Today’s Focus: Type, Shadow and Reality Part 2: The Lamb and the lamb
Scripture: Revelation 13:8; Hebrews 6:17
Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Before God made man, He knew that He would have to save him.
Revelation 13:8: And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him (Antichrist), whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
So the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world. Now this event happens in the eternal before the realm of time and the earth was formed, hence it happened in Heaven. Knowing that man would fall and he did in the Garden of Eden, God took a natural symbol and placed it into time and allowed this symbol to be a type and shadow of the reality to come in the fullness of time.
God enters into a covenant with Himself (Hebrews 6:17) which would require Him in His time to come into the Earth in human flesh and be sacrificed as a man to show and demonstrate how God is. This is the template or example for man in the Earth that God so loved man that He would give His very life for Him. Now after the fall, could you really tell someone that God would do this? No, because they could not receive such a revelation because the culture of the orphan (post-fall) is preoccupied (provision and protection)
the mind of mankind and the only way that man can receive revelation is Spirit to spirit (Holy Spirit to human spirit). Since man could not receive the reality God uses the culture of offering lambs to bring us in the fullness of time to the Lamb.
Typically lambs were unable to and designed not to be able to resist the brutality of a sacrifice. This would be the closest thing to the exact thing that God would do in the fullness of time. Just like a lamb would not resist his own death, so would God when He came in the form of the man. Even though He could call the angels, He did not resist the hands of unrighteous men. The sacrifice and offerings of the lamb was a type and shadow of the Lamb, Jesus Christ who would lay down His life for the sins of the world. Now remember the Lamb was slain before the foundation of the world and this was in Heaven and remember in the model prayer we say “thy will be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN”. So in the fullness of time the Lamb that was slain in Heaven will come to Earth and be slain for the reconciliation of man and forgiveness of sin. This is why John the Baptist can say John 1:29 “Behold (look) the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”. Now once Jesus comes into the world, dies and was resurrected everything changes.
Do we need to sacrifice lambs anymore? No! When the reality comes into the earth, no longer do you live by the type and shadow. The reality is the standard by which we now live by and held accountable to. As time passes the knowledge of God degrades. It suffers from the inattentiveness of men when they are in the culture of the orphan and preoccupied with provision and protection. This culture of the orphan keeps man from seeing the reality so God leaves the type and shadow in the earth until they come into the reality through the culture of the Son. This is why God delays revelation because if you do not change your mindset to accommodate it, the revelation does not stay idle in creation. It is now the standard by which we are judged by. The reality now can set you free or convict you.
We will continue this discussion in the next message.
At Our Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.