The Holy Nation
Today’s Focus: The Design and Purpose of the Creation
Scripture: Genesis 1; Matthew 6:31-33
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
When we talk about maturing and the emergence of the Holy Nation, we must understand that there are seasons in time that we must go through and by each of those seasons God is revealing more and more about Himself to His children and their purpose in the Earth. However, how God does it, is more spectacular and amazing and I pray you receive this in the name of Jesus.
Before God made the realm of time in which we live in, God knew the end from the beginning of the age of man and He knew what it would take and when things would happen in order to advance the various seasons of God in the Earth to mature His children. Hence God always prepares the next step before we even take it. In other words, the next step is prepared for us if we just get ready in this season. But let’s look at the beginning of creation and see how this unfolds.
Genesis 1:1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Hebrew 11:3: Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed (made or created) by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
John 1:1: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him and without Him was not any thing made that was made
Now by these three scriptures alone we see that it was God who created the world and He framed it or created it with His words. That means when God spoke, the very thing that was spoken became a reality. Now when we look at the creation of the creation, we see mankind is not created on the Earth until the 6th day. So there was five days where the Lord was setting up creation. God does not do things just to do them, there is a reason, plan and purpose in play when God creates creation. Before man was placed in the Earth, God prepared the place for him to rule. He provided everything that He would need for his survival. It was only after the sixth day when man had been established in the earth did God see everything and then call it VERY GOOD. Many of the times before the sixth day, God saw creation and said it was good but after mankind had been put in the Earth, now it was very good. It was very good because God has His dwelling place in the Earth to bring His Kingdom and family from Heaven to Earth. What is the end result again? God will be all in all! So God will be all He is and nothing will constrain Him by who He is in. That is the end result.
God had to disciple Adam and teach Him about Kingdom concepts and raise Him up to maturity so He can understand the dominion God gave Him in the Earth. But before all of this could happen, God set the stage, prepared it with all of the things man needs and after it was set, then He brought man in and taught Him how to live in this world.
Quite simply we see Matthew 6:31-33 right here in Genesis Chapter 1. We have Adam being discipled and depending solely on God for everything. Adam did not have to worry about anything because everything was added and prepared and just as long as Adam stayed in right-positioning with God, he would continue to experience eternal life right there on Earth. Yes, eternal life on Earth.
In the next message we will look at the created beings including man and see even in their creation there was a order and if you do not understand the order then you will find yourself in a demonic situation and see nothing wrong with it. Let us continue to look at the order of God in the Earth.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.