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Household of Calhoun

Friday, January 28, 2011

Culture of the Son: Summary

House of God

Today’s Topic: Culture of the Son: Summary

Scripture: Matthew 6:33; John 17:22; Genesis 1:26

Greetings Kingdom Citizens:

The culture of the son hosts the presence of the Father. The presence of the Father in the son is the glory of the son (John 17:22). The indwelling of that glory is the faithfulness of the father to never leave the son nor forsake the son. As a result, by this glory we have a guarantee of our well-being.

The culture of the son does not look at provision and protection. The culture of the son is to rule in the Earth under the divine authority and power given from Christ, to Holy Spirit, to the sons. Culture of the Son is to bring the rulership of God who is in Heaven to Earth. I like to use this analogy:

A 12-inch ruler is simply a standard of measurement. Now if someone wants a 10 inch by 12 inch piece of wood for a project, then we need to know what this will look like. So at first the 10 by 12 piece of wood is invisible. Now the ruler which is a visible instrument takes the dimensions of the invisible wood and draws it out on a visible piece of wood to cut. Once the wood is cut, now, what was once invisible is now visible.

The sons of God are called to be rulers, much like the measuring stick. We are to be the standard for the world. We are to be the instruments of God which takes His invisible eternal realities and bring them to the earth so that it is visible by the creation. The sons of God know that the Father will provide all that is needed for them to complete their calling. They do not worry about provision or protection, just representation and ruling. Genesis 1:26 says we are after their (Godhead) image (representation) and after their likeness (rulership).

Now on the other hand if we think and act like and orphan, even though we are in the Body of Christ, we will always be in search of provision and protection. Their “ministry” is geared to making sure their needs are met and they are taken care of. Their care is not about discipling nor rulership it is all about provision and protection. They are not concerned about properly deploying disciples and maturing the Body of Christ. The worse place to have an orphan is in leadership because everything is about them. Regardless if it is the nation or the church, if your local church is run by an orphan then you cannot possibly mature in the culture of the son.

The culture of the son lives by this mandate:

Matthew 6:33:”But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you”. So if the culture of the son is based in rulership, then it is clear what the sons of God are to seek first. The Kingdom of God is the government and rulership of God over a territory. The sons seek the Kingdom and the Father’s way of doing things and everything, including provision and protection is added by the Father to them. The orphan seeks provision and protection and in our church today we have those orphans who use people to get their provision and protection met. They do not disciple the sons of God into maturity nor promote the growth of those sons of God to walk in their destiny. They use the generic gospel of salvation and never understood themselves that the gospel was all about the reconciliation of the sons to the Father and re-establishment of the culture of rule in the Earth.

At the Father’s Service,

Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.