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Household of Calhoun

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Power of Authority

Today’s Focus: The Power of Authority – The Centurions Faith
Scripture: Matthew 8:5-13

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
The funny thing about this story is that someone who was not Jewish, understood how authority works and how the key of faith works in the Kingdom and they weren’t even a citizen. When you read this story you see a centurion (Roman army leader) come to Jesus asking Him to heal his servant. Now Jesus tells Him that He will come and heal him. But look at the centurion’s response to Jesus answer verse 8! The centurion first says he is not worthy of having Jesus come under his roof BUT SPEAK THE WORD ONLY AND MY SERVANT SHALL BE HEALED. This is loaded so hold on. The centurion BELIEVED that all Jesus had to do was speak a word and the servant will be healed. Look at verse 9 now. See as a centurion, he was given authority over soldiers of the roman army so when He speaks, the soldiers do not here him, they hear Caesar, who is the ultimate authority in the Roman Empire. Please stay with me! So when you speak life or the Word of God who should people hear? Here is another example, when you break the law in the United States, the police come and stop you. When the police are talking to you and explaining what law you broke, you are not hearing the officer, you are listening to Washington D.C. and the Constitution, the authority of the United States. So, even though Jesus was on Earth, when He spoke, He spoke the Words of the Father who is in Ultimate Authority. Now look at Jesus words after the centurion explains how authority works, Jesus said “I have not found so great FAITH, no not in Israel. So the best person who understood authority in Jesus time was not even Jew, it was a Roman Centurion.

Now look at what happens to those who do not understand authority (vs.11,12). Some will sit with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven but others will be cast into out darkness. I do not know about you but I like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob J.

Finally, look at verse 13, Jesus says Go thy way; and as thou has BELIEVED, SO BE IT DONE UNTO THEE. Did we not say that faith is a Key of the Kingdom of God? This is a perfect example of faith in action and how it opened Heaven’s doors for the healing to come down to Earth.

Whose Authority are you under?

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.