ring signifying authority and the right to act on behalf of the one giving the authority. A mark signifies that someone owns you. Just like they brand cattle with a mark to show that a particular person owned that cattle. So anyone who takes a mark shows that they are owned by the beast. This is why once again those people who participate in these fraternities and sororities who brand one another like a owner brands cattle. Now forever on the temple of the Holy Spirit, if you are born again, will be a brand of ownership by some organization.

Revelation 13:17,18

Now here is the revelation to the beast being systematic and not geographic. No man will be able to buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the names of the beast or the number of his name. So the only way that you will be able to buy or sell is that you take the mark of the beast. You will not be forced against your free will to take the mark of the beast, but if you want to use any of the world’s systems then you will have to take the mark of the beast. So you will freely opt into the system and once you opt in, it is over for you. This is why the gospel of prosperity is such a farce because it centers your life around money and material things and these things will be controlled by Satan and if you believe in this gospel then you will take the mark of the beast because you believe in name-it, claim-it. Now in verse 18 we see that John is warning us that this is wisdom and the ones that have understanding know that the number of the beast is six hundred and sixty-six.

Now we understand that in order to participate in any of these world systems, you will have to opt-in freely by taking the mark of the beast. This is a terrible time in our society at this time and I hope that you begin to see this and understand that we need to know these things and God did not intend for this to be a mystery. In the next message we will look at Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet as the leadership of the Global Kingdom.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Composition of the Beast: A Systematic Kingdom

Today’s Topic: Composition of the Beast: A Systematic Kingdom
Scripture: Revelation 13; Daniel 7:20,24

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In the past message we concluded that the Global Kingdom is not a kingdom made-up of kings that rule geographical areas but rulers over systems. So what are these systems that Satan has that will entrap mankind? Before we list these systems that Satan will target, I want to say that these systems will be systems that mankind, in his mind, will absolutely need in order to survive. Now we said there are seven heads on the beast, so there are seven systems. The current present day systems are:
1. Energy
2. Transportation
3. Banking and Financial System
4. Culture and Entertainment
5. Military
6. Trade and Commerce
7. Religion
Now why would these be the targets and how do I know this? If you look at all of these systems, all of them are current day systems that are progressing to be global, if not global already. We discussed Culture and Entertainment. From the merging of airline corporations, banks (we saw this in the economic downturn of 2009), military (global security from terrorism), Energy (nuclear energy) and trade and commerce (car parts being manufactured globally to make 1 car) we are seeing this beast arise right under our nose. So it is best for us to realize what is happening and be prepared. Now I want to make sure we explain everything. In Revelation 13:1 says that this beast had 7 heads and 10 horns and so of those 7 systems, one of those systems has four kings ruling it. Now which one do you think could possibly have four kings ruling it at the same time? It is the Religion system or head. There are four major religions on Earth. They are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism/Hinduism. Please follow me. In Daniel 7:20 and Daniel 7:24 speak of a horn coming up and displacing three others. Now if a horn rises up on this religion system then 3 of those 4 religions will fall and one will be left over. Now I am going to tell you this ahead and revisit it in a subsequent message. The three religions that will fall will be Buddhism/Hinduism, Islam and Judaism. Now that leaves the religion of Christianity and this other horn that arose on this religion head.
Now you may think this is great but it is not. Remember the horn that rises up is the Antichrist and along with the leader of the Christian religion portion of this head shall reign over this system. This person who is the leader of the Christian religion will be The False Prophet. Now, I do not want to go further into it because I am going to bring this full circle in a few messages but put a tab in it.

So now we see how the Global Kingdom will devour the Earth. It will take the needs of man and rule over those things. But look at how powerful this Global Kingdom will be. Revelation 13:3 says that the world will see wonders from this Global Kingdom and reverence this beast. Revelation 13:4 goes on to say that the people of the world worshipped the dragon and worshipped the beast saying “Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” Do we see this? This ministry has said before that the deception will be so strong that people will freely worship the devil and his kingdom. That is going on today through prominent genres of music such as hip hop and heavy metal rock-n-roll. In addition, it is going on in the entertainment industry through television and movies. But the scripture says that the people worshipped, and this is freely, the dragon, Satan, and the beast, the Global Kingdom. Now how could anyone fight against the beast when the world military is under his control?

Now I want you to realize even up unto this very time, no “rapture” or gathering yet so the saints are still on the Earth! This is where we are progressing. In the next message we are going to show you how this Global Kingdom will work and how people will freely worship the devil, Satan.

At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Global Kingdom: The Word "World"

Today’s Topic: The Global Kingdom: Understanding the Word “World”

Scripture: 1 John 2:15-17; John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Psalms 24:1

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now one thing we must understand and this will lead to the big revelation of the composition of the Global Kingdom is what the word world means in the various scriptures. Now, the first time I read these scriptures when I was a babe in Christ, I thought there was a contradiction in the Bible. But now as I have grown, I have allowed the spirit of Understanding to explain this mystery to me. When we look at the word world in the scriptures, it carries two meanings but the way it is being used determines the meaning of the word. Let me give you these three scriptures and then I will explain how there is no contradiction in scripture.

1 John 2:15-17: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2 Corinthians 4:4: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them.

Now here we have three scriptures using the word world. The word world, in the Greek, is the word kosmos. Now the word kosmos has various meanings. So let me show you this to simplify. I can say “Bianca lives in her own world.” Now we know that the word world is not pertaining to the physical world. Then I can say “Global warming is affecting the whole world”. Now here I am using the word world to describe the geography. Now word kosmos has various meanings so let’s look at each of the scriptures and see how this is relevant and revealing to how the Global Kingdom is composed.

