House of God
Today’s Topic: Culture of the Son: Ministry of Reconciliation
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:18,19
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
When talked about reconciliation in our past series “The New Season”, today I want to bring reconciliation to the forefront and show you how reconciliation is important to the culture of the son. Let’s look at 2 Corinthians 5:18,19:
“And all things are of God WHO HATH RECONCILED US TO HIMSELF BY JESUS CHRIST, and hath given to us the MINISTRY of reconciliation; To wit, that God WAS IN CHRIST, RECONCILING THE WORLD UNTO HIMSELF, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the WORD of reconciliation.”
Now there are some words in this that draws a picture for us. Let’s break them down.
The first set of words is “God who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus”. So it was the Father in the Son who was reconciling us (the sons) to The Father by the venue of Christ Jesus. So this scripture starts by telling us that it is The Father in the Son who reconciles us to Himself. So there is nothing there about us in the sense of us perpetrating or causing anything.
Second set of words “given us the ministry of reconciliation”. So we are to serve the Father so that in our works that we do (which is that of the Father), those who are out of the House of God can see the glory of God in the works we do. We also know as sons that we do nothing of ourselves, but only that which we see our Father do. So in our submission to the King, Jesus and in our rulership in the Earth, our ministry shows our relationship that we have with the Father.
Third set of words is “committed unto us the word of reconciliation”. Now it is evident to me that our ministry is our serving the Father and now the word of reconciliation means we are to be the mouthpiece of God in the Earth. Now do not get it wrong. Now everybody who claims to speak for God has been given grace to do so. Satan has his ministers too. But the words we speak should line up with the works we do. Second, in forgiving sins, you are simply the mouthpiece to declare what God is doing or has done. The sons have no power of our own to declare any man’s sins forgiven. Only the Father, through Christ who gives that power and authority to Holy Spirit to you to declare what God has done.
So the ministry and word of reconciliation that was given to the sons of God is that service through submission to the King to show forth the relationship between the Father and the sons of God in their rulership in the Earth. Through their rulership and culture, God will reconciled the called and predestined ones to Himself through Christ who abides in the sons.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.