The Holy Nation
Today’s Focus: Order in the Holy Nation
Scripture: Psalm 2:6,7; John 14:8-11
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
In every nation, what is manifested as the culture of the nation is formed by the law or the order that shapes that nation. That law or that order that shapes the nation comes out of the sovereign. The sovereign is the one who rules the nation. Every nation puts on display the nature of its sovereign and the way it does that is through its order.
Now we know that Christ is the Sovereign of the Holy Nation. Now what is unique about Christ being the Sovereign is the fact that He claims He has all authority in heaven and on earth, but nobody elected Him to that. Look at this scripture:
Psalm 2:6,7: Yet have I (Father) SET MY King upon my Holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: The Lord (Father) hath said unto Me (Jesus), Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
So who made Jesus King? The Father made Him King so it is He who sets the order and culture for the Holy Nation. Now the divine authority by which He established the order of those who have come to put their trust in Him, comes from Heaven. His rule is not, at this present time, over anyone who rejects His rule. To be under the rule of Christ is a choice of the individual but to be outside of the rulership of Christ comes with consequences. His rule is an invitation to a different way of being which if we consistently reject, you will not fulfill the destiny God designed for you and hence you will be taken out of creation, as being without purpose.
If Jesus is King and He is, His rule will produce peace and a vision of the Father. Jesus said He came to show us the Father (John 14:8-11). The reason Jesus came to show us the Father so that we can know what it means to worship and conform to the image. In doing this we effectively become a witness unto Jesus into the Earth and put on display the Father and the Holy Nation.
At this present time God is rolling out an order of arrangement that will cause the functioning of the corporate man in the reality as the spiritual Body of Christ present visibly to the world as a holy nation being visible thorough its order or arrangement. The end result is peace in as much that the nations of the earth will come to the Holy Nation desiring to be taught the ways of the Father. The Holy Nation is being assembled by the Spirit of God right now. In order to understand how you are to function in the Body of Christ, you must have a relationship with the Father, through Holy Spirit and allow Him to mature you to handle the true riches of the Kingdom.
I pray you have been blessed by this series in Jesus name!
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.