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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Negativity Not Wanted

The Good News (Gospel) According to Mark
Today’s Focus: Negativity Not Wanted!
Scripture: Mark 5:35-43

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now this might be the best illustration and advice for anyone that is going through anything that is troubling, regardless if it is physical or spiritual. Let’s get right into the story and watch this blessing for your life unfold.

A ruler comes to Jesus and tells Him that his daughter is dead. Now look at Jesus response. He said: Be not afraid, just believe. Now Jesus is dealing directly with the father. Now Jesus takes Peter, James and John with Him to the house, with the father. Now when Jesus get’s there He sees all these people weeping and wailing. Now Jesus says something profound. He says the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth. Now this goes against what their natural eyes see. Now look at their response to Jesus, they laughed him to scorn. Then Jesus put them out and took the father and the mother in with him where the damsel is lying. Jesus calls the damsel to rise and immediately the damsel arose and walked and then Jesus charged them that they should tell no man what happened. Get ready for the blessing!

When you are going through your trail and tribulation and people all around you are speaking doom and gloom on your life. It is time to kick them out and go with the King right through the problem and be victorious. See, Jesus only wanted people who believed to see the miracle because they believed in the power the Lord possessed. But for those who do not believe, it is not for their eyes to see. Now of course when the young girl came out after Jesus left the people were astonished and probably asked how? And I can only imagine the mother and father saying, we had an encounter with the Lord, Glory Hallelujah. See when you come out the only thing you can say is, it was the Lord. See your faith will cause you to get rid of those negative people and put your trust in the person who can deliver you, Jesus. Now of course the Lord will send people to encourage us, but you have to get rid of those negative people because, their unbelief may try to sway your faith and have you believing there is no way out. Have an encounter with the Lord and I promise you, you will never ever forget it and want to continue to have a relationship with your Big Brother, Jesus, the Father, God Almighty and the Governor of the Kingdom, the Holy Spirit. Now I rather have them on my side and seeing me through than these nay-sayers around me in my time of trouble.

At Our Father’s Service,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.