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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Great War: The Enemy's Great Weapon Part 1

Today’s Topic: The Great War: The Enemy’s Great Weapon Part 1

Scripture: Daniel 7; Revelation 9:4,5; Revelation 20:12,13;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

God leaves no stone unturned and He wants you to know the plot of the enemy. See we have talked about so much and in the last message and we ended with a powerful revelation of how the saints would be defeated at that time. Now the question that should burn in our minds is how will this be achieved? We talked about the demonic coming out of the Abyss and tormenting those who do not have the seal of God in the foreheads (Revelation 9:4,5) and then at another point in time they will make war with the saints once the mature sons of God are born there will be this battle on the Earth. Now we asked the question how will this happen? I believe this will have to be a multiple message answer so please take the time and really read the scripture daily. Now is it not amazing how God will show someone something over 2500 years ago and even today you can see the very revelation or coming together of a prophecy in these times. Let us look at Daniel 7:

Daniel 7:1-3

In these first 3 scriptures we see an introduction to this powerful dream that Daniel has and he wrote the dream and now the rest of what is said is what is in the dream. Now remember we did a message on prophecy back when we discussed the Seven Spirits of God and the spirit of Understanding. And we also discussed how God will show us dreams and these dreams can either be symbolic, requiring interpretation or actual meaning what you see is exactly what will happen. So let us look at this dream and see what God was trying to show Daniel. Right off the bat in verse 3 Daniel sees four great beasts coming from the sea and each of them was different from the other. Now we are ok so far.

Daniel 7:4-6

Now Daniel starts describing these beasts. First there was a lion with eagle wings. And this lion stood up like a man and a man’s heart was given to it. Second, there was bear that had 3 ribs in its mouth and it was commanded to devour much flesh. Third, there was a leopard which had 4 wings and four heads and dominion was given to it. Ok, I know these are some weird creatures but this is what Daniel saw.

Daniel 7:7-8

Now Daniel sees this fourth beast and said it was dreadful, terrible and strong. It had iron teeth and devoured things and broke in pieces the things it stepped on with its feet. Now Daniel makes the point to point out that this beast was so different from the others before it because it had 10 horns. Daniel continues describing this terrifying beast, Daniel sees a little horn comes up amongst the ten horns and three of the ten horns were uprooted and plucked up by this one. Now this horn had eyes of a man and speaking great things. What a beast but as you can see of all the beast that Daniel saw, he was really intrigued by this fourth beast.

Daniel 7:9-14

Now this is so powerful that I have to get through this before I end this message. Now Daniel sees the Ancient of Days sitting on the throne. He describes Him as having a garment as white as snow, hair like pure wool, throne like a fiery flame with wheels of burning fire. Now this is awesome. Now a fiery stream came from before Him and thousands ministered, or served Him. The judgment seat was set and the books were opened. Now we discussed this in a past message on the Books of Heaven (Revelation 20:12,13). Now because of the words the horn was speaking from the fourth beast, the beast was slain and the body destroyed and given to the burning flame. Now I could tell you what this means but I want the scriptures to tell you and at this time Daniel still did not understand what he was seeing. So let’s stay with him for now. Now the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away and their lives were prolonged but for a season and time. Now Daniel sees one like the Son of Man (Jesus) coming with the clouds of heaven (Angels), and came to the Ancient of Days (God the Father) and they (Angels) brought Him (Jesus) near before Him (God the Father). And there was given Him (Jesus) dominion, and glory, and a Kingdom, that all the people, nations, and languages, should serve Him (Jesus). His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away and His Kingdom, that, which shall not be destroyed.

Now this is a powerful vision of the end of the age. But we have to at least get the foundation out there because in the next couple of messages we will see the meaning of all of this. You definitely do not want to miss this because we are discussing the great plan of the enemy.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Great War: The Foundation

Today’s Topic: The Great War: The Demonic vs. The Saints: The Foundation

Scripture: Genesis 6; Exodus 1 and 2; Matthew 2; Revelation 12 and 13

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now for the next few messages I want to show you this because it is easy to get caught up in the doctrine of rapture and all of these other teachings and never really hear the truth about an issue. From the very beginning of time and the age of man when Satan was cast out of the Highest Heaven to the second heaven (demonic), Satan has tried to destroy the program of God. He knew if he could cut off the bloodline that Christ would come through then that would ultimately result in the end of the covenant of God with Himself to have sons. Why does God want us to know this? We need to be prepared but if we do not know this then why is this even the case? Now how has Satan attempted to do this? Let me show you three examples.

Noah – Genesis 6

The program of God came from within one family of being over. Remember evil was continuously in the heart of mankind and God was grieved in his heart (Genesis 6:5,6) that he had made man. But grace was found in one man on the Earth and it was through that man that God would start the human race over through Noah and His family. If Satan or the demonic had got to Noah and contaminated his family with evil and sin then the program of God would have been over.

