House of God
Today’s Topic: The Culture of the Son: The Seven Spirits of God and The Sons
Scripture: Isaiah 11;1,2
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
In the last message we left off with the difference between the culture of the son ruling and the culture of the orphan ruling. But I want to show this beautiful picture and correlation with the Seven Spirits of God and how it correlates to the culture of the Son. Now in Genesis 1:26 the purpose of the son of God is revealed to rule in the Earth. Now when we look at the seven Spirits of God in Isaiah 11:1,2 the first spirit that is mentioned is the Spirit of the Lord. This is also known as the Spirit of Lordship or the Spirit of Rule. Of course we have the other six spirits which are wisdom, knowledge, understanding, power, counsel and fear of the Lord. However it all begins with rulership or the Spirit of Lordship. Having dominion or rulership is to have the spirit of Lordship. Now in as much as it begins with rulership or the Spirit of the Lord, it ends with the fear of the Lord. Now the spirit of the fear of the Lord is all about accountability to God, it is not being afraid of God per say because we should fear the wrath of God if we are disobedient.
The son of God in the Earth knows they are rulers and are place to bring the standard of rule from Heaven to Earth. This is why they are given the spirit of the Lord so creation responds to their rule. The son of God understands that he or she does not have power of themselves and the power they do have is to do the Will of their Father so that Earth will know what Heaven is thinking through the sons of God. This is a completely different mentality than what we see. Now as for the other six characteristics we can apply them to the son of God and see how they function and for an in depth look at these seven characteristics, I urge you to download the entire series on the seven spirits of God.
Wisdom – the sons will know what needs to be done or what to do
Knowledge – the sons of God know the truth about a certain situation or circumstance
Understanding – the sons know the concept and are able to apply wisdom and knowledge
Power – the sons are given the ability to do the things that are asked of them from the Father
Counsel – the sons receive the steps to take in order to see the fulfillment of a goal
Fear of the Lord – respect and reverence for God and to fear His wrath for disobedience
Now the son of God always keeps in mind that he will be held accountable for the way he conducts him or herself in creation and how they manage the planet. See this is why the creation and man are not on the same playing field. The purpose of the son in the Earth is to be the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his Father’s being. See this is why we as the sons of God give glory honor and reverence to God first because He is our priority and our reason for even being here.
It is an honor to be a son of God and to the do the work as a vice king to the King of Kings. If we allow the culture of Heaven to impact and change our individual lives can you image the culture shock and change that would happen in the nation? No longer would people see each other as a way to get over. No longer would people use and oppress people to get needs met and security established. But they will rule like their Father in Heaven and show His glory (goodness) to the Earth.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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