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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today’s Focus: Jesus on Oaths
Scripture: Matthew 5:33-37

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now before you read this pray……Amen. Ok, this subject can become very opinionated but we know that we are Ambassadors so we will stay away from opinions. Jesus is very clear about this subject of oaths and swearing! He says, do not do it! Now, I will speak for myself and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in this issue. Here is my situation!

I was a member of the Florida A&M University Marching 100 Band when I was in college and it was a dream of mine to do so! Ever since I was a child I dreamed of marching in the band and when the time came, I wanted to do it all. Now I had a choice to cross-over or pledge one of the organizations in the band and I did so that I can say I did. In the midst of pledging, I took an oath to uphold the secrets of the organization. When I became part of that organization, I changed and I blame no one but myself. I became someone who God did not inspire me to be. It took ten years for me to realize what I did back then was wrong and I denounced my ties to that organization. The band itself did not make me take an oath, but the organization within the band did, let me make that very clear! I made a choice to do something against the will of God and because of my ignorance I sinned against Him. Now I know better!

The point here is, if you took an oath or sweared to some organization and you know who you are, you must denounce that tie. Now, as severe as that sounds, Jesus says do not take oaths nor forswear yourself. Fraternities, Sororities, Secret Societies and Organizations..etc falls in that category. Now, please keep in mind, Jesus did not keep secrets and exclude people from His ministry. He ministered to all and we can’t do that effectively if every couple of days you have to go to you meetings (frat, soror or society), but you will not attend Bible study or even read the Bible. Who are you truly serving? You can only serve one! I serve the Father, God Almighty and He has tested my serving many times. He forced me to make decisions between ministry and football games. He forced me to make decisions about ministry and riding my motorcycle with friends. He forced me to make decisions between ministry and band. If you are spending more time with the organization than with God, you are not serving God! If everything about you is frat this and soror that and lodge this and lodge that and I will only do for my frat brother or my soror sister or my lodge brother then you are not about serving God first. He made you in His image and likeness and you are His child and He does not want His child dividing themselves off from His other children. I know many of these organizations do service work in the community. Some even do it better than some churches, but the secrets and the oaths that are performed, is that right? With God it is either right or wrong? Here is a question only you can answer.

If someone came up to you and asked you a question about your organization would you tell them a lie to keep the secret of the organization or would you tell the whole truth about it and answer as a child of God?

Your allegiance should be to only one person and that is King Jesus and the Kingdom of God!

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.