Moses – Exodus 1 and 2

Remember in the story of Moses when he was a newborn. A decree from Pharaoh went out into Egypt to kill the first born sons because the Israelites had grew in vast number and Pharaoh feared that they would rise up and take over the kingdom of Egypt so he made the decree in Exodus 1:22 to kill the firstborn sons and every daughter born can live. Remember Pharaoh was a type and shadow of the god of this world and who is that? Satan. Now if Moses’ mother would not have sent him up the river and Moses would have been killed then the program of God would have been over.

The Tribe of Judah

The reason I say the tribe of Judah is because when the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin were in Babylon and if the kingdom of Babylon would have destroyed the Tribe of Judah then that would have ended the program of God from the standpoint that it was prophesied that the Messiah would come through the Tribe of Judah and if the Tribe of Judah would have been destroyed then the Messiah could not come. This was just another way how Satan tried to destroy the program of God.

Jesus – Matthew 2

Do we remember when Jesus was born how Herod tried to trick the wise men into giving the location of where Jesus was born and when Herod realized he had been mocked by the wise men and told his armies to go kill all of the children that were in Bethlehem and in the coasts thereof from 2 years of age and under according to the time which Herod had inquired from the wise men. Now who was influencing Herod? Satan! Why? He was trying to kill Jesus and if he had succeeded then salvation for mankind would not have been achieved. But even as I am typing this I hear the Lord say all of the prophecies that were spoken from the Holy Spirit through the Prophets and the Law had to come true because it was God’s Word and His Word never fails. So we have a guarantee that if God has spoken these things to happen then you can rest assure that they will happen.

End of the Age – Revelation 12 and 13

Even at the end of the age Satan will try one last time to destroy the sons of God and end the program once and for all but he will be extremely angry because he has now only a short time (Revelation 12:12). Before this happens, this is foretold in the stars of our Heaven. Now when he is here he will wage war with the sons of God on Earth (Revelation 13:6,7).

Now as I close this out, I will make this statement because we talk about victory all the time but there is a time when the saints will lose. Yes, we will lose.

1. Daniel 7:25: “And he shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall WEAR OUT THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH…”

2. Revelation 13:6,7: “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven and it was given unto him to make war with the saints, AND TO OVERCOME THEM:…”

Now we have 2 scriptures, one the vision God shows the prophet Daniel and the exact same vision given to the Apostle John in Revelation. So I know we will ultimately have victory in the very end but there is a time coming that the saints will lose and the scriptures have foretold these things almost 2000 to 2500 years ago.

In the next message we will look at how satan plans to wage war against the saints. I love God for this because it is only a mystery when you do not want to know but when God gives revelation then you have peace and are able to see things the way God sees them.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Fallen Angels: The Abyss

Today’s Topic: The Fallen Angels: The Abyss (The Bottomless Pit)

Scripture: Revelation 9:1-11

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now in the past message we stopped at Revelation 9:2. Today we are going to look at the Abyss and what it is, who is there and how will this pit impact the Earth. Now I want to go back to verse 1 and look at this angel because this angel has a name and it is mentioned in this very chapter. This angel is the ruler over the bottomless pit. His name is Abadon, in Hebrew and Apollyon, in Greek translated as The Destroyer. Now let’s start at Revelation 9:3 to continue at this powerful and revealing set of scriptures. Now we already know that the pit is now open and pillars of smoke are coming out of this pit and the smoke darkens the sun. But what is in the pit and what is going to come out of it?

Revelation 9:3-6

In this scripture it states that locusts came upon the Earth and power was given to them like scorpions. Now it is easy to see and be mislead if you stop here about these “locusts” because we would think these are insects but let’s see who God says they are. In verse 4 and 5 we see what these “locusts” are coming to do. They are called to torment all of the men of the Earth who do not have the seal of God in their foreheads. These “locusts” are not commanded to kill these people but torment them for five months. The torment will be so bad that in verse 6 it states that men will seek death. What a thought! We are afraid of death but the torment will be so bad that men will seek, actively for death but the scripture goes on to say that they shall not find death. Do you realize that God is in control of Death, the spirit! He is still under our Lord’s command. Is there no wonder why these people who choose not to follow Lord Jesus, the Christ are feeling the wrath of disobedience and rebellion? Now in these 4 verses we see these “locusts” on the Earth and their mission and assignment is also given. Now the revelation!

