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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Corruption pt 5

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Religious Leaders and Their Corruption: Part 5
Scripture: Matthew 23:15

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I isolated this scripture because there is so much in so little. Let’s look at this next form of corruption that the religious leaders of today are burdening the people with.

The Corruption in Evangelism and False Doctrines
So many people want to go out and evangelize but what are you evangelizing? Oh that’s right, you are evangelizing the good news of Jesus Christ. Question: What did Jesus tell you to tell the people? Now that is a question. The reason I ask is because like I have said before, many people are not coming to Christ as they should if they have heard the Good News (Gospel). Now do not get me wrong, Jesus is good news, but what did Jesus say the good news or the gospel is? Before I answer, many people are going out their evangelizing and some evangel-lying. They go out there just talking without having the true message and when people hear the false doctrine and do not read to verify, then they just got the wrong message. So you can actually evangelize the entire world with the wrong message. So back to the original question: What did Jesus tell you to tell the world? Let’s go back to Matthew 10:7 and Jesus tells the disciples what to preach and evangelize: The Kingdom of Heaven. Ok let me show you another scripture, Luke 4:43. Jesus says that he must preach the KINGDOM OF GOD to other cities also; for therefore am I sent. Ok, last example! Matthew 24:14 and Jesus clearly tells you what message will cause the end to come. He states THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Not prosperity, faith, baptism, born again, name it claim it, but the Kingdom of God. So now does it make a little more sense why we are called Kingdom Citizens Ministry and we preach the Kingdom of God all the time. Funny, Jesus preached the Kingdom of God to the multitudes, but He did not preach himself. So what are we evangelizing? The Pharisees and Sadducees would go into this foreign land and make followers of them. Now Jesus says, you make him two-fold a child of hell. Now that is harsh but because they are not entering, and they are evangelizing to others their religion and their religion will not save anyone.

See, if we get the message right then we can effectively show the world what Jesus did and how he did it. The power of God will be made manifest through the children. Let’s at least get the message right before we go out there evangelizing. Jesus told the disciples what to preach when they go out evangelizing. Why have we changed the message? Probably because we do not understand the Kingdom of God. That is why you have to study and allow God to show you the Kingdom like never before.

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.