House of God
Today’s Topic: Concept of Principalities
Scripture: Ephesians 6:12; Isaiah 9:6
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
In last message we talked about the mindset of the orphan and the problems it presents and sustains in the mind of the person living in that culture. Now we should know that we are spirits clothed with flesh. In being a spirit clothed in flesh, God is the Father of our spirits and that makes us sons of God. Now in the mindset of the son of God, we understand that we have the resources of our Father’s House at our disposal to fulfill our destiny in the Earth. So we as sons of God do not look at provision and protection as our goal. The center of our culture as sons is to represent the Father in the Earth. However in the mindset of the orphan the center of that culture is provision and protection. So there is a battle that happens in the minds of humans that depending on the view point or who we listen to, that determines the culture we live in and the destiny we pursue.
This battlefield has a name and it is called a principality. Now typically when we think of principalities we think of the demonic. Ephesians 6:12:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
We look at this scripture and because it talks about the demonic then we associate principalities solely with the demonic and that is not correct. Now when we look at Ephesians 6:12 the demonic can take cause a stronghold in the mind of the orphan. The mindset of the orphan predisposes the person to demonic infiltration and influence. One aspect that is evident in the life of an orphan is fear. They fear their needs will not be met unless they are the one making sure it is. They fear the unknown because their vision of their life is temporal and carnal so all they can do is take the past, apply it to the present and guess what the future is. The guessing of the future is what unsettles the orphan and drives up the aspect of fear in their lives. This is all because of a mindset so what is principality?
Principality is simply an area of rule. What is the area of rule the demons want to affect? The mind! The mindset or principality of rule governs the way you see the world and your viewpoint of the world. To the orphan the world is a scary place and they are alone in it. This is a stronghold in the mind of the orphan.
The culture of the orphan is the predominate culture of the earth. Sad to say it is considered to be normal in today’s society because it is the most familiar because it defines what most people see as the reality. We are still talking about the mindset or the principality of the orphan. This mindset can or cannot be occupied by the demonic. But regardless if it is or is not, the fact that there is a principality invites the presence of a prince. What is a prince? A prince is a ruler or one who governs. So the question I pose to you, is who is governing your mind? Is it the demonic or is it Christ, The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6)? If it is Christ who governs your mind then you can only exist in the culture of the son, not the orphan because the ways of Christ are also the ways of the Father.
In the next message we will look how we break down the stronghold of the minds of the orphans. This is critical because you cannot bring someone into the knowledge of sonship until they are willing to lay down the culture of the orphan.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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