Revelation 9:7-10

Now John describes these locusts in detail and you tell me are these really locusts:

1. Shaped like horses prepared for battle (pretty large locust?)

2. Wearing crowns like gold

3. Faces of Men, Hair Like Women and Teeth Like Lions

4. Breastplates of Iron

5. Wings

6. Tails like Scorpions

Now it is obvious from this description that these are not locusts. These are the fallen spirits of the demonic. The crowns they wore as if they were gold tells me of their fallen state because true gold does not tarnish. They had faces of men, hair like women and teeth like lions. Obviously it is not an insect. They had wings. Now we have already concluded that these are the fallen angels of the demonic and their assignment is also given.

Revelation 9:11

These fallen angels had a king over them and his name was Apollyon (Greek) or Abadon (Hebrew). His name is translated as The Destroyer. So we have these forces of darkness and they have a king over them. Does not this describe a kingdom?

Now I want to point to this very urgent point. Now we know that in our stars in our heavens, a third of them will be flung to the Earth and this is symbolic or the demonic coming into the Earth. So how do they get into our dimension from the dimension of the eternal? Well if you read Revelation 9:3 you will see they come from the Abyss. So we now can conclude that the Abyss, or bottomless pit is the connection between our world of time and space and the demonic in the eternal. Now this Abyss is not a good place for these fallen angels and I want to show you. Remember back in Mark 5:1-19 where Jesus came in contact with the man possessed with the many devils in the tombs of the Gaderenes? Now when Jesus approached the man in verse 7 we see the spirits talking through the man to Jesus and said these words in Mark 5:7: “…What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.” Now is Jesus going to torment them per say? No! But he had the authority to cast them into the Abyss where they would be tormented. This is why the spirits made the request in verse 12 to go into the swine because they did not want to go into the Abyss. Now if the demons are scared of the Abyss, how terrifying could this Abyss really be? But I really want to conclude that this Abyss is the connection between our world and the demonic. Now when this Abyss is opened, the demonic will freely come into our world and into time and look like they were described as Revelation 9:7-10.

This is not some sci-fi picture nor is it some movie. These are not aliens and all of these mythical things we can think of. These are the words of our Lord and God through the angels and through the Apostle John. This is very simple and as you can see it is in your Bible in black and white and in some translations, in red also. We either will believe and have peace or not believe and live in terror. Currently at this time when we hear about devastating earthquakes and tsunamis and our hearts just nearly faint at the sight of these things. If you are not prepared, how do you think mankind react to the fallen spirits of the Abyss on Earth, face-to-face?

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fallen Angels: From Eternity to Time

Today’s Topic: The Fallen Angels: From Eternity to Time

Scripture: Revelation 9:1-11; Joel 2:30,31; Matthew 24:29; Acts 2:17-19

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

I know we have discussed some out-of-this world information in the past few messages and we have because it is J. Now for many people this is either incomprehensible or to a Kingdom Citizen who is spiritually discerned it is revelation and food for the soul. What is sad is for many believers the Bible is a mythological book instead of a Book of Truth inspired by God for His children. You will either believe that what will be will be and when the demonic hit the Earth you will live in terror or you will hear from God, believe Him and have knowledge of what is coming. Now we have laid a large foundation on the demonic but after reading all of that someone who is hungry for the word will ask one question: “How will these fallen spirits come into our world”? Now what we will discuss if you are not spiritually minded will disturb your soul. Let’s look at Revelation 9:1

Revelation 9:1,2

Now here we have the fifth angel sounding the fifth of the seven horns and it says in scripture that a star fell from heaven unto the Earth. Now before we go any further in this message I stated before that depending on the context of the word star it can also mean angel. Now if there was a star falling to the Earth it could be called an Asteroid and this is where we get the word in Greek, Asterios. But this word also means angel. Now if we continue to read this verse alone then we will see that this is no mere star. The verse continues: “and to him…”. Now there is no doubt that we are talking about a being and not a falling star. He keeps confirming even further in the verse: “And to him was given the key to the bottomless pit” Now another name for the bottomless pit is Abyss and we will refer to it as such throughout the messages. Now this angel opens this pit and smoke comes out of the pit and the sun is darkened. Now the question should be to us? Where is this bottomless pit? For the answer, go back to the earlier portion on verse 1. The angel fell from where to where? He fell from heaven to earth. So if he fell from heaven to earth then the bottomless pit is located in the earth in our realm. It is not complicated to understand but if you allow your beliefs to creep in, you will be deceived. Now this angel opens the Abyss and smoke comes out, so much that it darkens the sun. Can we really fathom that? Now many preachers will try to say that this is from nuclear explosions or exchange and it has thrown debris into the sky and it has darkened the sun. Now for the sake of time I am going to show you this and then we will continue this in the next message because it is so much information. How is it not nuclear explosion? One thing I have learned is God confirms and destroys these myths in His Word. Let’s go to Matthew 24:29. Jesus tells us after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens be shaken. This is consistent with Revelation 9:1-11. Now let’s take a step further back to the Old Testament, Joel 2:30-31:


Now if God is prophesying this through Joel then you can rest assured that it will happen. Even after the resurrection of Jesus, the disciple Peter preached in Jerusalem in Acts 2:19-20 the prophecy of Joel to the people in Jerusalem. Why would God consistently say the same thing multiple times through different people? He is trying to warn us and prepare us so that we are aware of the things to come. Now in Revelation 9:1 John is privileged to see how the sun will be darkened. Clearly in the scripture it will be darkened by the pillars of smoke coming from the bottomless pit (Revelation 9:2). No nuclear explosion or massive volcano eruption but an angel who unlocks the bottomless pit.

