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Household of Calhoun

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Importance of the Spiritual Father/Son Relationship in the House of God

Role of the Spiritual Father

Today’s Focus: Importance of the Spiritual Father/Son Relationship in the House of God

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now one of the devastating signs of the times that we are seeing is the maturing of fatherlessness in the earth. It is almost normal to see single parent homes and back in the day this was unheard of. Now when there is a lack of fathers we will see sons rebel and lead chaotic lives for the most part, not all the time. But when we look at society we can definitely look back at the household and see where it all has gone wrong. One of the major roles in the Hebrew culture was that the father was to teach the sons about God and bring them to maturity so that when it was time to take the exam they would past and officially become a man. But what happens when the natural father have abused, marginalized and wounded the sons. This person does not have to be a natural father, it could be a step-father or even a church leader in which someone has put their trust in. What happens when this happens? Well it is definitely hard for anyone in those situations to relate to God the Father as their Father when the father they do see is abusing them spiritually, emotionally and/or physically. What ends up happening is these children develop the “trust no man” and they build up a wall around them and build the notion that they “do not want to hear from any man, just God” Now you may say well is that not what we want? The answer which is a question is, how does God bring the word to us? Through His sons who he has matured to be fathers in the Earth to bring the young in spirit to maturity. But for the child who has built those barriers, it is extremely hard for them to even grasp the concept of a “spiritual father”.

The original model was God the Father, maturing Adam, because Adam had no earthly father. But then Adam was to teach and mature His sons and so on. This is what God wanted and this is the order and the way He desires for it to be done. However because we have gone away from the model that has a spiritual father paired with a son (i.e. Paul/Timothy, Paul/Silas), Christians have had to take their growth upon themselves and do it on their own. Let me explain! We have all these conferences and all of these books and electronic media to get the latest from the Word of God. Nothing is wrong with technology but God ordained for your maturation to be a one-on-one relationship and the model of the spiritual father and son can accomplish that very thing. Think about it? How can one pastor mature 500 people? To mature anyone requires an intimate one-on-one relationship and usually when you get up into those numbers it is all about members and maintaining the growth, physically.

God is raising up fathers who genuinely care for sons that God has assigned them. The sons pursue the fathers. This is a biblical pattern that is played throughout the Bible. You have Ruth pursuing Naomi, Elisha pursuing Elijah and Timothy pursuing Paul. These are a few examples but the common thread between them all was a relationship, not membership. This relationship was all about maturation and taking the child to the next level of where the father left off. This is called multi-generational building.

In the next message we will look at the character of the spiritual fathers.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.