The Holy Nation
Today’s Focus: The Order and Purpose of Creation Part 1
Scripture: Romans 1:20
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Why is the earth the third planet from the sun? Why did God put gravity on earth? Why did God put mankind on Earth and give him dominion? Why would God create angels when He could have just created mankind? When we do not understand why God does things then we are always left with this mysterious God that people seem to not know. However, God does not want to be that way with us. He wants to reveal Himself to us when we desire to see Him and His power. One of the most unique things that I have studied is the creation and why God created the creation and its purpose.
Romans 1:20: For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse
So the very creation was created to show us something about God Himself. Now the order in which God put creation was very important because when we see the bigger picture then we understand that God prepares us for the next thing by have everything we need in place before we get there. Now we have heard this before but do we truly understand it.
Let me give you this brief glimpse and in the next two to three messages we will go in-depth in this very issue. What is your purpose in the Earth in this current season? Well we can list a multitude of things but would one of them be to prepare the next generation of children of God for the next season or move of God toward the return of the Lord? Yes we are to preach and teach the Kingdom of God. Yes, we are to fulfill the Great Commission but when you look at the Great Commission, it clearly states that we are to teach or disciple all nations. This discipling will prepare the Body of Christ for the next move of God in preparation of the return of the Lord. What do you think the prophets were doing in the Old Testament? They were not just talking but they were teaching and preparing the way of the Lord. Of course we know it was John the Baptist that had the honor of introducing the message that His former colleagues could only speak and live in the hope of seeing that day. What was that day? The day of the Lord. So even in this small example we will see this common theme through creation and the created beings. In the next message we will look at the Creation.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.