In the next message we are going to look at the bottomless pit, what is in there and what does it mean for the Earth.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars: The Demonic Kingdom Part 2

Today’s Topic: Signs in the Sun Moon and Stars: Demonic Kingdom Part 2

Scripture: Revelation 12:1-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now in the last message we look at the stars and what message they will entail for not only the Demonic Kingdom but also for the Sons of God. We are going to pick up where we left off in the last message in Revelation 12:5 and start with Revelation 12:7 and show you now the actual thing that is going to happen in the Earth as a result of what was shown in the stars.

Revelation 12:7,8

Here we have the final climatic battle between Michael and his angels and Satan and His angels and the outcome of this battle is given and told in verse 8. Satan and his angels lost the battle and were kicked out of the second heaven.

Revelation 12:9

Now in this verse we see confirmation that these fallen spirits were kicked out of the second heaven into the Earth because this verse tells us so. But I want to show you the correlation to another verse in the same chapter. In verse 4 we see the tail, or the influence of the dragon slinging one-third of the stars of heaven to the Earth. Now this might look like a meteor shower, I do not know but there will be falling stars in our Heavens signifying the demonic being cast to the Earth. Now I am going to tell you this ahead of time and will revisit it in another message. In the book of Revelation there are many cases where stars are also referred to angels. The term stars in the Greek is Asterios which means stars but it also means angels. But we need to understand the context the word is being used in. Now we have a clear correlation between what is shown in the constellations and stars to what is happening between the eternal and time.

Revelation 12:10,11

Now in this powerful scripture we see the salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ (Anointed). Now I am tying verse 10 and 11 to show you the picture. Right here we have the full power of the Kingdom of God will be given to the saints on Earth. Now how do I know? Verse 11 says “They” overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb. The word they refer to the saints. In other words we will have fully mature saints or even better, the mature sons of God. Where have we seen this? Verses 2 and 5 show that the woman was pregnant and when she delivered and gave birth, she brought forth a man child who was to rule the nations with a rod of iron. Let us look at this term man child because I earlier stated that this child that was born was the mature Sons of God but here the child is referred to as a man child. This term man child is two-fold understood in the sense that it is a child because of its new birth and it is a man because it is mature. The term in Greek is Huios tou Theou or the Mature Sons of God. So verse 10 and 11 are referring to the child that this virgin is giving birth to from verse 2 and 5. Now I want to make this clear, if you read all of verse 11 there is a clear indication that these mature sons of God will die because it states that they loved not their lives unto death. Ok, for many of us we fear death because even though God has assured us there is life after death we live in fear of the unknown even though it is known because God has told us. It comes down to faith. But these individuals will be like Jesus and not fear death because they will understand why they are here and what their destiny is and do the will of God unto death.

Revelation 12:12

Now here we have two situations going on as a result of one action. The one action is Satan and the demonic being cast out of the heavens and there not being a place for them anymore there. So we see that the heavens rejoice over this triumph and removal of evil. But now we have a “woe” to the inhabiters of the Earth because the devil is come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath a short time. Now I have said before this is one or maybe the only place in scripture where we see the devil being associated with time. Now why would he be mad about this? Because he is now subject to the realm of time and time ends at some point. Now throughout Satan’s existence is primary goal is to destroy the sons of God and destroy the program of God. He came within one family (Noah) of achieving this in the Old Testament for example. Now since he is now on Earth, he only has a limited amount of time to figure a plan of how to achieve this because before his exile out of heaven, he had eternity. So he is very angry and he has a plan because in Revelation 12:17 it states that he will make war with the remnant of her seed (The Mature Sons of God). Now how he will do this is another subject which we will look at later in this series.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Stars and the Demonic Kingdom

Today’s Topic: Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars: The Demonic Kingdom

Scripture: Revelation 12:1-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now in a previous message we discussed that when Jesus shakes the Heavens, the demonic kingdom will be thrown out of the second heaven into the Earth. Now what we discussed is what is eternal being moved into the realm of time. Now if this happened without any warning, how do you think we as humans would react? Think about it for a second, the demonic fallen angels in person on Earth with wrath, fury and power. God says it best in Revelation 12:12 when he says “Woe to the inhabiters of the Earth.” So there has to be a warning because God knows our hearts will faint if we did not receive a warning. So where will our warning come from that we can see? Well if you read the last message then we know the answer will be in the stars. Now let’s look at this powerful set of scriptures to prove this and we will walk slowly.

