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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Today’s Focus: Who Are You Really? Part 3 - Ambassador
Scripture: John 8:28, 29; John 12:44-50; 2 Corinthians 5:20

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I love this title because this title destroys all the need for debate about God’s Word. Jesus when he was on Earth was The Kingdom of God’s Ambassador. He was the only Ambassador when He was on Earth. Why do you ask? Because He was the only one who had the connection to the government which is the Holy Spirit. Remember when Jesus was baptized, they saw the Holy Spirit descending like a dove upon Him. Now when Jesus made His first public statement, Matthew 4:17, He said Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. So, the government of God is back on Earth. Now that is the true good news (Gospel). Let’s look at the title Ambassador. Now of course Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:20 that we are Ambassadors of Christ. But Jesus defined the role of Ambassador in the above scriptures. But to understand that you must know the role of an Ambassador. Let’s look!

In the United States, we have a President and in his cabinet is the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State is responsible for the Ambassadors to the Foreign Nations. So the commands flow from the President to the Secretary of State to the Ambassadors. Now an Ambassador never states their opinion. Their messages are always prescribed or pre-written. They always say this, “My government’s position is”. So and Ambassador speaks the mind of the President to the nations. An ambassador represents the nation when they are in a foreign country. The President represents the people’s vote. So that is why you are an Ambassador, because you represent the Kingdom of God in a foreign land, Earth. When you speak, your opinion should never come out. You should only speak what the government tells you and that is found in the Constitution of the Kingdom of God, The Bible! This is so practical I pray somebody is getting it. So when it comes to political issues, you as an Ambassador do not think, you only speak what the Kingdom of God says. And if someone has a problem with it, they need to take it up with the King. See, no need to debate, just speak the Word of God and leave it alone. Funny when Ambassadors fail to do their job, they are recalled and all of their powers are stripped from them. Hmm! So are you truly an Ambassador of the Kingdom or an imposter?

Jesus in the above scriptures defines for us in His own words how He was an Ambassador for the Kingdom of God on Earth. And if you are saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, are you? Or are you parading around like you have power and your life says otherwise?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.