House of God
Today’s Topic: From Orphan to Son
Scripture: Luke 15:11-24
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Jesus gave us a parable to show us the difference between the orphan and the son and I want to get right into it and show you how an orphan is changed to a son.
This is the parable of the prodigal son and of course we know, or should know that this is a story about a young man who left his father’s house and ventured on his own but let’s look at this carefully and watch Holy Spirit show us the orphan being changed to a son.
Luke 15:13-16 – Culture of the Orphan
Now this younger son took his inheritance and went to a far country away from his father’s house and wasted his substance on riotous living. Of course this is talking about Adam and how when he sinned against God he left the Father’s (God) House and went to a far country. This far country is represented by the Kingdom of Darkness or Satan. Any time you are not at home, you are in a far country. Now this young man did what he wanted and was without his Father and when an economic crisis hit (famine) he looked for provision and protection (orphan). On his own now he joins himself to a citizen of that country (Kingdom of Darkness) and he was sent to feed the swine. Now in Jewish culture, Jews did not deal with swine but this young man was even eating the food the swine was eating. This was the lowest of the low style of living for this young man who left his Father’s House where he had all he could eat and did not have to worry about provision and protection.
Luke 15:17-21 – Breaking Down of the Strongholds (Repentance)
Now this young man came to himself and thought about His Father’s house and the hired servants and bread they had to spare. So he decides to go back to His Father’s House (Repentance). He realized he could starve in the culture that he was living in, which was one of an orphan. Now he understands that He left His Father’s House on not such good terms on the fact that he will confess that he sinned against his Father. Now one of the things I want to show you is that he still has the mentality of the orphan even though he is heading back to his Father’s house because he thinks he is not worthy to be a son and rather be one of the hired servants. Now, the Father sees his son and runs and greets him. The Father NEVER was going to make His son a servant because that was His son. So the Father does something to let the son know that He is his son and not a servant
Luke 15:22-24: Rebirth of the Son
Now the first thing the Father does is bring forth the robe and put it on him. The first thing an orphan needs to know when he comes back to God is that he is a spirit CLOTHED in flesh. So the orphan is clothed with his identity of being a spirit being. Next, the Father puts a ring on his finger. This is symbolic of the son receiving authority. A son of God must have authority. Finally, the Father tells them to put the shoes on his feet. This is symbolic of the son now being able to walk in his or her destiny. This story is about an orphan being returned to the status of a son and restoring his identity, authority and destiny.
As long as you think like an orphan then you lack identity, authority and destiny. This is why when we speak to the unbeliever they should see the culture of the son when they ask us how are we able to do or how can you be so confident about… In the next message we will start looking at the culture of the son.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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