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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Your Talent Makes Room for Your Gift

The Good News (Gospel) According to Luke
Today’s Focus: Your Talent Makes Room for Your Gift
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Here we see these soon-to-be disciples of Jesus out there mending their nets knowing they had not caught anything. Now Jesus tells them to go back out in the water with their nets. Now Simon explains how they had already tried to do that and caught nothing. Then Simon said these words “Nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net”. Now lesson #1:

We have to do what God tells us to do, when He tells us no matter how odd it may seem because His ways are not our ways.

Now of course in this story they have the great catch of fish and Jesus in verse 10 tells them that they shall catch men soon. Now these guys understood fishing or so they thought until Jesus came alongJ. But look at how Jesus applied fishing to their assignment and mission He was sending them on. Jesus is going to show them how to fish and catch men. So the talent they have in fishing is going to be used for the gift they will have for declaring or preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven to the lost. See He is going to take that talent they have and it will make room for the spiritual gift which will be used to upbuild the Kingdom. Now our Big Brother Jesus was very unique in the way He did things. Now the only thing that really separated us (the believers) from Christ is our mind. See when Jesus was handling this situation with the fish, He was trying to show them it will take a repented mind (changed mindset) to operate in this Kingdom. The Kingdom in many ways operate opposite to the ways of the kingdoms of the world. For example:
1. In the kingdoms of the world, you get by taking, but in the Kingdom of God, you get by giving
2. In the kingdoms of the world you work for a salary, but in the Kingdom all of your needs are met and paid by the government
3. In the kingdoms of the world, what you can see can limit your ability to do something, in the Kingdom of God, what you don’t see makes everything possible

So, you have to have a old mindset (Pre-fallen) mindset where God makes all the provisions if I obey and keep his commandments. Now many people have taken those talents and used them to make a living for themselves and not to better or up-build the Kingdom. Now when you become selfish with your talent, then God has a way to take that from you and give it to someone who will do the right thing with it. Your talent is for you to help someone else along the way and not hoard it for yourself. Think about it! Your teacher you had back in school or currently in school was given a gift to teach so that they may impart on you knowledge and the wisdom you need for the outside world. It does them no good to know something and not teach you because if you fail, they fail, unless you know there was some corruption, in few cases. We need to embrace our talents and use them wisely for the edification and glorification of God and the Kingdom and when you do that then you will experience true Kingdom success and fulfillment.

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.