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Friday, July 13, 2012

History of the Sons of God: Twelve Tribes of Israel

Understanding Sonship Today’s Focus: History of the Sons of God: The Twelve Tribes of Israel Scripture: Genesis 25:19-25; Genesis 37 to Genesis 50 Greetings Kingdom Citizens Now I will not spend much time on this because it is so lengthy but we will summarize how the bloodline of Christ was carried from Abraham through the twelve tribes of Israel and to Jesus. Many of our young people have no clue about this so we will keep it simple for everyone to understand. Abraham had two sons: 1. Ishamal (from Hagar the handmaid) and 2. Isaac (Sarai) Now God keeping His bloodline in order the next person is Isaac. Isaac had two sons by Rebekah, his wife: Esau (which led to Amalek) and Jacob Now per scripture we know Jacob’s name was changed to Israel and Jacob had a slight woman problem. He wanted to marry Rachel, the youngest daughter of Laban but ended up marrying Leah, the oldest daughter of Laban, per the custom of that time. Eventually Jacob also had children by Bilhah and Zilpah. The result of all of these children was the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Jacob had 12 boys. So who do you think the bloodline of Christ went through? It went through Leah and through her son, Judah (Genesis 49:9,10). This is why Jesus is the Lion of Judah. But even with this, God’s bloodline runs through the first marriage of Jacob and then through Judah. Now back in our previous message we talked about the children of Israel being placed into bondage in Egypt for four hundred years. Well here we are! Because of envy and jealousy between the brothers towards Joseph who was the youngest at the time, they sold their brother into slavery and lied to their father about his whereabouts by telling him that Joseph was killed by an animal and died. However, God had a plan for Joseph. Joseph became a prince of Egypt, or ruler right below Pharaoh. Because Joseph had interpreted dreams for Pharaoh and informed him that a major famine was coming to the land and he instructed him how to prepare. While all of this went on in Egypt, the other 11 boys of Jacob began to see the famine and headed towards Egypt. The other eleven boys were brought into Egypt under the rule of their 2nd youngest brother Joseph. And this is how the nation of Israel ended up in Egypt. I know that was a very quick snapshot of Genesis 37 to the end. Even through oppression and slavery God will still maintain His covenant and ensure that He would have sons. And as we know God uses Moses and delivers his people from the hand of Pharaoh. Pharoah represented the god of this world who held the people of God in slavery until God sent His representative to set free His people. This is not different than what happened in the realm of the eternal. Our spirit’s were condemned to death and satan spiritually had us in prison in his kingdom until Christ came and gave us the choice and opportunity to become sons of God and restore our place in the family. In the next message we will look at Jesus and the role He played in the History of the Sons of God. At Our Father’s Service, Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.