House of God
Today’s Topic: The Culture of the Son: The First Dominion Impact on Today’s Knowledge
Scripture: Genesis 2:19,20;
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
We left off the last message talking about how the sons of God are spirits clothed in flesh and our purpose in the Earth is to rule. Now Adam did not know anything about the Earth when he was born of God. He only knew what God discipled Him in. So, God His Father taught Adam how to rule. Now this portion of scripture may seem minor but it is major to understanding how even what happened over 6,000 years ago still has an impact today in how we do thing and classify certain things. So let’s look at this unique passage of scripture of discipleship.
Genesis 2:19,20: And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air: and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them; and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
Now this naming of animals can be seen today. Adam was in the Kingdom of God before the fall. So if the culture of Heaven is a Kingdom model then the same model will be brought to the Earth. God showed Adam a Kingdom order. Now the way Adam arranged these animals was of a Kingdom order. We have the Animal Kingdom and the Plant Kingdom that we still teach and talk about today. So Adam’s job was to establish a Kingdom order in the Earth. Adam was not here to consume and hoard the resources of the earth but better establish an order in the Earth so that His children and their children will understand how order should be maintained in the Earth based upon the instruction from the Creator who is also their Father. This order and instruction given to Adam for himself and his descendents was to order and establish civilization on the earth based on a Heavenly model. This Heavenly culture will govern human behavior and families in the Earth. That is the role of a King who was a son of God put into the earth.
But because of the fall and the rise of the orphan the rule of many Kings in the Earth was based in the mindset of being a orphan. This is why kingdoms would rise and fall and be brutal to all those who oppose or even seem to threaten their rule. Many times the dominant kingdom would murder everyone to prevent any type of revolution or uprising against them. They would hoard the resources of that nation they would dominate and even indiscriminately kill those who provide them. Can we see how devastating the mindset of the orphan was to the age of man? Even today we have orphans running nations and when there is a perceived uprising, those people who perceived to be a threat we killed. This is what happens when orphans rule the nations. Orphans ruling the nations is a curse against the nation because they cannot effectively rule in the manner of a son as God would want them to. Ruling is necessary if rights are to be preserved and order maintained but the key is which mindset is ruling. Is it the mindset of the orphan or the mindset of the son?
In the next message we will look at the correlation between the Culture of the Son and the Seven Spirits of God.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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