With 1 John 2:15-17 the word world being used here is describing order and systems. When Satan tricked Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden then Satan created a world, or an order and set of systems that will oppose God in the sense to trap man into relying on those systems and not God, Himself. Is this no wonder why God said do not love the world? The world He was talking about was the order and systems set up by Satan to entrap mankind. The word in greek is the Kosmokreator. Satan is the creator of this world. I am going to come back to this but let’s move to 2 Corinthians 4:4

With 2 Corinthians 4:4 now if we look in this scripture we see god lower case and God capitalized. Now this is evidence of two eternal beings. The first god is talking about Satan. How do we know? Satan is the only one that wants to keep you in darkness and prevent you through deception from coming into the light of Christ. Now we see that Satan is the creator of this thing called a world. The question is if he is the creator of this world, is he then the owner of the Earth? No and this is vitally important to point here. God created the Heaven and the Earth (Genesis 1:1) and God created mankind. So Satan cannot take the credit of owning the Earth nor credit of ownership of mankind because he did not create them. But what he can take credit for is the order and systems he has put in place in the Earth to trap man into relying on themselves and not God. This is vitally important to the Global Kingdom.

In John 3:16 we see the wonderful scripture of God showing that He loved the world that He have His only Begotten Son. Now one may say wait, God loved the world but then in 1 John 2 said not to love the world and we are to be like God so should we also love the world? The word world in John 3:16 is referring to humanity. God so loved humanity that He gave His only Begotten Son. So now we have seen the word world used in two different ways, to describe an order or system and humanity.

So now we know that Satan is the kosmokreator of the Global Kingdom. Now if you have not picked this up let me show you this. If Satan did not create the Earth then the 10 kings that will be ruling cannot be ruling geographical areas. It is Satan’s world but it is not Satan’s Earth! The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). So this Global Kingdom is not a kingdom to rule geographies or physical land. It is a kingdom of systems that Satan has developed to prey on man’s soul and his fear for survival.

In the next message we will look at the actual composition of the world of Satan called the Global Kingdom.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

The Global Kingdom: The Word "World"

Today’s Topic: The Global Kingdom: Understanding the Word “World”

Scripture: 1 John 2:15-17; John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Psalms 24:1

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now one thing we must understand and this will lead to the big revelation of the composition of the Global Kingdom is what the word world means in the various scriptures. Now, the first time I read these scriptures when I was a babe in Christ, I thought there was a contradiction in the Bible. But now as I have grown, I have allowed the spirit of Understanding to explain this mystery to me. When we look at the word world in the scriptures, it carries two meanings but the way it is being used determines the meaning of the word. Let me give you these three scriptures and then I will explain how there is no contradiction in scripture.

1 John 2:15-17: Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2 Corinthians 4:4: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God should shine unto them.

Now here we have three scriptures using the word world. The word world, in the Greek, is the word kosmos. Now the word kosmos has various meanings. So let me show you this to simplify. I can say “Bianca lives in her own world.” Now we know that the word world is not pertaining to the physical world. Then I can say “Global warming is affecting the whole world”. Now here I am using the word world to describe the geography. Now word kosmos has various meanings so let’s look at each of the scriptures and see how this is relevant and revealing to how the Global Kingdom is composed.

With 1 John 2:15-17 the word world being used here is describing order and systems. When Satan tricked Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden then Satan created a world, or an order and set of systems that will oppose God in the sense to trap man into relying on those systems and not God, Himself. Is this no wonder why God said do not love the world? The world He was talking about was the order and systems set up by Satan to entrap mankind. The word in greek is the Kosmokreator. Satan is the creator of this world. I am going to come back to this but let’s move to 2 Corinthians 4:4

With 2 Corinthians 4:4 now if we look in this scripture we see god lower case and God capitalized. Now this is evidence of two eternal beings. The first god is talking about Satan. How do we know? Satan is the only one that wants to keep you in darkness and prevent you through deception from coming into the light of Christ. Now we see that Satan is the creator of this thing called a world. The question is if he is the creator of this world, is he then the owner of the Earth? No and this is vitally important to point here. God created the Heaven and the Earth (Genesis 1:1) and God created mankind. So Satan cannot take the credit of owning the Earth nor credit of ownership of mankind because he did not create them. But what he can take credit for is the order and systems he has put in place in the Earth to trap man into relying on themselves and not God. This is vitally important to the Global Kingdom.

In John 3:16 we see the wonderful scripture of God showing that He loved the world that He have His only Begotten Son. Now one may say wait, God loved the world but then in 1 John 2 said not to love the world and we are to be like God so should we also love the world? The word world in John 3:16 is referring to humanity. God so loved humanity that He gave His only Begotten Son. So now we have seen the word world used in two different ways, to describe an order or system and humanity.

So now we know that Satan is the kosmokreator of the Global Kingdom. Now if you have not picked this up let me show you this. If Satan did not create the Earth then the 10 kings that will be ruling cannot be ruling geographical areas. It is Satan’s world but it is not Satan’s Earth! The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalm 24:1). So this Global Kingdom is not a kingdom to rule geographies or physical land. It is a kingdom of systems that Satan has developed to prey on man’s soul and his fear for survival.

In the next message we will look at the actual composition of the world of Satan called the Global Kingdom.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.