Verses 1,2

Now this great wonder in Heaven of a woman with the sun and the moon under her feet and a crown of 12 stars is referring to the constellation Virgo. Now we know of the earthly virgin Mary giving birth to the Son of God and we will return to this. But this virgin has a crown of 12 stars. Now let me explain because it is all about the stars! There is a constellation called Virgo and now this constellation also has 12 stars that serve as a crown. The 12 crowns refer to a galaxy of stars called the Sombrero Galaxy. Now this galaxy has 8 stars currently but when the appointed time has come it will have 12 stars. So even here God is drawing a picture for us in the stars to show us what will happen on Earth. Now this virgin is with child and is crying out in birth pains until the child is delivered. Now this is not referring to Mary and Jesus. The child that will be born is the mature (perfected) sons of God and we will see this later in the scripture.

Verses 3,4

Now here it leads off there being a great wonder in the heaven and there is a great red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns and seven crowns upon his heads. Now this is a creepy creature but who could this represent? It represented Satan, the great dragon. Now it says this dragon has 7 heads and 10 horns so what is that? This is describing the Demonic Global Kingdom that will come to the Earth when satan and his angels are cast out of Heaven. Now the 4th verse goes on to say his tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the Earth. His tail represented, Satan’s influence. Remember when Satan (Lucifer at that time) was in the Highest Heavens, he was an angel of light and set the atmosphere of worship in Heaven. Because of sin, he realized that he could influence the heavenly beings (angels) and himself and one-third of heavens angels were cast from the 3rd Heaven to the 2nd Heaven where they, the demonic, reside currently for now. But it was his influence that got them cast out of heaven and now it is his influence that gets them cast to the earth. Please stick with me it will make sense soon. Now the dragon, Satan and his kingdom will try to devour the child that the woman was giving birth to. So we have a virgin giving birth to the mature sons of God and the dragon, satan and his kingdom, are set or poised to try to devour the sons of God.

So up to this point we have the constellations Virgo, Coma and Draco all in the same vicinity. Is this true now? Yes! Do your research! Now, this Virgin will give birth to the mature sons of God and the dragon and his kingdom will try to devour the mature sons of God.

For the sake of retaining and keeping everyone on board we will continue looking at the correlation in the stars to the actual events happening on Earth.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Coming of Jesus

Today’s Topic: Signs in the Heavens: The Coming of Jesus

Scripture: Genesis 1:14,15; Matthew 24:17,30; Haggai 2:6; Numbers 24:17; Matthew 2:1,2

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

In the last message we discussed that in Numbers 24:17 that there will be a Star that will come out of Jacob and we know that this was referring to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. Now, this is where it gets good. In Matthew 2:2, the wise men stated that they saw “His star”. So out of the thousands of stars and planets and constellations how did the wise men know “His star?” Well remember we talked about the ancient Arabs studied the stars and named many of them along with the Romans and the Greeks. Now I am not giving man all the credit because God ultimately named these stars and their names had a meaning and purpose and we will soon see this. A great example is in the Book of Job 38:31,32 where God says “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades (Constellation of 7 stars) or loose the bands of Orion (constellation)? Canst thou bring forth Mazzaroth (constellations or 12 signs in the Heavens) in his season? Or canst thou guide Arcturus (Brightest star in the Constellation Bootes) with his sons? So here we have clear evidence of God having knowledge of the names of the stars before the Ancient Greeks and Romans. Now we want to lock in on what the wise men called “his star” or the star of Jesus. The name of the star in Hebrew is called Comah translated to “The Desired One” What a name! Later on that same star would be named by the ancient Egyptians and they called it Shes-nu which means “The Desired Son”. Now to prove that Jesus corresponded to the star called Comah or the Desired One let’s look at Haggai 2:6. In Haggai 2:6 it speaks of the coming of Jesus but it does not say Jesus it says that “the desire of all nations shall come”. So now we have a correlation of Jesus also being called the “Desire of all Nations”. Now the question to most astronomers is then where is this star located.

There is a constellation once called Comah and the name was changed to Coma Berenices and when Jesus was born, another star appeared in the constellation and was very bright. Now the constellation itself is brighter than our own sun, but it is also 27 light years away so this is why it is not brighter than the sun we see because our sun is obviously closer. But on this night the wise men saw a new star show in the constellation Coma Berenices and this let them know that the Desired Son was on Earth. Ok, does that mean we need to know some of these stars? Of course we do because God put them there to be a sign to let us know the eternal is impacting the earth.

