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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Overcoming the World

Topic: Summary

Scripture: 1 John 2; Acts 14:22;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Apostle John tells us that whoever is born of God has overcome the world. So it is the sons of God that overcome the world. However, it is only through obedience and submission are the sons able to overcome. Acts 14:22 tells us that through tribulation we enter the Kingdom of God and this is a constant pattern and process God uses to mature the saints because it involves us denying the world and our own fleshly desires to allow God to live through us.

We look at 1 John 2:13 and discussed the three stages of believers according to John which are children, young men and fathers. We saw that it is the young men who overcome the world and this is because the infant must mature and come into the knowledge of their sonship. Once they have come into the knowledge of their sonship then they will come into the understanding of how they have overcome the world. Well we know that overcoming the world requires us to abide and live in the Kingdom of God and allow the Father’s rule to manifest on the earth.

It is the spiritual father’s responsibility to show this overcoming reality in the life that they live and through the trials and tribulations they endure. Jesus did it for His disciples, teaching them to suffer unto obedience (Hebrews 5:8) and the disciples who matured and became fathers themselves showed their spiritual children. There is not one person in the Scriptures that did not endure tribulation unto obedience. When you grow through these processes then you become mature and can teach others how to mature.

Overcoming the world is all about the sons of God relying on the Father and not the world’s ways and systems to meet their provision and protection. The Kingdom of God is the son’s primary governing rule in their lives. They show that they are sons of God through love towards the Father and their fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. However, a son of God, in particular, a immature son, if not discipled and not submitted to Christ will struggle with this until they mature. We see many people struggle with the faith at this point because when the cares of this life hit, the Word of God is “choked” out of them. However if the word falls on good ground, in due season it will bring forth much fruit. It will endure the storms of life and through constant nourishment, the son will mature and bring forth the fruit of the Spirit.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.