House of God
Today’s Topic: Culture of the Son: The Humility and Greatness of the Father
Scripture: John 17:22; Romans 8:16
Greetings Kingdom Citizens:
Where can you begin to speak about the humility and greatness of our Father? In this message we will touch a small tip of the iceberg and I pray that you will began to appreciate the love, humility and greatness of our Father towards us. In addition, I pray that after reading this whether it be through repentance or even fasting and prayer you seek our Father in your everyday walk because He wants to do great things through you. If we look at the church today, is God truly being appreciated for who He is or what He does? For many people, they thank Him solely for what He does for them. However let’s take a look at our Father and I pray this touches your spirit and refine your thinking towards our Father.
Imagine the humility that is required of God to come and live in our house of flesh made of clay. Hmm! The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who holds the universe in His hands, framed the worlds with His words, loves pure light and is the perfection of love Himself desires to live and inhabit your body. Now too really stretch your thinking. In our flesh is where our most corrupt and evil thoughts can happen. There are times when we desire God and in the push of a button we can entertain cruel and oppressive thoughts. Now, beyond all of that, to those who have chosen to be the children of God, God still confines Himself to such a place and bring His glory to that place. Now think about it, The Holy God who nature is holy, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, abundant in goodness and truth and forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, want to be one with you. Even though we do rebellious acts against him, some in ignorance, He yet still abides in His children. Imagine the humility God has to do such a thing and live in such a place.
Now I cannot possibly in one message, nor attempt to talk in completeness about the greatness of God. But I can tell you what the scriptures say and my own testimony. Now God wants to bring His rulership and glory to the creation. However He does it through His sons who are in the Earth. Now the Father guaranteed Jesus that He would live in Jesus as Himself. Now the beautiful picture that is being drawn here is that, Jesus did not take that right back to Heaven when He ascended. Can we prove that? John 17:22: And the glory which thou (The Father) gavest me (Jesus) I have given them (Saints) THAT THEY MAY BE ONE, EVEN AS WE (FATHER AND SON) ARE ONE. I (JESUS) IN THEM (SAINTS) AND THOU (FATHER) IN ME (SON). The glory is a confirmation of your very identity. Romans 8:16: The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, THAT WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD.
Now we as the children of God have a reality that all of the unbelievers are truly desiring, Christ living in them. We are to be the standard for the world. One of the things God has shown me personally is that if we teach the uncompromising Word of God and do things as God commands us, then HE WILL REACH THE YOUTH. We will not truly win them with gimmicks and compromising because then we are making them a two-fold child of hell with our religious practice. Every opportunity I get to preach the Word whether it be in a church house or on the street, the glory of God shows up not in word only but also in power. The youth are looking at the church and turning away because of the foolishness in the church. If we demonstrated the Father’s glory through submission and obedience then they will see the light and glory of God in us and want to know more and be drawn into the House of God by the Spirit of Christ. What I am saying is we as the children of God are the vessel for God to reach the unbelievers. God’s humility and greatness was clearly shown through His Son, Jesus by the way He suffered unto death to show the love He had for us to die a brutal death that we can behold and be partakers of this eternal glory, Christ in us as the Father in the Son.
At the Father’s Service,
Elder Calvin Calhoun Jr.
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