The appearing of this star was not a coincidence and was not just a Christmas story. God is telling us something and he is using pictures in the sky to tell us. Now if we look at Matthew 24:30, Jesus Himself tells us that there shall appear a sign (singular) of the Son of Man in the Heaven. Now here Jesus is talking about His return. So what do you think that this sign could possibly be? How about the same sign that the wise men saw over 2,000 years ago in the East. The star that will shine in the constellation Coma Berenices to let us know that the Desired of all Nations, The Lord Jesus, the Christ has returned. God is not trying to fool us or hide anything. However, He will only show you what you want to know. How could the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, chief priests and the elders miss it? It was in the same scriptures that the wise men had but when you are greedy for power and religion has taken a hold over your life then you will miss it. Is it no wonder that the chief priest, Pharisees and Sadducees had such a problem with Jesus making the claim that He is the Son of God?

So in the first coming and in His return there will be a sign in the Heavens to let us know that the Lord has returned. We are going to continue to look at the sings we will see in the stars to let us know of the events that will bring about the Return of the Lord. Because before this star appears, there are other events that God will warn us through the stars of the eternal impacting the earth. In the next message we will look at this, how will we know when the Demonic Kingdom is coming and on earth? Obvious answer, it is in the stars and we will look in depth at this next message.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Understanding the Role of the Stars

Today’s Topic: Understanding the Role of the Stars

Scripture: Genesis 1:14,15; Matthew 24:17,30; Numbers 24:17; Matthew 2:1,2

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

In the last message we left off talking about the star that guided the wise men to the newborn King, Jesus. And we stated that the wise men said that they were guided by His star. So what is it about stars that are so important? Well let’s go back to the beginning and see. Look at Genesis 1:14:

“ And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years”

Now how many times have we read this and did not think twice about what God said when He said “Let them be for signs..”? The sun, moon and stars are all objects and things that illuminate the day and the nighttime sky and they are also there for signs, seasons, days and years. Now what this tells me is the heavens (stars, moon and sun) is God’s billboard for us to know when something or someone from the eternal is about to impact the Earth. Now the human study of the stars trace all the way back in history to the kingdoms of Samaria and Babylon. Now you may wonder how did these stars get their names? The names were primarily given by the Arabs, Romans and Greeks who also studied the stars after the Samarians and Babylonians. To give you an example of one or two constellation of stars that are Arabic are Zuben Elgenubi and Al Zimach. So what we have established is that the heavens of this realm are for signs to the Earth that the eternal is impacting or about to impact the Earth. The study of the stars and even their naming, go back as far as Samaria and Babylon to the Arabs of the Middle East and the Romans of the Roman Empire (before Christ). Now what I want to show you is this correlation in what the wise men saw in the east and how they knew that the King of the Jews had been born on Earth. Now I want to walk you to the wise men in scripture to show there has always been in scripture the prophecy of a star being the sign that Jesus, the Messiah was on Earth. Let’s start with Numbers 24:15-17.

Numbers 24:15-17

Here we have the words of Baalam and the verse I want you to lock in on is verse 17. Now in verse 17 we have these powerful words:

“I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel…”

Now who is it that they shall see? Jesus. Baalam then says in the vision that he shall behold him but not yet. Now the revelation, there shall come a Star out of Jacob. Now here is one of the first references to Jesus and a Star. So the ancients new of this scripture and had written knowledge of a star signifying the Messiah. Now Numbers is one of the five books of Moses so this is obviously written information so that the elders, scribes and chief priests can know that there will be a star in the sky signifying the Messiah has come.

Now I must emphasize this and we will continue this wonderful revelation in the next message, God always warns and prepares His people for the impact of the eternal on the natural. Take a look at some of the things that God warned mankind about before it happened:

1. Promise of Death from Sin – Adam

2. The Flood – Noah

3. The Coming of the Messiah – The Law and the Prophets

4. The Return of the Kingdom of God to Earth – John the Baptist

5. The Return of the Lord – Jesus Himself

6. The Demonic Kingdom on Earth: Daniel and the Apostle John (Revelation)

Now these are major events and there are thousands of others I could use but to keep us in focus we will stick with the first coming of Jesus. In the next message we will continue to look at evidence and proof of the stars being set for signs in heavens for us to know when the eternal will impact the earth.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars

Today’s Topic: Signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars

Scripture: Genesis 1:14,15; Matthew 24:17,30; Numbers 24:17; Matthew 2:1,2

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now in the past few messages we talked about the shaking of the heavens and the demonic kingdom falling out of the eternal heavens into the realm of time and space on Earth. But the question is when will this happen and what are the signs? Now we talked about the signs in the heavens, do we believe that there will be signs in the Earth to let us know when these things will happen? Absolutely! One thing that is consistent about God, when dealing with mankind, there is always a warning of an event or consequence that will come about either by sin or just by mere sequence of events in time. Now, what do you think would have happen if God did not warn mankind about the flood? Then mankind would cease to exist and the program of God to have sons, fails. God knows our pattern of thinking and reasoning and He knows if He did not give us a sign or warning then we would not be able to stand when events in our lives happen that will challenge our very existence. The Return of the Lord is no different. So what are the signs in the earthly heavens (those we can see) that will tells us of eternal events impacting time? Well let’s start with the statement of Jesus in Matthew 24:30:

