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Household of Calhoun

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Strait Gate

The Good News (Gospel) According to Matthew
Today’s Focus: The Strait Gate
Scripture: Matthew 7:13-14

Greetings Kingdom Citizens
I know we have seen and read this scripture and many have remembered it and can quote it. But there is a very unique and clear message in what Jesus said in just these two verses. Let’s look at both the ways:

The Wide Gate
This is the road that many religious Christians and so called citizens are travelling. See, even with the people who are lost you will find saved people on this path. Why you ask? Because their minds have not been transformed so they still do the things of the world and try to justify it with some one-line scripture and completely misuse it. The question is:
What makes you different from everyone else on Earth?
Now many will rush to answer and say, I am Christian and a child of God. Now if that is so, why do you still act like the world? Why do you use curse words? Why do you dance in the clubs like the world (why go to a singles club being married? Just a thought), why do you listen to worldly music and glorify and condone the harmful messages they are sending to the world? See in order to answer that question the only thing that can answer for you is your life. God is tired of lip service because He knows your heart and where it is. So many are on this path and as you already read this path leads to destruction and many are on it. What it really comes down to, is whether you really want God. Harsh but true! Because if you really wanted God to be the head over your life, then your life should mimic the exact same thing.

The Strait Gate
It is very hard to enter this gate. Reason being is that you have to deny and turn aside the ways of the world that may have been normal to you and follow the ways of Christ. Now, is it a very strict lifestyle? Yes. Is it hard? At the beginning it is. But the fruits of obedience are so much greater! See few find this path because it takes a special person to find this gate because they have made a deep rooted decision to follow Christ and His commandment and nothing in their life will ever be the same. Once you have a encounter with the King, you are never the same. Sad but many people parading around like they know God, have not even heard him and they are at an old age. What a shame. But this all depends on you and your heart’s desire. If you want God and want what He has for you then you have to show Him in your actions you mean what you are saying. I can personally tell you that it is not easy when you start out, it is hard not to do the things of the world. But God is going to bless you and reward you for your choice. So this path leads to life and the wide gate leads to death and destruction. .

This is a very straight forward message. Jesus was clear! Follow me and know it will not always be easy but I (Jesus) am with you always.

Abba’s Ambassador,
Min. Calvin Calhoun, Jr.