The Holy Nation
Today’s Focus: The Big Picture Part 2: The Purpose of a Nation
Scripture: John 5:39,40
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
What is the Lord doing in the earth? He is building His house, His dwelling place. The dwelling place will be so suitable to display the love of God that when it is done, He will be all in all. Now to get to the end, we will change from glory to glory and ever change and mature to this point. This is why we must put in context the scripture that says Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. We must understand His being is the same but what He does in the earth changes to mature and prepare the Body of Christ. So we will continue to move on until all that is in Heaven comes into the earth and all that is in the mind of God is executed in the reality, until the purpose is fulfilled because that’s the thing in which God is glorified.
Hence the House of God is the primary consideration of all creation. Romans 8:19: For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Abraham’s house served to bring the natural man into the earth because it takes a nation to bring the man into the earth. The nation is associated with a culture that creates a favorable to the advent of man. So there must be a preceding environment or context to understand who man is. Let me give you some scriptures to show this beautiful concept.
John 5:39,40: Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.
The Scriptures were given to establish a culture in the earth to maintain man and prepare him for the reality to come, who is Jesus Christ who now writes the laws not in stone, but in our hearts. Life is in Jesus Christ, the Word of God. In addition God gives them the culture of sacrificing lambs and prophecies to further prepare them. God had to give man a preceding culture so He can hold them accountable when Jesus would come and upset the order of the former things in the earth. So it takes a nation to bring Christ. To bring Jesus it took a nation (Israel). It will take a nation (Holy Nation) to bring Christ into the world.
Let me leave you with this example. Every nation on the Earth is birthed and derived from a former nation or culture. In particular, the United States did not just pop-up out of nowhere. No, it was birthed from the United Kingdom and the culture of the United Kingdom. Now the culture of the United Kingdom was the initial culture in building the United States. Of course, people did not want to be under the United Kingdom rule and hence a revolution and the birth of America. Now do not get it wrong, to show their distain for the United Kingdom the culture of America or the way people would do things in America would be opposite of how they did it in the United Kingdom however, the basis of government and way of life came out of the previous culture established by the United Kingdom.
God sets one culture in the Earth and when the reality comes, He upsets the order of that type and shadow to bring you to the eternal reality of what God was preparing you for with the type and shadow.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.