“And then shall appear a sign of the Son of Man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”

Now Jesus is telling you a sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven. Well what type of sign? Before we answer this we need to understand which heaven Jesus is talking about. Jesus is talking about the earthly heaven, the stars, sun and planets we can see. So we will receive a sign prior to the Lord returning. Has there ever been a time where this has happen such as a sign in the earthly heavens? Yes and you will find this to be unique when I explain this. Let’s look at Numbers 24:17. Here in this scripture we see a prophecy of Jesus but in the same scripture we see these words: “There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre will rise out of Jacob.” Now if the prophecy is talking about Christ then in this scripture there is a star that is associated with the coming of the Lord. Well there are thousands of stars, how will you know the difference between those and this one star. Let’s jump to Matthew 2:1,2. Here we see the story of the wise men and they are inquiring about the King of the Jews that was born. Now I know at Christmas time we read this all the time but we miss the subtle things in this very scripture that is crucial. How did the wise men know to look for the Newborn King of the Jews at that exact time? Well look at their answer in verse 2: “We have seen HIS STAR in the east and are come to worship him”. So the wise men knew that there was one particular star that when it was visible to them they knew that the King of the Jews had been born.

Now what that means is that the world was given a sign to know that Christ had been born. But unless you know and understand what to look for as signs of the return of the Lord, you will be lost. Now I need to stop here and in the next message we will look at this particular star that the wise men saw and understand that we will be given signs in the heavens to know something from the eternal is now impacting time. But we need to understand how these wise men know this star from all the others.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Demonic Kingdom on Earth

Today’s Topic: The Signs in the Heavens: The Demonic Kingdom on Earth

Scripture: Haggai 2:6; Revelation 12:7-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

One of the greatest myths and mistakes that have been made in the Christian faith is believing every demonic attack is a personal one between you and Satan. We have extensively studied that the demonic is a kingdom themselves (Ephesians 6:12). The ruler or head of that kingdom is Satan. Now he is not the only one in the demonic kingdom. One-third of the original angels from Heaven that were kicked out are also in this realm. Now there are about 153 countries on the Earth that can be ruled by one of these fallen angels and it leaves a multitude to just roam and defile the earth with deception and lies. When we think with that concept we began to allow the spirit of discernment to show us or differentiate a demon from the Holy Spirit. When we learn that these spirits can talk to you and give you information then you can appreciate the importance of knowing the voice of the Lord. But at this current time the demonic kingdom is eternal and invisible and these creatures enjoy a slight advantage of invisibility and power over us. This is why having the Holy Spirit is so vital and having a relationship with the Holy Spirit is even more important because there are people who have the Holy Spirit but have no relationship with Him. Now after all of this, there is a day coming that the powers of Heaven will be shaken and what can be moved will be and we discussed and concluded that the demonic kingdom will no longer enjoy invisibility but will be cast into the visible world with power. Now I do not want you to think this is just talk, so let’s look at the scripture for confirmation.

Revelation 12:7-12

Verse 7-8

In this scripture we see this clash between the angels of God lead by Michael the archangel and the dragon, satan and his angels. So it is evident that this is a war and it will be the final climatic war in the sense of the demonic staying in the heavenly. How do we know? Verse 8 tells us that the demonic did not prevail and neither was there place found any more in heaven. So if the demonic is not in the heavens where are they?

Verse 9

Here is our answer and it starts out describing who was kicked out of the heavenly and where they were thrown to. The Devil, that old serpent, the dragon, Satan (what a set of names) was cast out into the Earth, AND HIS ANGELS WERE CAST OUT WITH HIM. Now I do not care how someone tries to picture this or shape it. The Word is clear when He says, that Satan and his angels will be cast out into the Earth. No more invisibility, but nowhere here is it stated that they would not have power. So imagine this, what do you think the human race will see and feel when these demonic fallen angels are no longer invisible but face-to-face with mankind? Bone-chilling isn’t it. But the next scripture is a wonderful one despite the horror and wrath that will come to the Earth.

Verse 10-11

In this wonderful scripture when demonic kingdom is cast into the Earth, look what now happens: “Now is come the salvation and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ.” Ok this should make you feel good inside. The full power of the Kingdom of God will now be given to the saints when the demonic hit the Earth. Right now we all have the Holy Ghost but the power is imparted to us to complete a certain task, but the full power will be given to the saints when the demonic are on Earth. When the saints received this power the scripture says they overcame the demonic by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death. See no longer will these saints care or try to protect their lives because they understand that they are fully empowered and will lay down their lives doing the perfect will of God with the full power of the Kingdom.

