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The Kingdom Perspective Blogtalkradio Show

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Household of Calhoun

Friday, February 6, 2009


Today’s Focus: Masters
Scripture: Matthew 6:24

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
Now, I know I will not have to spend much time on this issue so let’s nail it and go. Obviously, Jesus is saying you cannot serve two masters. But look who He says it is between, God and Man! Ok, before you go crazy and do something you will regret.
I asked this question previously in another Email, Who do you serve? Now, here is the catch. God is paramount to man. Can we agree on that! So anything that man tells you that go against your King’s law is sin. This is why when you elect a President or Prime Minister or whoever you leader is, you should know whether they are a citizen of the Kingdom of God. Why? Because if they are not, then they cannot effectively administrate the Will of God in their decisions and policies. So any politician that does not know the mind of God and can care less about executing His Will for the nation, will not and lends themselves to corruption. That is why righteousness exalts the nation. Let me give some examples:
1. Abortion is sin in the Kingdom of God.
2. Homosexuality is an abomination to the King.
I used these two because they are some of the major issues in the United States but for many of you that might not be the issues. When you are an Ambassador of the Kingdom, and I am proud to say I am, then your opinion does not matter! So you do not think about issues, you simply state what your Kingdom’s position is. So you actually answer to a Higher Power which is God the Father. See, even when the economy is falling in a ditch, the children of God will be prospering. But when you serve man, then all of the powers they have is temporary and so is yours. As they come then your power come, then as they go, so does your power. But what I like about my government (Kingdom of God) my King is forever and His economy is stable! So today you have a choice. You can live under man or under God?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.