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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

3 Characteristics of the Son of God

Today’s Focus: Royal Priesthood: 3 Characteristics of the Son of God Scripture: Hebrews 7:1-4; Hebrews 6:20-7:4; Romans 14:17; 2 Corinthians 5:17,18; John 11:25,26; Romans 8:15; 1 Peter 2:9 Greetings Kingdom Citizens The three characteristics that we will be looking at are from our previous message about Melchizedek from Hebrew 7:3. Let’s break these down and understand how we are the sons of God like Jesus. Without Father and Without Mother Now we all know we have biological parents on this Earth. But this birth is not biological but spiritual. We are born from above. All of those who have confessed the Lord Jesus and believed that God raised Him from the dead are born again. So now your parent is God, the Father (Romans 8:15). What is He the parent of? You spirit. Your flesh will die one day and God is the God of the living. So it is your spirit that He is the Father of. Your mother and father are your fleshly parents. They have been given responsibility and rule over the children. So that does not negate their role in your life. No Genealogy Like I stated in the last message, the sons of God have no third and fourth generation. It is just Father and son. That’s it! No Beginning Nor End of Life The Spirit of God has no beginning nor end of life. God is known as the Ancient of Days (Daniel 7) he has no beginning nor end. He is everlasting and eternal. So just as God when we have received the Holy Spirit we no longer worry about death because it is just a transport from the realm of time and space to the eternal. We as believers will live forever because the spirit within us is an eternal and everlasting Spirit. With all of that said the sons of God are adopted into the Kingdom of God by choice, confession and faith. Choice because they have repented and decided not to be under the control of satan. Now as stated in the previous message about adoption, I would like to add this connecting question and point. How do you spiritually leave the family of satan to be adopted into the Kingdom of God? You must die. Adam left the family of God through sin and Christ redeemed us through His death and resurrection. To get a better understanding let’s look at the scriptures, Romans 6:4-5. “Therefore we are buried with him (Jesus) by baptism into death; that like Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, EVEN SO we also should walk in the newness of life” And to bring that scripture home look at this one, 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, HE IS A NEW CREATURE, old things are PASSED AWAY (DEAD) behold all things have become new. It is by the death of the old man that you then can be adopted into the family of God because death is one way that you leave the rights a family has over you. So when you commit your life to Christ through the death of the old creature you now are available for adoption and this is why the scripture in Romans 8:15 speaks of Spirit of Adoption where we cry Abba, Father. We now, as believers are eternal creature within the realm of space and time. I pray that this has given you some insight to what happened to you when you are born again and why you are a son of God, A King and a Priest. At Our Father’s Service, Elder Calvin Calhoun, Jr.