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Monday, July 23, 2012

Slavery Under the Law and Freedom in Christ

Understanding Sonship Today’s Focus: Slavery Under the Law and Freedom in Christ Part 1 Scripture: Galatians 3:15-29; Galatians 4:21-26; Genesis 12:2,3,12 Greetings Kingdom Citizens I know we have spent a couple of messages on this subject of slavery vs. sons but today we are going to sum it up using these scriptures to prove two points: 1. God called you to be sons and not church members! 2. Those who try to teach you to live under the law are trying to make you a slave and make the power of the cross to none effect. Comparing the Two Covenants: Galatians 3:15-29 Now the letter to the church of Galatia at this point starts out by stating that the promise was made to Abraham (vs. 16). Now notice the promise was made to his seed and not seeds. The seed the promise was made to was Christ. This confirms that God made the promise of sonship to His Son, Jesus. Abraham was a third party beneficiary of this promise. Now in verse 17, God states that there is another covenant before God in Christ, which is the Law which was 430 later on Mt. Sinai. So we have confirmed this and proven this in previous messages. Now God goes on to prove the difference between the promise and the Law in verse 18. God did not give the Law to Abraham, he gave it to Moses on Mt. Sinai 430 years later. The promise of sonship was given to Abraham. Now the good part for all those who want to serve the law. God asks the question: “Wherefore then serve the law?” Now He explains in verse 19 why the law was made. The Law was made because of the sins UNTIL THE SEED SHOULD COME (JESUS) WHO THE PROMISE WAS MADE. So there is a change in season after Jesus has come! Now for all those who question whether the law now means nothing, God deals with this in verse 21. The Law was meant to show the righteousness of God but He shows us that the law CANNOT give life because if it could it would have. But all (the world) was under sin so that the promise (sonship) by faith of Jesus Christ may be given to those who believe. Who are those people? All who have called on the name of Jesus as Lord and believed in their heart that God raised Him from the dead. So we have transgressed from the Law to Faith. So the purpose of the law was to be a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified (Sons) by faith (vs. 23 and 24). Now the good part in verse 25: BUT AFTER THAT FAITH IS COME, WE ARE NO LONGER UNDER A SCHOOLMASTER (THE LAW). Now God brings it home in verse 26 by this important statement: “For ye are all the children of God BY FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS.” Now how are we the children of God? Verse 27, by being baptized into Christ. In other words, being adopted into the family of Christ by being born again by receiving the Holy Spirit in our spirits. Now God explains this sonship to everyone to show who it includes. It is not exclusive to the Jew nor the Greek (Hebrew or the Gentile). Nor is it exclusive to those who are imprisoned or in servitude or to those who are free. It is not exclusive to the gender of male or female. In other words, spirits have not race, status or gender. So, anyone who wants to come to Christ and be baptized and adopted into the family of God by confession and faith can. And if you are Christ’s then you are Abraham’s seed (Genesis 12:2,3,12) and heirs according to the promise. I am going to stop right there because I want us to stay with this and not get an overload of information. God Bless You as you continue to study Sonship! At Our Father’s Service, Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.