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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Who is the Sender?

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: Who is the Sender?
Scripture: Matthew 9:36-38

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, as we have been going through the Gospel of Matthew, I have learned that you have to read very very slowly because when Jesus speaks, every word counts. This set of scriptures is no different. Let’s take a look!

Vs. 37 – The Harvest
The harvest is the unsaved souls of the world. These are those who are believing all the wrong things and wrong people. Now look what Jesus says about the harvest. The labourers are few. So in other words, the harvest is plentiful, so there are many out there who are ready to hear the gospel of the Kingdom and get their rights back but the people who are needed for the harvest are few. Now look at verse 38!

Vs. 38 – Lord of the Harvest
Jesus says we should pray that the Lord of the Harvest will send forth labourers into His Harvest. Now follow along. The harvest belongs to the Lord so the Lord knows what His harvest needs. So you should pray the Lord sends His labourers, those who know what they need, into his harvest. So the Lord knows what the harvest needs and He equips the labourers with the right tools (message) for the harvest. I told you this was loaded. So many people want to go and do what they want to do and say they are furthering the Kingdom but all they are doing is messing up and ruining the harvest. The key is pray that the Lord send. So they should be sent by the Lord. Well how would you know they are. Let’s go back to the message about the fruits they bear. You will know them by the fruits. See you can evangelize the world with the wrong message. So you need to pray the Lord sends His messengers and labourers into His harvest. See, God knows what the harvest needs and the harvest needs the Kingdom of God. How about that! So how can you harvest something without the right tools. So many people are out there hurting the harvest with the wrong message and making it extremely hard for those with the right message to effectively do their job. You cannot effectively influence people with the right message if you do not understand it.

It is my prayer that you know what the Kingdom of God is and how it functions and works on Earth. It is not until you understand that will you be ready to effectively witness to the harvest.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.