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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spiritual Father must be a Son

Role of the Spiritual Father

Today’s Focus: Spiritual Father Must Be a Son

Scripture: Romans 10:9; Galatians 4:6; John 1:12;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now in order to become a spiritual father you must become a spiritual son. Now as simple as that may sound, it is so misguided and misunderstood today. So many people want to get saved on Sunday and go lead people by Monday. That is not how it works. Can I show you scripturally it did not even work that way with Jesus!

Jesus was 30 years old when he received the Holy Spirit. Before that between the ages of 12 and 30, the young man Jesus was being discipled by His Father into His Father’s business. Remember it was at age 12 that Jesus was in the temple, inquiring or asking questions about the Father. In the Hebrew culture at the age of 12 a boy becomes a man it is the age of accountability and they must take their exam. Now there is an apprenticeship period that every son goes through before he takes over his father’s business. Jesus was on this apprenticeship between the age of 12 and 30. Now, notice after the baptism Jesus did what? He fasted and prayed! Now that is the big elephant in the room. How many of us, fasted and prayed after receiving the Holy Spirit? I know I did not! But the teaching point here is that the father knows after we have made a decision to come out of the world and be a part of His family then we need to fast and pray because immediately the devil will come to try to deceive you and make you believe you did not receive who you received and nothing has really changed. So to be fully connected with the Father, Jesus fasted and prayed after receiving the Holy Spirit. After that Jesus comes teaching and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom in the synagogues, cities and towns. It would not be to a little time after that, that the Father would give Jesus the 12. But look at all that Jesus had went through to get to that point.

So a spiritual father must be a spiritual son first and a spiritual son must submit to the Son of God. In order to submit to the Son of God you must first repent from your ways and make Him Lord and Savior over your life and believe that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Upon that confession the Father sends the Spirit of Christ (Son) into your heart where now you cry Father, Father (Galatians 4:6). Now that you are born of the Father, you are a newborn in Christ. God sends spiritual fathers to nurture you in the Lord and bring you to maturity. This is why John 1:12 says: But as many as receive Him, to them gave He power TO BECOME SONS OF GOD, EVEN THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME. When he says to become sons of God He is speaking about maturing from newborn to mature son of God.

Jesus will assign a mature man to walk with you as a spiritual father much like Paul and Timothy. This man IS NOT PERFECT but has been chosen to accept the discipline of God to move from a position as an orphan to the place of a mature Son. He should be more mature than the son whom He is discipling. He should be gifted with a parenteral responsibility for the son. He should be available to the spiritual son with his time and council. He is a man who is a spiritual son to a spiritual father. This is how accountability to maintained in the House of God. A father holding his son who also is a father responsible for his actions and the souls in his care because the fathers all will have to give an account of the souls that the Lord has put in their care.

In the next message we will look at how a son and a spiritual father get connected.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,

Calvin Calhoun, Jr.