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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Foundation of the Relationships in the House of God

Overcoming the World

Today’s Focus: Foundation of the Relationships in the House of God

Scripture: 1 John 5; Galatians 4:5,6; John 1:12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

The foundation of the relationships in the House of God is love. Now we all should know that love is an action word. Now this is a very extensive topic so let's get into the scripture and see how love helps us overcome the world.

1 John 5:1,2: Whosoever believeth that Jesus Christ is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth Him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of Him. By this we know that we are the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments.

Now John starts this chapter of the epistle by giving us the foundation of our very existence in the House of God. It is only by faith the Jesus is the Christ. We know that Romans 10:9 tells us that we must confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead. Now when we have made that confession of our faith. God sends the Spirit of His Son into our hearts. We are adopted from the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light and the House of God. Let me show you:

Galatians 4:5,6: To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons and because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying Abba Father.

John 1:12: But as many as recieved Him (Spirit of Christ), to them gave He power to become sons of God, even them that believe on His name.

So when God sends the Spirit of Christ into our hearts upon our confession of faith we automatically become sons of God. Now with that confession we say we want to make Jesus Christ our Lord. For Him to be Lord means that He rules over your life. You have submitted unto His rulership. The bond that is made Spirit to spirit is a bond that is founded in love. It is the love of the Father for the sons and the sons for the Father. Even moreover 1 John 5:1 speaks that the sons of God should love one another just as we love the Father. So there is a love of love to go around but in everything that we do, it should be done in love.

By showing this love 1 John 5:2 says it is the confirmation that we are sons of God when we love our fellow brothers and sisters and we love God and keep His commandments.

In the next message we will look at how to love God and how it correlates with overcoming the world.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.