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Household of Calhoun

Friday, April 8, 2011

Impact of the Entertainment Industry Part 2

The Holy Nation

Today’s Focus: Worshipping Angels: The Impact of the Entertainment Industry Part 2

Scripture: 1 Timothy 4;1,2;

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Today we will look at another movie and this one I believe was the biggest experiment for the enemy to how desensitized to the truth about who we are. That movie is Legion. Now for many of us if we watched this we probably did not pay attention to the little perversions that were in the movie. Now we must always, I mean always keep in mind that these spirits have been around longer than us and they no more than us. They use your ignorance and what you do not know to indoctrinate and deceive you. Let’s look at this movie and remember we are looking at the dark practice of worshipping angels.

In this movie it is set at the time of the apocalypse and there is this woman and man and the woman is carrying a baby who is to be the savior of the world. Hmm, where have we heard this? The storyline to the movie is the mankind looses faith in God and turns to angels. Yes, let me repeat this, mankind loses FAITH IN GOD AND TURNS TO ANGELS. Now as demonic as this is they put an angel to protect the unborn baby and take a guess what his name is? Michael. So Michael protects the couple from the Legion of evil angels sent to destroy the baby boy. Now let me stop right there because if you do not read your Bible then you would think this is just a movie but what they were doing is trying to divert your attention from the truth of the gospel and the position and purpose of the angels to worship of angels. Now they used Michael, the chief war angel to protect the couple but remember the perverted thing is that they have put their faith in Michael and not God. All throughout the Bible Michael is the captain of the host of the Lord. They took truth and mixed just enough lie in it to pervert the entire message. So when you read the Bible you see contradictions and then you are confused but this is why we are dealing with this now because you will see a lot of use of the angels in Revelation and if you do not understand that they are under the authority of the Lord and are to serve those who are the heirs of salvation (Hebrews 1:14). This movie pushed the limit so far and the church was quiet on this.

Now when we look at the entertainment, especially the music industry we see shirts and people portraying themselves as angels with wings. Shirts now carry the skull with wings and we have become so spiritually desensitized to it we go and buy it and think nothing of it. Many hip-hop, pop and rock artist are portraying themselves in videos and on their album covers with wings. Where are they getting it from? From the very spirits that are influencing and controlling them.

In the next message we will look at the fallen spirits and the concept of evil and what is evil.

At Our Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.