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Household of Calhoun

Monday, April 9, 2012

Process of Fathering Part 5

Spiritual Concept of Fathers Teaching Children
Today’s Focus: Process of Fathering Part 5
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:9

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Deuteronomy 6:9: And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

Here we have two roles that the commandments and statutes play in the role of fathering. We know that the posts of the house represents the support structure and the gates represent the entrance or doorway to the house.

The laws, commandments and statues of the Lord are the support structure for the House of God. It is the thing that keeps the house or family in order. Without proper structure then there is chaos and destruction.

Next the commandments and statues are to be put on the gates of the house. The commandments and statues of the Lord should serve as a watchman or guard to protect the house from being robbed and invaded. Let me explain. If we were to live by the commandments and statutes of the Lord then every demonic force and enemy of God cannot find their way into the family. If the watchman of the House is spiritually discerning then when the enemy tries to come, because He knows the commandments and statues of God, God can show him the deception before it even makes the attempt to enter the house.

Fathers have been given the responsibility to control what comes into their house. As a father you should watch because the enemy wants to destroy and corrupt the children because if he can get the children then he has the rest of the lineage and generations to come. Beware of entertainment, music, magazines, friends and television. You need to be watching at all times. The enemy is looking for the crack so he can slither into the home and corrupt the children.

It is imperative that we make the commandments and statutes of the Lord the support and guard of our households.

In the next message we will look at obtaining the inheritance.

Peace, Love and Grace from the Father,
Calvin Calhoun, Jr.