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Household of Calhoun

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Composition of the Son of God

Understanding Sonship Today’s Focus: The Composition of the Son of God Scripture: Genesis 1:26; Hebrews 12:9; Hebrews 9:27,28; Galatians 3:26-28; Romans 10:9 Greetings Kingdom Citizens Now the question is, what is a son of God made up of? We are going to take intricate and broad view of that in this message. Now we understand the foundation of sonship to be the covenant of God with Himself (Father with the Son) to ensure that mankind will freely have the choice to become a son of God. He did that by the sacrifice of the Lamb of God before the foundations of the world and mankind. Now every son should want to be like their father. And every father wants their son to be like them. But what makes up a son and who or what is God the Father of? Let’s look at the composition of the son: 1. Image (Genesis 1:26) First, does anyone knows what God looks like? Ok! God is a spirit! So when God says “Let us make man in our own image..” He is not talking about the physical fleshly image. God is not flesh, He is spirit. So the image God was talking about was the image of our spirit. Our flesh will die (Hebrews 9:27,28). Now we know at the resurrection our bodies will be resurrected in immortality and be able to function the realm of the natural and eternal (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). Just like Jesus, after the resurrection, was able to walk through doors and walls and still eat fish, so shall our resurrected bodies. So because God is not dead, His image cannot be our flesh, it can only be our spirit. 2. Likeness (Genesis 1:26) Genesis sums up the likeness of God and who we should be like when we are a son of God. We should be like God so we should have His Spirit (Holy Spirit). If you do not have God’s Spirit then you are not a son of God. We are to have dominion. Now there is more to the character of God than dominion but this is the most suppressed attribute because it is least understood. Dominion is the power and authority given to an individual to administrate or control an area. This lines up perfectly with what God gave us dominion over. He gave us dominion over Earth. If that is the case, then we have a problem because we let the world tell us what to do, instead of impacting the world with the dominion power given to us through the Holy Spirit. God wants His children to be just like Him, dominating a territory. So we looked at the image and the likeness of the sons of God so question still remains: If God is the Father of the sons and the sons are made of flesh, which will die, and God is not dead, then what is God the Father of? God is the Father of our spirits (Hebrews 12:9). So what that means is many people have misinterpreted Galatians 3:26-28. By this scripture which lines up perfectly with Hebrews 12:9 then the sons of God are all of the children which have the Spirit of adoption (Holy Spirit) given by Jesus to confirm they are children of God. God’s spirit has no race, ethnicity nor gender. So anyone who is a born again believer and Kingdom citizen are all brothers and sisters in Christ and sons of God. Our sonship is not measured by the flesh, but by the Spirit. God did not give you the Holy Ghost to make you better, He did it to confirm you as His own child and show your worth to the world. There is no amount of works you can do to get into the Kingdom of God and the family of God. Works do not do it, but only upon a confession of faith (Romans 10:9), reception of the Holy Spirit, and baptism by Jesus into the body Christ can one be called a son of God. At Our Father’s Service, Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.