Verse 12

Now God tells the heavens to rejoice when this happens but then He gives a warning in the same verse. Woe to the inhibiters of the earth because the devil is come down to you having great wrath because he knows that he hath but a short time. Now this is one of the unique scriptures in the Bible because now we see the devil and the demonic no longer associated with the eternal but with time. No wonder the devil will be so angry because now he is subject to time and he knows that he will die in the eternal lake of fire.

Now with all of this, how will we know when this will happen or will we know when it will happen? The answer is we will know and there will be signs in sun, stars and moon in our heavens will tell us when.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fallen Angels and the Demonic Kingdom Part 2

Today’s Topic: Signs in the Heavens: Fallen Angels and the Demonic Kingdom Part 2

Scripture: Deuteronomy 18:10,11; Psalm 12:8; 2 Chronicles 7:14;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

I know we talked extensively of how the fallen angels receive authority to rule over populations by the leaders of that population yielding their authority to these fallen angels through decision making and worship. Now we talked also about how these civilizations and nations would appease the gods through blood sacrifices and worship. Now I want to add to this because before we solve the problem we need to identify all problems. The sacrificing of children does not only include blood sacrifice and in Deuteronomy 18:10,11 God tells us other ways we allow or make our children pass through the fire. Those who practice divination, observer of times (zodiac signs), an enchanter, witch, charmer, consulter with familiar spirits, a wizard or a necromancer. In certain African nations, witch doctors are telling people who have AIDS, which is devastating the landscape, to have intercourse with virgin and they would be healed. Now as backward as that may seem that is the culture and when it is allowed to go uncheck and without Kingdom influence then this cycle continues under the authority of the demonic spirits. In addition when we condone and allow our children to watch and listen to these movies, t.v. programs, entertainers (music or television) we permit the fallen spirits to rule. Let me show you this, Psalms 12:8: “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted”. When we lift people up who are sinners and do not care about the true and living God as evident in their lives then we allow the wicked (fallen spirits) to walk freely. So when we put someone in office, regardless of race or color, who yields themselves to promoting or accepting homosexuality or condoning abortion then we have yielded our nation through the leader to the authority of the demonic. Do you know that God will actually allow and even appoint the lowest of men to show a nation its sins? Let’s look at Daniel 4:17:


The basest of men is the low of the low and it is to let the nation know through a mirror (the leader) the sins they are committing against the Most High. Now sin is disobedience or rebellion and this is what the fallen angels tried to do in Heaven and is what got them exiled out of the Highest Heaven. Now after all of that, what is the solution? How do we heal this problem? Very simple!

2 Chronicles 6:14: “If my people who are called by my name (sons of God), shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.

Unless we as a nation and a people really get back to God not just in prayer but in actions and allow God to appoint us a Kingdom-lead person in office then the nation will always be under demonic rule. So if you want the nation to be under the firm rule of the Most High then the nation needs to turn to God and allow Him to appoint His leader. A great example was when the children of Israel was being led by God and noticed that these other nations had a visible King that ruled over them, they pleaded with God to give them a King they could see. Now God said I will be your king and you will be my people and the people said they wanted a king they can see like everyone else. Kingdom citizens, never settle for less than what God wants to give you. So God let them select a king and they chose Saul. Now Saul had a little problem and it was false god worship and Samuel had to inform Saul that he has sinned against the Most High. Later on Saul would fall and God will appoint David. Now David had his own problems but David loved God and chased after the heart of God. Under David, Israel prospered and grew. Even though David would fall due to disobedience, it does not go without saying the difference between Saul, the people appointed king and David, God’s appointed King. Furthermore it would be the King David throne that Jesus would sit on and not the King Saul throne. We as Kingdom citizens are called-out to be the voices of the Lord in a world full of sin. We are called–out to be light for all to see. Not a light as ourselves but allow the light of Christ to shine in a world ruled by darkness and allow those in darkness to see the light which is Christ and be drawn to Him. The demonic fallen angels hate this and there is no wonder why the demonic is fighting Christ on every side from trying to ban prayer and suppression of the celebration of Christ, His birth and His resurrection. No matter how much darkness there is in a room, when a little light shines, no matter how little it is, the darkness cannot consume it nor contain it. The fallen angels will never consume nor contain the Word of God, no matter how they may try. They may have the saints killed and persecuted but God will continue to have children preaching and displaying the Kingdom of God unto the end of the Age. Are you willing and able to stand up to the demonic. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. If you keep that and know that, then there is no need to fear them.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.