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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Divine Design and Purpose of the Created Beings

The Holy Nation

Today’s Focus: Divine Design and Purpose of the Created Beings

Scripture: John 4:23,24; Hebrews 1:13,14; Psalm 91:10-12

Greetings Kingdom Citizens

Now we know that there are angels and there is mankind as the created beings in the Earth. The angels were created before man and there was a reason for this. Now this is so important to understand, especially in these last days. When God created the angels, he created them with the purpose to serve the saints. Yes, the angels were created to serve the sons of God. How do we know this? The scriptures are laced with examples all over the place. Let me show you this scripture and this should sum it all the way up:

Hebrews 1:13,14: but to which of the angels said he at anytime, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool? Are THEY (ANGELS) NOT ALL (EVERY ONE OF THEM) ministering spirits (servants), sent forth to minister (serve) for them WHO SHALL BE THE HEIRS OF SALVATION?

Now this scripture is so clear that every and I mean every angel is a ministering spirit sent to serve those who shall be the heirs of salvation. Who are the heirs of salvation? They are the sons of God. Nowhere in scripture do we see that the angels have a capacity to love. Nowhere in scripture did I see an angel be given the Holy Spirit to abide in them. Nowhere in scripture do we see a place where angels demand worship. Any true angel from God always corrected the man whom they came in contact with to not bow to them but to Word of the Lord that was come unto them. I am reminded of Joshua at Jericho and all of a sudden Joshua looked up and saw these military forces in front of him and Joshua asked who are they with and the leader of the host said he is the captain of the hosts. These hosts are the angels from the Lord. Not to get sidetracked it is important to know that the angels are to minister unto us and serve the sons of God. Let me show you another scripture:

Psalm 91:10-12: There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee to keep the in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

It is the angels charge to serve you and protect you lest you fall. Now this brings me to this unique point and the point is we have 1/3 of Heaven’s original angels who hate us and would do anything to destroy us and have us worship them. These angels believed that God made a mistake in making His sons, whom they believed to be an untried creature, the heirs of the Kingdom of God. Of course they were kicked out for questioning and rebelling against God in His decision. Remember sin is rebelling against God and deviating from the norm. Now let me show you this revelation of the angels that was given to me through my brother, Leon Elijah. We always talk about the angels in thirds so there are three types of angels. They are:

1. Warring Angels

2. Messenger Angels

3. Worshipping Angels

Now you know which one of these 3 divisions of angels fell and of course it was the worshipping group. This group allowed Lucifer, who became Satan to use His talent and abilities to draw the worship to Him and not to God. These angels believe God judged Lucifer wrong and every endeavor of these fallen angels is to get back what was lost, there former estate in glory with the Father. This is why when they are loosed from the abyss in Revelation they will have crowns that are tarnished and not golden like they would have had in Heaven. God knew that He was creating children that would freely worship Him in truth and in spirit. This is why Jesus said in John:

John 4:23,24: But the hour cometh, AND NOW IS, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

So God is showing these rebellious angels who fell that these, His children, mankind will conform to the image of God and worship Him in truth and in spirit. Since these rebellious angels and demons cannot get back to their former estate they will defile and try to prove God was wrong in selecting mankind to be inheritors of the Kingdom. They will seek worship from mankind and try to defile all that they can in the attempt, even though it will fail.

In closing the angels were created for man and not man for the angels. In the next message we will talk about worshipping angels and show you real life situations where the angels were seeking worship in this day and how mankind has consented to this demonic practice.

At Our Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.